900字范文 > 贷款利息 loan interest英语短句 例句大全

贷款利息 loan interest英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-07 08:52:01


贷款利息 loan interest英语短句 例句大全

贷款利息,loan interest

1)loan interest贷款利息


1.home loan interest deductio居所贷款利息的扣除额

2.I can"t handle a high carrying cost.那我们可应付不了大笔的贷款利息。

3.interest on syndicated Eurocurrency credits欧洲货币辛迪加贷款利息

4.Higher yields raise the cost for individuals and businesses to borrow money at interest rates that are tied to the ten-year note.高利润使得个人或企业在贷款时,由于贷款利息收到十年国库券的影响,贷款成本也在上升。

5.Does the loan carry any interest ?这笔贷款是否带利息?

6.The loan carries 3% interest.这项贷款负担3.5%的利息。

7.Loan sales, loss of interest owing on the loan?贷款买房,提前还贷损失利息吗?

8.A principal plus its interest, as in a loan.本利之和贷款的本金加利息

9.To lend money on(a commercial paper not immediately payable)after deducting the interest.减息贷款在扣除利息后(以商业支票无需立即付钱的形式)贷款

10.A charge for a loan, usually a percentage of the amount loaned.利息使用贷款的费用,通常以贷款数量的百分比计息

11.They will only lend out money at a high rate of interest.他们要按高利息才贷出款子。

12.A sum of money lent at interest.贷款附利息借出的一笔钱

13.the original amount of a debt on which interest is calculated.增加利息的最初借贷款额。

14.Returns the Straight-loan Payment Interest计算普通(无担保)贷款的偿还利息

15.According to the provisions of the agreement the interest on the loan must be paid monthly.按照协议的条件,贷款的利息要每月付。

16.Interest on this loan is charged at 5 per cent.这笔贷款要支付5%的利息。

17.Borrowing"s disadvantage results from the fact that the company must repay the loan and its interest.借款的缺点是企业必须偿还贷款和利息。

18.The Borrower shall repay the Loan, interest on the Loan and all other charges or liabilities in relation to the Loan, by such number of monthly instalments as agreed to by the Lender.借款人将以贷款人所同意之分期期数按月摊还该贷款及有关贷款之利息,以及其他费用。


mortgage rate抵押贷款利息率

3)tax-spared loan利息免税的贷款

4)fixed interest loan stock固定利息贷款债券;定息贷款债券

5)To lend money after deduction of interest.贴现;减息贷款在扣除利息后贷款

6)home loan interest deduction居所贷款利息的扣除额


贷款利息核算贷款利息核算【贷款利息核算】银行对发放的贷款所形成的利息进行计算、记账收回的业务过程。贷款利息的计算是根据中央银行规定的利率政策、贷款的期限、性质以及相应的利率档次来确定其利息额。贷款利息的计算公式为: 贷款利息=贷款本金x贷款利率x贷款期限实际操作中确定贷款利息额是采取余额表按月(一般每月20日)、按季(季末月20日)计算贷款利息,或利随本清,即每季的结息日结计应收利息,待贷款本金收回时一并结计利息。贷款利息的记账就是将贷款利息记人有关科目的账务处理过程,银行按余额表按季、月计算利息,‘下一个工作日列账,由银行在存款户内主动扣收。这一过程,也是贷款回收的过程。
