900字范文 > 营卫不和 disharmony between nutrient qi and defensive qi英语短句 例句大全

营卫不和 disharmony between nutrient qi and defensive qi英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-28 22:56:46


营卫不和 disharmony between nutrient qi and defensive qi英语短句 例句大全

营卫不和,disharmony between nutrient qi and defensive qi

1)disharmony between nutrient qi and defensive qi营卫不和

1.Objective:Elucidating the innovative theory for Henoch-Schonlein purpura happening that is disharmony between nutrient Qi and defensive Qi that leads defensive Qi fails to protect the body against Evil and nutrient Qi fails to be kept internally, through researching the system of nutrient Qi and defensive Qi,.目的:通过研究营卫体系的理论实质,阐明营卫不和,而卫气不固,营血泄漏于脉外,发生紫癜的新理论。


1.Clinical Study on the Relation between Insomnia of Nutritive Qi and Defensive Qi Disharmony Syndrome and Temperature Changes in Sleep-wake Cycle;营卫不和型失眠与睡眠—醒觉周期体温变化关系的临床研究

2.The Theory and Experiment Study about the Influence by Harmorizing NutrientQi and DefenxiveQi to the Deficiency of DefensiveQi of Rats调和营卫对卫气虚大鼠影响的理论和实验研究

3.The officer in charge secured the camp against attack.负责的军官加强保卫,使军营不受袭击。

4.Fever in AIDS Should be Treated by Harmonizing Ying-qi and Wei-qi艾滋病发热的治疗应以调和营卫为主

5.Three very important quality factors that may not always be apparent by sensory observation are nutritional quality, sanitary quality, and keeping quality.三种非常重要却并不总能被感官觉察的食品质量要素是营养质量、卫生质量和耐藏性能。

6.Ruth is taking David and Sheila to their new jobs in the Advertising Section and the Marketing Department.露丝正带着大卫和希拉去广告部和营销处上班。

7.Food producers or marketers may not forge, alter or lend the hygiene licence.食品生产经营者不得伪造、涂改、出借卫生许可证。

8.Effects of Processes on Nutrient and Sanitary of Carp Feed;加工工艺对鲤鱼饲料营养和卫生的影响

9.Theoretical and Experimental Study on the Treatment of Epilepsy Using the Methods of Regulating Pivot and Mediating Ying (Nutrient) and Wei (Defensive);调枢机和营卫法治疗癫痫的理论与实验研究

10.The Research of the Theory on Treatment of Xu Lao Disease Through Reconciling the Business of YingWei by ZhangZhongJing张仲景从调和营卫论治虚劳之理论探讨

11.It must have business premises, equipment, storage facilities and a hygienic environment appropriate to the drugs handled.(二)有与所经营药品相适应的营业场所、备、储设施和卫生环境。

12.22 of them did not know about the knowledge of disinfections or gave the wrong answer,accounting for 20.95%.对其进行消毒卫生和个人卫生知识提问,20.95%不能回答或回答不正确;

13.Area( s) around tanks is very cluttered and/ or in-sanitary.储罐周围区域非常的混乱和/不卫生。

14.David won"t go to the movies with Helen next week.大卫下星期不和海伦一起去看电影。

15.and in all his undertakings David did wisely; and the Lord was with him.大卫作事无不精明,耶和华也与他同在。

16.The distribution and structure of health resources are not reasonable.卫生资源配置和结构不合理。

17.Brief Study on the Inharmonious Supply-demand Distribution of China s Medical and Health Resource;我国卫生资源供需配置不和谐之初探

18.Clinical Observation and Theory Discussion of "Zhu Wei Chu Ying" Improving "Zhou Bu Jing" Treatment Insomina;“助卫出营”法改善 “昼不精”治疗失眠证的临床观察与理论探讨


regulating ying and wei调和营卫

3)Disharmony between nutritive Qi and defensive Qi营卫失和

4)disharming between ying and wei营卫不调

5)Yang-qi blocks、 Nutrient qi and defensive qi discordance、Mind malajustment阳郁不达、营卫不和、神机失调

6)Method of harmonizing nutrient and defense调和营卫法


营卫1.军营护卫。 2.指营门卫士。 3.护卫。 4.指军营。 5.中医指血气之作用。
