900字范文 > 教会学前教育 missionary preschool education英语短句 例句大全

教会学前教育 missionary preschool education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-16 01:27:36


教会学前教育 missionary preschool education英语短句 例句大全

教会学前教育,missionary preschool education

1)missionary preschool education教会学前教育


1.The Missionary Preschool Education and the Modernization of China"s Prechool Education教会学前教育与中国学前教育近代化

2.society for pre-school education学(龄)前(儿童)教育协会

3.Ad Hoc Sub-committee on Pre-primary Education [Board of Education]学前教育临时工作小组〔教育委员会〕

4.The Swedish Educational Reforms in the Context of Learning Society:in the Perspective of Early Childhood Education and Higher Education;学习化社会背景下的瑞典教育改革——以学前教育和高等教育为蓝本

5.The Construction of Pre-school Education Curriculum in Tropism of "Learning to Live Together";“学会共处”取向的学前教育课程建构

6.Sense of Social Responsibility of Students Major in Pre-school Education;学前教育专业学生社会责任感的培养

7.Majors: Pre-School and Kindergarten Education, Primary Education and Special Education.科目:学前教育和幼儿教育,小学教育和特殊教育。

8.Hong Kong Pre-Education Advancement Association Ltd.香港发展学前教育协会有限公司

9.Alliance for the Improvement of Pre-primary Policies关注香港学前教育政策联委会

10.A brief description to the combination of circumstance. family and society;学前教育中环境、家庭、社会的整合

11.Situation and Task of the High-Level Education;当前高等教育的形势和教学指导委员会的工作

12.American Society for Engineering Educatio美国工程教育学会(工程教育学会)

13.Research on Video Case Teaching in Pre-service Teacher Education;职前教师教育中视频案例教学的研究

14.On the Video Case Instruction for Pre-post Teachers职前教师教育中的视频案例教学分析

15.The Journal of Basic Education aims to promote and improve the study of basic education in Hong Kong and other Chinese communities.基础教育学报》旨在探讨、进与改善本港及华人社会基础教育的情况,包括学前至初中阶段的教育。

16.College or University Major: Education [Pre-school Education, English Education, Primary Education, General, Education and Special Education].学院或大学专业:教育专业(包括学前教育、英语教育、小学教育、普通教育、特殊教育)。

17.Literature and Basic Education;当前文学教育对基础教育观念的影响

18.The Valtle of Preschool Educa- tion under the Idea of Education for Life;终身教育理念下学前教育的价值思考


preschool education学前教育

1.An Analysis of Research Condition Concerning Foreign Theory of Preschool Education in China from 1996 to ——based on the analysis of master and doctors theses ofpreschool education in three normal universities;1996~我国学前教育领域关于“国外理论”选题的研究状况与分析——基于三所高校硕士、博士学位论文的研究

2.An Analysis of Research Condition Concerning Curriculum of Preschool Education in China from 1996~——based on the analysis of masters and doctors theses ofpreschool education in three normal universities;1996~我国学前教育领域关于“课程”选题的研究状况及分析——基于三所高校硕士、博士学位论文的研究

3.An Analysis of Research Condition Concerning Play of Preschool Education in China from 1996 to ——based on the analysis of masters and doctors theses ofpreschool education in three normal universities;1996~我国学前教育领域关于“游戏”选题的研究状况与分析——基于三所高校硕士、博士学位论文的研究

3)pre-school education学前教育

1.On the Japanese Pre-school Education and Their Enlightenment;日本的学前教育及其对我国的启示

2.On the spot study method and its value inpre-school education study——See from education ecology;论现场研究方法及其在学前教育研究领域中的价值——从教育生态学的角度审视

3.The course of creating child music and dance is a basic professional subject forpre-school education majors,and its main task is to lay theoretical and professional foundation for them,for whom music and dance creation ability is necessary.幼儿音乐舞蹈创编课是学前教育专业开设的一门专业必修课程,其主要任务是为培养具备舞蹈教学和创编能力的幼儿教师奠定坚实的理论基础和专业基础。

4)early childhood education学前教育

1.Manyearly childhood education reform policies have been issued to face up to difficulties and crisis of education, especiallyearly childhood education and social development during Blair period in the United Kingdom from 1997 to .1997年~英国首相布莱尔执政期间,英国先后出台了多项学前教育改革政策,应对其学前教育发展、教育改革乃至社会发展的困境与危机。

2.Sufficient financial investment is an essential foundation to the development ofearly childhood education.充足的投入是一国学前教育事业发展的基本保障,而通过立法加以明确和规定则是保障学前教育投入的行之有效的做法。

3.Clarifying and strengthening governmental functions by legislation is vital to the development ofearly childhood education.明确政府职责并予以立法保障对学前教育的发展至关重要。

5)educational congress/association教育学会

6)early childhood education学前教育学

1.On the Praxis Attribute of Early Childhood Education;理论困境与学前教育学的实践转向


