900字范文 > 住房贷款利率 loan interest rate of the house英语短句 例句大全

住房贷款利率 loan interest rate of the house英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-04 23:24:24


住房贷款利率 loan interest rate of the house英语短句 例句大全

住房贷款利率,loan interest rate of the house

1)loan interest rate of the house住房贷款利率


1.On the Reasonable Residential Mortgage Loan Interest Rate in China;我国个人住房贷款利率合理水平探讨

2.Study on the Interest Rate Risks and Credit Risks of Commercial Banks in Housing Collateral Loan;商业银行住房抵押贷款的利率和信用风险研究

3.Default Characteristics of Fixed Rate Mortgage and Mortgage Pricing;固定利率住房抵押贷款违约行为及其定价研究

4.Impact of Interest Rate Change on Risk of Default in Mortgage Loan;浅析利率调整对住房抵押贷款违约风险的影响


6.Research on Interest Rate Risk of Home Mortgage in China当前我国个人住房抵押贷款利率风险分析

7.Research on Fixed Rate Model of Housing Public Accumulation Funds Loan in China我国住房公积金贷款的固定利率模式研究

8.A Study on the Rate Risk and Pricing System of Fixed Rate Mortgage;固定利率住房抵押贷款利率风险与定价机制研究

9.Analysis on the Mortgage-Backed Securities and the Interest Rate Risk;住房抵押贷款证券化的提前偿付风险与利率风险分析

10.Probe into the Relationship between Credit Risk and Interest Rate Risk of House Mortgage-backed Securitization;住房抵押贷款证券化的信用风险与利率风险的关系探析

11.The maximum maturity of housing loans was extended from 15 years to 20, and a six-month preferential rate is applied.把居民住房贷款年限从延长到,执行半年期贷款的优惠利率。

12.Hence, the low housing loan rates, for example.例如说,把房屋贷款利率调低。

13.The current rate on a 20-year housing loan is 10. 25%.目前期的房屋贷款利率为10. 25%。

14.Research on the Prepayment-default Transition Probability of the Residential Mortgage Loans个人住房抵押贷款违约风险跃迁概率研究

15.HLBB (Home Loan Bank Board)住房贷款银行委员会

16.home equity loan住房抵押后余值贷款

17.expand housing loans, student loans and major commodity loans扩大住房贷款,助学贷款和大件消费品贷款

18.Establishing and Analysing the Model of the Factors Affecting the Profits of Private House Mortgage Loans;个人住房抵押贷款利润影响因素的建模与分析


Fixed Rate Mortgage(FRM)固定利率住房抵押贷款

3)housing loans住房贷款

1.The inactivity of commercial banks and individual housing purchasers, the irregular management of the housing developers, and the lagging-behind of the relevant government laws and regulations have been the crucial points for carrying out the programs of personalhousing loans.我国开展个人住房贷款的主要难点在于商业银行、购房者个人参与的积极性不高 ,开发商经营的不规范及政府相关法规制度不配套 ,执行不力等。

2.This article examines the relationship betweenhousing loans and housing prices.本文围绕住房贷款与住房价格的关系展开研究,将住房贷款与住房价格视为内生变量,将购买住房成本、二手住房价格、住房供求缺口、收入住房价格比视为外生变量,采用深圳市1月至5月的月度数据估计了包括2个内生变量、4个外生变量的VECM模型。

4)housing loan住房贷款

1.The Analysis about Credit Risks of the Commercial Bank Personal Housing Loan;商业银行个人住房贷款信用风险分析

2.Analysis of Housing Loans of Commercial Banks to Guard against the Risk商业银行住房贷款风险防范分析

3.This paper analyzes the credit risk ofhousing loan, expounds the present situation of credit risk of Chinese individualhousing loan, and advances some countermeasures for perfecting the credit system of Chinese individualhousing loan.分析了住房贷款中的信用风险,阐述了我国个人住房贷款信用风险的现状,提出了完善我国个人住房贷款信用体系的对策。

5)loan interest贷款利率

1.Probe into Option Method for Determining Loan Interests for Commercial Banks;确定商业银行贷款利率的期权方法探讨

6)loan rate贷款利率

1.This paper studies theloan rate floating during January 1998 to September of Rural Credit Co- operatives(RCCs)in Yangzhou City,Jiangsu province.本文通过对扬州市农村信用社1998年1月1日至9月30日期间,贷款利率浮动政策的执行情况进行分析,提出了农村信用社作为农村信贷资金供应的主渠道及其“社区”性质,决定了其推进利率市场化改革,与其他银行业机构有本质上的区别,不能将追求利润最大化作为惟一的选择,应建立社区金融机构利率结构与市场化利率结构并行的利率结构,对不同的贷款对象实行不同的利率浮动幅度。

2.Based on an autoregressive moving-average model(ARMA),a study is made of factors affecting our interbank offer rate(IBOR)such as one-year maturity RMB bank-loan rate,one-year maturity RMB deposit rate,three-year maturity certificate T-bonds,legal reserve annual rate,buyback rate,consumer price index,composite.对商业银行来说,同业拆放利率是商业银行决定贷款利率与存款利率的重要标准。

3.The different credit policies of state - owned commercial banks, city commercial banks and rural credit cooperatives under the floatingloan rate policy adopted in are interesting.的贷款利率浮动政策对国有银行、城市商业银行和农村信用社在信贷市场上的行为塑造作用是值得研究的。


