900字范文 > 一年期贷款基准利率 ONE-YEAR LOAN INTEREST RATE英语短句 例句大全

一年期贷款基准利率 ONE-YEAR LOAN INTEREST RATE英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-08 05:17:10


一年期贷款基准利率 ONE-YEAR LOAN INTEREST RATE英语短句 例句大全




1.After the hikes, the benchmark one-year deposit rate is 3.6 percent while one-year lending rate is 7.02 percent.一年期存款基准利率和一年期贷款基准利率分别上调至3.6%和7.02%。

2.The PBoC raised its 1-year benchmark lending rates by 18 bps to 7.47%.央行提高了一年期贷款基准利率18个基本点到达了7.47%。

3.The central bank is expected to increase the interest rate of mortgage loans to 1.1 times the benchmark one-year lending rate this week, sources said.据消息人士称,央行拟于本周将房贷利率提高至一年期贷款基准利率的1.1倍。

4.Loan tenure within a year of, this contract interest rate doesn"t adjust.(1)贷款期限在一年内(一年),本合同利率不调整。

5.Returns the number of periods for an investment based on periodic, constant payments and a constant interest rate基于固定利率和等额分期付款方式,返回一项投资或贷款的期数

6.Returns the number of periods for an investment基于固定利率和等额分期付款方式,返回一项投资或贷款的期数.

7.The current rate on a 20-year housing loan is 10. 25%.目前期的房屋贷款利率为10. 25%。

8.to discuss terms, period, rates, documentation and so on.讨论贷款的条件、期限、利率和文件准备等,

9.China will raise one-year deposit and loan interest rates by0.27 and0.18 percentage points as of May19.今日起中国一年期存贷款利率将分别提高0.27和0.18个百分点。

10.Monthly principal and interest payment based on your original mortgage amount, term and interest rate.根据贷款总额﹐年期与利率计算出的每月本金和利息付款。

11.It stood at 5.1 per cent at the end of 2001, around 38 basis points below the US prime rate.二零零一年年底,最优惠贷款利率为5.1厘,比美国最优惠利率低38基点。

12.The maximum maturity of housing loans was extended from 15 years to 20, and a six-month preferential rate is applied.把居民住房贷款年限从延长到,执行半年期贷款的优惠利率。

13.These teaser loans were done on a “two and 28” basis (with low rates applying for the first two years, and higher rates for the next 28).这些麻烦的贷款是在“228”的基础上出贷的,也就是出贷后头两年低利率,之后28年高利率。

14.Also known as adjustment interval. The period of time (i.e. week, month, year) between changes in the interest rate charged on a adjustable-rate mortgage.可便利率房屋贷款利息改变之间的时期,可能数周、数月,甚至数年。

15.The current five-year lending rate has reached 7.83 percent after the central bank raised the interest rate for the fifth time this year on September 13.9月13日央行年内第五次加息后,目前的五年期贷款利率已达到7.83%。

16.It"s our basic lending rate which at the moment is eleven per cent.这是我们的基本贷款利率,现在是百分之十一。

17.Since late April, China"s central bank has twice raised benchmark lending rates and bank reserve requirements.自4月底以来,中国央行已两度上调基准贷款利率和银行存款准备金比率。

18.Low short-term interest rates earlier this decade led to a bonanza in adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs).在这十年中的早期时段,低短期利率给可调利率抵押贷款带来了丰厚的利润。


Deposit and lending benchmark rate存贷款基准利率

3)benchmark interest rate of loans贷款基准利率

4)one-year interest rate一年期存款利率

5)call rate活期贷款利率

6)grassroots loan rate基层贷款利率

1.Investigation on continuous rising ofgrassroots loan rate;基层贷款利率持续上浮的调查


