900字范文 > 教会医疗事业 Missionary Medical Enterprise英语短句 例句大全

教会医疗事业 Missionary Medical Enterprise英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-28 10:39:36


教会医疗事业 Missionary Medical Enterprise英语短句 例句大全

教会医疗事业,Missionary Medical Enterprise

1)Missionary Medical Enterprise教会医疗事业

1.A Study of theMissionary Medical Enterprise in Modern Anqing;近代安庆的教会医疗事业


1.Aualysis of the Cauzes of the emergence and development of medical missionary enterprise in modern China;教会医疗事业在近代中国产生、发展的原因探析

2.Later Qing Government s Attitudeand Policy Toward Church s Medical Enterprise;晚清政府对待教会医疗事业的态度和政策

3.The Beiyang Government ’s Attitude and Policy towards the Medical Missionary Enterprise北洋政府对待教会医疗事业的态度和政策

4.A Survey of Christian Medical Services in Modern Sichuan;从《华西教会新闻》看近代四川基督教医疗事业

5.Medical Missionary Enterprise and Modern Chinese Society;基督教在华医疗事业与近代中国社会(1835—1937)

6.Rapid progress has been made in education, science and technology, and medical and health care.教育、科技和医疗卫生事业迅速发展。

7.The Summary of the Research of Christian Medical Enterprise in China;20世纪基督教在华医疗事业研究综述

8.Improving Social Surveillance Mechanism to Promote the Development of Medical Insurance完善医疗保险社会监督机制促进医疗保险事业健康发展

mentary on the effects of American Missionary Peter Parker s Medical Enterprise in China;美国传教士伯驾在华医疗事业影响述论

10.Medical and health care has grown vigorously.医疗卫生事业蓬勃发展。

11.Thinking about the Medical Industry of Christianity in China of later Qing Dynasty--Discussing the difference of the medical undertaking between Christianity in China and China native country;对清后期在华基督教医疗事业的几点思考——兼论其与中国本土医疗事业的比较

12.China Association of Medical Devices Industry(CAMDI)中国医疗器械行业协会

13.Well Understood The Relationship of Medical Staff and Patients for Promoting The Development of Health Care正确认识医患关系 促进医疗事业发展

14.The group"s Chairman of Directors Shi Jianping is also a deputy chairman of the Health-Care Products Branch of China Medical Equipment industry Association, and a deputy director of the Experts Committee of the association.董事长施建平兼任中国医疗器械行业协会保健品分会副理事长和行业专家委员会副主任委员。

15.public, parish, medical, etc records公共事务、 教区事务、 医疗等记录

16.Occupational Deafness Medical Committee职业性失聪医事委员会

17.Public Institutions Reform:Iideation, Institution and Organization;事业单位改革:理念、制度与组织——以教育、医疗改革为例

18.Human existence, social development and progress of civilization need medical enterprises.也就是说,人类生存,社会发展,文明进步,都离不开医疗事业。


Medical Enterprise医疗事业

mentary on the effects of American Missionary Peter Parker sMedical Enterprise in China;美国传教士伯驾在华医疗事业影响述论

2.The research of Christian medical enterprise in china began from the later part of 19th century,the researchers were mainly missionaries,they wrote the stories of medical enterprise for the propaganda of Christianity.19世纪中后期,基督教在华医疗事业的研究就已开始,但是研究主要局限在传教界,研究的目的也是为了传教的需要,学术性不强。

3)medical facilities belonging to the SOEs or PSUs企事业医疗机构

4)medical charity慈善医疗事业

5)medical care causes医疗保健事业

6)medical and public health services医疗卫生事业

1.Thought onmedical and public health services’regulation and control law;医疗卫生事业发展调控法律问题的思考


