900字范文 > 正邪相争 struggle between vital qi and pathogen英语短句 例句大全

正邪相争 struggle between vital qi and pathogen英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-19 17:43:53


正邪相争 struggle between vital qi and pathogen英语短句 例句大全

正邪相争,struggle between vital qi and pathogen

1)struggle between vital qi and pathogen正邪相争

2)theory of struggling between healthy qi and pathogenic factors正邪相争理论

1.Based on new explanation of nonlinear dynamic model,which is about in teraction of immunocompetence cell or molecule to extra antigen,to TCMtheory of struggling between healthy qi and pathogenic factors and principle of treatment for strengthening healthy qi to eliminate pathogens,a new idea is put forward t o.文中基于免疫系统有关免疫活性细胞或分子与外来抗原相互作用的非线性的动力学模型对中医学正邪相争理论及其扶正祛邪治则进行了新的诠释,提出了新的研究思路。

3)positive and evil邪正

4)vital energy and evil qi正邪


1.Black Matrix Zero正邪幻想曲Zero

2.Therefore, vicissitudes of vital qi and pathogens are considered to be one of the pathogenesises.因此,正邪的盛衰被认为是病机之一。

3.Strengthening vital qi and eliminating pathogens supplement each other: the former helps the elimination of pathogenic factors and the latter helps strengthening vital qi.扶正与驱邪相互补充:扶正有助于驱邪,而驱邪有助于扶正。

4.One is to keep their tails tucked between their legs and mend their ways.一条,夹紧尾巴,改邪归正。

5.It is better to fight for good than to rail at the ill.伸张正义,胜于嘲骂邪恶。

6.Eliminating pathogens means getting rid of pathogenic factors to facilitate and recover the strength of vial qi.驱邪意味着驱除病邪以恢复正气的强盛。

7.He thought she was just the one to keep him steady.他想她正是那个能使他改邪归正的人。

8.the evil magician was thinking about Aladdin.邪恶的魔术师正想着阿拉

9.The occurrence of a disease is related to both pathogenic factors and vital qi.疾病的发生和邪气及正气都相关。

10."foolish and absurd"... and declared it "formally heretical."并正式宣布该理论为“异教邪说”。

11.A warning from the judge should help to straighten him out.法官的警告定能使他改邪归正。

12.His first object with her, he acknowledged, had been to persuade her to quit her present disgraceful situation.据他说,他第一件事就劝她改邪归正。

13.Wickedness will draw down punishment from a righteous God.邪恶会招致正义之神的惩罚。

14.A heterodox opinion or doctrine.邪说非正统的观点或教义

15.It is better to fight for good than to rail at the ill. --Alfred Tennyson伸张正义,胜于嘲骂邪恶。——丁尼生

16.It is better to fight for good than to rail at the ill. --Da Vinci伸张正义,用于嘲骂邪恶。——丁尼生

17.Henrietta reclaimed him from a life of vice.亨里埃塔使他改正了邪恶。

18."Cults" here is a concept that is contrary to "orthodoxy".所谓邪教,是与“正教”相对应的一个概念。


theory of struggling between healthy qi and pathogenic factors正邪相争理论

1.Based on new explanation of nonlinear dynamic model,which is about in teraction of immunocompetence cell or molecule to extra antigen,to TCMtheory of struggling between healthy qi and pathogenic factors and principle of treatment for strengthening healthy qi to eliminate pathogens,a new idea is put forward t o.文中基于免疫系统有关免疫活性细胞或分子与外来抗原相互作用的非线性的动力学模型对中医学正邪相争理论及其扶正祛邪治则进行了新的诠释,提出了新的研究思路。

3)positive and evil邪正

4)vital energy and evil qi正邪

5)vital energy increasing with evils decreasing正胜邪退

1.Objective: To study the mechanism ofvital energy increasing with evils decreasing in TCM in exogenous diseases, expect to discover some rules of the relationship between the vital energy against evils, both vital energy increasing and evils decreasing, and the balance of microbial population and immunity.目的:探讨外感疾病中关于中医学“正胜邪退”的机制,以期发现病人由急性期向痊愈期转变时人体“邪正发病”、"正胜邪退"与微生态及免疫平衡相关性的某些规律。

6)eliminating pathogens to support healthy qi祛邪扶正


