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教师制度 Teachers System英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-14 07:37:19


教师制度 Teachers System英语短句 例句大全

教师制度,Teachers System

1)Teachers System教师制度


1.Institution Analysis of China’s Urban and Rural Teachers’Difference and Changes of Teacher Institution;我国城乡教师差异的制度分析与教师制度的变革

2.The Change of Teacher Training System:from Normal Education to Teacher Education;教师培养制度的变革:从师范教育到教师教育

3.Transition Between Teachers Qualification System and Teachers Education System;教师资格制度与教师教育制度衔接问题的研究

4.A Study of the Relation between Teacher Qualification System andTeacher Educational System;教师资格制度与教师教育制度关系研究

5.Reflections on the System: Study of the Evaluation System of Teacher Performance;制度反思:高校教师业绩评估制度研究

6.Reconstruction of the Teacher Education system in thePost-era of the Shifan;论我国后师范教育时代的教师教育制度重建

7.The present pay scale for teachers, especially those in primary and secondary schools, should be reviewed.要研究教师首先是中小学教师的工资制度。

8.A Characteristic Study on Implementing Teacher Evaluation Policy in Macao;澳门实施教师评鉴制度之教师倾向性研究

9.Exploration on the Sub-institutional Environment of Teacher Education in Normal Universities in China;我国师范大学教师教育“亚制度环境”的探讨

10.The Special Field on a Teacher s Development and the Teacher s Reforms on Evaluation System;论教师专业发展与教师评价制度的改革

11.The achievements of our educational system shall be attributed to the teachers.我们教育制度的成绩是教师们的功劳。

12.Optimize faculty evaluation system and perfect school teaching administration;优化教师评价制度 完善高校教学管理

13.A Use for Reference on British Elementary Educational Teachers Evaluation System Reform;英国基础教育教师评价制度改革评鉴

14.The changing process and the system construction of the course of teacher education;教师教育课程的变革历程与制度建设

15.A Reflection on the Establishment of the Teacher Education Accreditation System in China;对我国建立教师教育认可制度的思考

16.Reform the System of Teacher Education in Henan ProvinceBasing on the Teachers Demand;关于河南省教师教育制度改革的思考

17.To Build "Take the Teacher As the Basic" University Teaching Supervisor System建构“以教师为本”的高校教学督导制度

18.A Commentary on Mandatory Qualification System for Special Education Teacher in the UK英国特殊教育教师资格准入制度述评


teachers education system教师教育制度

1.At present,the implement of teachers qualification system has adverse effect onteachers education system,based on this,the question of the transition between teachers qualification system andteachers education system should be solved.教师资格制度和教师教育制度作为国家促进教师队伍建设的两种教育制度具有内在一致性。

3)Faculty Pay教师薪酬制度

1.InnovativeFaculty Pay Scheme In Universities Focusing On Research;研究型大学教师薪酬制度再设计研究

4)teacher qualification system教师资格制度

1.The essay reviews the establishment ofteacher qualification system in China,and sums up its characteristics including its authorization,double-track system,lifelong liability and grading possession principle.教师资格制度是国家对教师实行的职业许可制度,我国现行的教师资格制度具有权威性、双轨制、终身制和属地分级原则等特点,同时也存在学历要求偏低、向下兼容不合理、缺乏等级性和时效性、认证标准模糊等问题,应从提高学历标准、规范向下兼容机制、细化教师资格类型、定期认证、完善考试制度和成立专业团体并参与认证等方面完善教师资格制度。

2.The purpose of establishing ateacher qualification system is to improve teachers capacity for education and teaching.建立教师资格制度的初衷是提高教师的教育教学水平,然而如果这一制度过于统一、刚性、琐碎,实施时过于机械化、技术化,则有可能妨碍教师的选拔和专业发展。

3.There are great differences between the two countriesteacher qualification system in history,standards,profession, pre-cultivating contents and the division of ranks.教师资格制度是国家对教师实行的职业资格认定制度,从中日教师资格制度来看,无论是教师资格制度的建立时间,还是对教师的任职要求、职前教育内容、证书的划分,两国均有很大的差别。

5)the Educational Personnel Certification Law教师许可证制度

6)contemporary teaching staff现代教师制度


