900字范文 > 调和营卫法 Method of harmonizing nutrient and defense英语短句 例句大全

调和营卫法 Method of harmonizing nutrient and defense英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-31 02:29:24


调和营卫法 Method of harmonizing nutrient and defense英语短句 例句大全

调和营卫法,Method of harmonizing nutrient and defense

1)Method of harmonizing nutrient and defense调和营卫法


1.The Theoretical Discussion and Clinical Study of Harmonizing Nutrient Qi and Definsive Qi to Treat Henoch-Schonlein Purpura Convalescence以调和营卫法论治过敏性紫癜恢复期的理论探析与临床观察

2.Theoretical and Experimental Study on the Treatment of Epilepsy Using the Methods of Regulating Pivot and Mediating Ying (Nutrient) and Wei (Defensive);调枢机和营卫法治疗癫痫的理论与实验研究

3.The Theory and Experiment Study about the Influence by Harmorizing NutrientQi and DefenxiveQi to the Deficiency of DefensiveQi of Rats调和营卫对卫气虚大鼠影响的理论和实验研究

4.Fever in AIDS Should be Treated by Harmonizing Ying-qi and Wei-qi艾滋病发热的治疗应以调和营卫为主

5.The Research of the Theory on Treatment of Xu Lao Disease Through Reconciling the Business of YingWei by ZhangZhongJing张仲景从调和营卫论治虚劳之理论探讨

6.Investigation of Application Analysis and Probing into the Methods of Thinking on Differentiation of Syndromes of Wei, Qi,Ying and Xue Systems and the Three Visceral Cavities;卫气营血与三焦辨证方法应用现状调查及辨证思维方法初探

7.The Relevant Research between Regulating Ying and Wei to Restore the Normal Sleep Rhythm and Influencing in the Sleeping Factors;调和营卫恢复“昼精—夜瞑”与干预睡眠因子的相关性研究

8.Investigation on Occupational Health in One Private Enterprise with Irregular Environment Contamination of Benzene某民营企业苯污染的职业卫生学调查

9.The Coordinational Protection of the Right to Grassland Contractual Management and Grassland Environment by Law;草原承包经营权和草原环境权的法律协调保护

10.Topex/Poseidon Satellite Altimetry Correcting and Harmonic Analysis Method about Continuous Function卫星高度计资料校正及基于连续函数的调和分析方法研究

11.Analysis on occupational hygienic surveillance and service in Guangxi from 1998 to 广西1998—职业卫生执法监督和技术服务工作调查分析

12.Methods The investigation,collection and analysis of detected sample were conducted according to 《Sanitary Standard for Drink Water》(2001).方法按国家卫生部《生活饮用水卫生规范》(2001)进行调查、采样和分析评价。

13.Investigation on occupational health status among workers in small scale industries with questionnaire;个体民营企业职工职业卫生问卷调查分析

14.Investigation on nutritional knowledge,attitude and practice of students in health school卫生学校学生营养知识、态度、行为状况调查

15.Nutritional Knowledge Attitude and Practice and Dietary Nutrients Status Among Students in a Health School某卫生学校学生营养知识态度行为调查


17."and Jesse said to his son David, Take now for your brothers an ephah of this dry grain and these ten cakes of bread, and go quickly with them to the tents to your brothers;"一日,耶西对他儿子大卫说,你拿一伊法烘了的穗子和十个饼,速速地送到营里去,交给你哥哥们。

18.The Investigation of Chronic Urticaria Clinical Syndromes Law and Study on "Disharmony between Nutrient Qi and Defensive Qi" Pathogenesis Theory慢性荨麻疹临床证候规律调查及“营卫失调”病机理论研究


The methods of regulating pivot and mediating ying(nutrient) and wei(defensive)调枢机和营卫法

3)regulating ying and wei调和营卫

4)disharmony between nutrient qi and defensive qi营卫不和

1.Objective:Elucidating the innovative theory for Henoch-Schonlein purpura happening that is disharmony between nutrient Qi and defensive Qi that leads defensive Qi fails to protect the body against Evil and nutrient Qi fails to be kept internally, through researching the system of nutrient Qi and defensive Qi,.目的:通过研究营卫体系的理论实质,阐明营卫不和,而卫气不固,营血泄漏于脉外,发生紫癜的新理论。

5)Disharmony between nutritive Qi and defensive Qi营卫失和

6)disharming between ying and wei营卫不调


调和营卫调和营卫 调和营卫 治疗学术语。指发表解肌并调整营卫失和的治法。症见头痛发热、汗出恶风、鼻鸣干呕、脉浮弱等。代表方剂为桂枝汤。
