900字范文 > 美国教会学校 American Missionary school英语短句 例句大全

美国教会学校 American Missionary school英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-26 15:13:13


美国教会学校 American Missionary school英语短句 例句大全

美国教会学校,American Missionary school

1)American Missionary school美国教会学校

2)educational characteristics in the USA美国学校教育

3)missionary Schools of China中国教会学校


1.A New Understanding of Neoteric Chinese Church-sponsored Schools;近代中国教会学校评价问题的再认识

2.Discussing about the Development of Neoteric Christian Schools in China中国近代基督教教会学校的生成探讨

3.Influence of Western Missionary School Upon Physical Education of China in Modern Times;西方教会学校对中国近代学校体育的影响

4.The Chinese College at Naples,Italy and Chinese Modern Mission Schools意大利那不勒斯中国学院与中国近代教会学校

5.Application of Interactive Approach in the Teaching of Accounting in Universities;会计“互动式”教学在我国高校中的运用

6.On the Church Elementary and Secondary Schools in Wuhan during the Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republic Period清末民国时期武汉教会中小学校探析

7.International Conference on Drug Education for Schools学校药物教育国际会议

8.The Active Function of Missionary Schools on China s Modern Education;略谈教会学校对中国近现代教育的影响

9.The Start of Missionary Schools and the Reform of Education in Modern China;教会学校的兴起与近代中国的教育改革

10.Central Management Committee for Diocesan Schools天主教教区学校中央校董会

11.A Study on the Campus and Architecture Legacy of the Baptist Universities in the 1890s-1930s China;中国近代教会大学校园及建筑遗产研究

12.Conception of School Social Work and Development of Chinese Community Education;学校社会工作理念与21世纪中国社区教育发展

13.On Chinese Characteristic Socialism Theory System and political theory courses teaching in colleges and universities中国特色社会主义理论体系与高校思政课教学

14.Sociological analysis of school gymnastics teaching in China;我国学校体操教学现状的社会学分析

15.Peking University is one of the universities directly under the State Education Commission of the People"s Republic of China.北京大学是中华人民共和国国家教育委员会直属的高等学校之一。

16.Association of Heads of CCC Primary Schools中华基督教会香港区会小学校长会

17.On the Quality Education in the Teaching of “ Accounting” in University;论高校《会计学》教学中的素质教育

18.A Review of the First Symposium on the Education of Non-Material Culture Heritages in Chinese Higher Educational Institutions;中国高等院校首届非物质文化遗产教育教学研讨会综述


educational characteristics in the USA美国学校教育

3)missionary Schools of China中国教会学校

4)American Christian universities美国教会大学

1.Exploring the significance ofAmerican Christian universities in modern Sino-American education exchanges近代美国教会大学在中美教育交流中的意义探微

5)NSPI National Society for Programmed Instruction全国程序教学学会(美国)

6)American schools美国学校

1.Heterogeneous Cultural Education in American Schools;美国学校的多元文化教育

2.This paper discusses the recreational sports program inAmerican schools,including its task and value,organization,forms of activity and the main characteristics etc.从美国学校休闲体育计划的目标与价值、管理机构、活动方式以及特点等方面作了介绍,以期对我国学校休闲体育计划的发展有所启示。


