900字范文 > 总费用 total cost英语短句 例句大全

总费用 total cost英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-18 18:46:01


总费用 total cost英语短句 例句大全

总费用,total cost

1)total cost总费用

1.Once the throughput, pipeline route and oil kinds are defined, the main factors, which influence thetotal cost of isothermal oil pipeline,are material,diameter and design pressure.指出在管输油品、线路走向及输量等已定时,影响等温输油管道总费用的主要因素有管材、管径及操作压力。

2.Atotal cost model of structural reliability optimization design is established which considers reliability and maintenance.基于现行的《公路水泥混凝土路面设计规范》(JTJ012—94),分析了公路水泥混凝土路面的各种费用,建立了一个考虑可靠性和维修性的公路水泥混凝土路面结构可靠性优化设计的总费用模型,并给出了该模型的数值计算方法,计算结果表明文中方法具有一定的实用性。

3.In this paper, a structuraltotal cost model is established which considers normal maintenance and failure damage in its service life.本文建立了一个考虑结构在使用阶段内因结构失效导致的经济损失和正常维护费用的总费用模型,讨论了基于此模型的结构最优设计。


1.Cost Budgeting- allocating the overall cost estimate to individual work items.费用预算-总费用分配到单个工作项目上。

2.3 Cost Budgeting-allocating the overall cost estimate to individual work items.费用预算-将总费用分配到单个工作项目上。

3.Study on Determinants of Growth of Total Health Expenditure and Medical Spending;卫生总费用及医疗费用增长影响因素研究

4.13.7 Total mud cost of the well is 530,780 yuan RMB.这口井的泥浆总费用为530,780元人民币。

5.production cost and freight生产费用和总运输费

6.ample to one hundred dollars费用总数为一百美元

7.The total cost will be 126 dollars .总的费用要126美元。

8.The total cost would is 125 dollars.总的费用是125美元。

9.summary of cost of manufacturing expenses applied己分配制造费用汇总表

10.The costs add up to 10 million dollars费用总计1000万美元。

e out at sthbamount to a particular cost or sum合计成本、费用或总数

12.The cost reached Billions.费用总计达到数十亿。

13.total price index of living cost生活费用价格总指数

14.The costs added up to 10 million dollars.费用总共达1000万元。

15.The total cost of repairs amounted to US$100.修理费用总计一百美元。

16.The total cost comes out at 500.总计费用为500英镑.

17.Moreover, the model of controlling the total cost expense is given and the concrete measures of enhancing the control over it are approached in this paper.提出总成本费用控制模型,探讨加强总成本费用控制的具体措施.

18.He always travels first class expense is no object.他出门总是用头等票--费用不成问题.


total expense总费用

1.Through researching thetotal expense of single or double insulating layer,the now available formulas used to calculate the economical thickness of single insulating layer were revised,and the calculating formulas of the economical thickness of double insulating layer were deduced.通过对单层和双层保温层总费用的研究,对现有的单层保温层经济厚度的公式进行了修正,导出了双层保温层经济厚度的计算公式,扩大了绝热材料的使用范围,附有计算实例说明其应用。

2.By analysis whole process of highway cement concrete pavement,this paper gives the definition of various kinds expense for highway cement concrete pavement,the model oftotal expense is set up,mathematical relation betweentotal expense and various kinds expense is studied.通过分析公路水泥混凝土路面的全过程 ,文中定义了公路水泥混凝土路面的各种费用 ,建立了公路水泥混凝土路面总费用模型 ,研究了混凝土路面总费用与各种费用的数学关系 。

3.And then whether the special windows should be deployed is analyzed in view of thetotal expense of bank.最后从银行窗口设置总费用的角度分析了特殊窗口设置的决策问题。

3)The whole fund总体费用

4)total cost rate总费用率

1.The result shows that thetotal cost rate of marine gas turbines has a minimum,The price of fuel and the number of operating hours per year of gas turbines have important influence ontotal cost rate of equipment.实例计算结果表明,舰用燃气轮机的总费用率存在一个最小值,且燃料的市场价格、动力装置的年运行时数对装置的总费用率影响较大。

5)sum cost总和费用

6)total present value总费用现值

1.Aiming at the minimumtotal present value of the cost for the life expectance of a products pipeline,a mathematical model for optimal design of a pipeline was established.泵站位置候选点对应图的顶点,两顶点间管道的总费用现值对应弧的权值。


