900字范文 > 非强制行政行为 Non-compulsory Administrative Act英语短句 例句大全

非强制行政行为 Non-compulsory Administrative Act英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-10 20:03:54


非强制行政行为 Non-compulsory Administrative Act英语短句 例句大全

非强制行政行为,Non-compulsory Administrative Act

1)Non-compulsory Administrative Act非强制行政行为

1.Concept Definition of Informal Administrative Act——Concurrent Comment onNon-compulsory Administrative Act“非正式行政行为”概念界定——兼“非强制行政行为”评析

2.After combining the research achievements around the world with the tendency of administrative legality in our country,the writer thinks the new types of state act are non-compulsory administrative act.非强制行政行为的积极作用在实践运用中能否真正得以发挥,在很大程度上取决于其法治化水平的高低。


1.Concept Definition of Informal Administrative Act--Concurrent Comment on Non-compulsory Administrative Act“非正式行政行为”概念界定——兼“非强制行政行为”评析

2.The Value Analysis of the Principle of Good Faith in the Administration of Non-enforcement Act;在非强制行政行为中引入诚信原则的价值分析

3.On the Legal Rrelief in Non-mandatory Administrative Behavior;论非强制性行政行为的法律救济问题

4.On the increase of the administrative action without force and the public security s executing the law in administration;非强制性行政行为的增长与公安行政执法

5.The Study of the Non-mandatory-administrative Behavior in Harmonious Social Background;和谐社会背景下的非强制性行政行为研究

6.On Supervisory System of Non-legislation Abstract Administrative Behavior;论非立法性抽象行政行为的监督机制

7.On Administrative Judicial Enforcement and Judicial Administrative Enforcement;论行政司法强制执行和司法行政强制执行

8.(1) compel agency action unlawfully withheld or unreasonably delayed;(一)强制机关履行其非法拒绝或不当延误的行为。

9.How to Demarcate Administrative Coercive Measure and Arbitrary Administrative Execution;“行政强制措施”与“行政强制执行”之间“边界”的划定

10.(2) The administrative license is not "single- side" administrative act;(2)行政许可并非是一种单方行政行为;

11.On Chinese Administrative Enforcement System--Also on the draft of Chinese Administrative Enforcement Law;试论我国行政强制制度——兼论《行政强制法(草案)》

12.Administrative enforcement is an important system of administrative law.行政强制执行是行政法中的一项重要制度。

13.Study on the List Companies Response to the Mandatory Accounting Changes;基于强制性会计政策变更的企业应对行为研究

14.Talk about the Construction of the Arbitrary Administrative Execution Legal System of Our Country;论我国行政强制执行法律制度的构建

15.The Current Situation of Enforcement of Fire Administration and Future Planning;消防行政强制执行的现状及制度构想

16.Thought on the Reform of China s Administrative Forcible Execution System;对我国行政强制执行体制改革的思考

17.On Principal Part of Administrative Compulsory Implement and Monitor Mechanism;论行政强制执行的主体及其监控机制

18.The Analysis on Public Security fire Prevention Organization of The Administrative Enforcement System公安消防机构行政强制执行制度探析


non-compulsory administrative action非强制性行政行为

1.The administrative instruction should belong to thenon-compulsory administrative action.行政指导应属于非强制性行政行为。

3)Non-Compulsory Environmental Administrative Act非强制环境行政行为

1.Study onNon-Compulsory Environmental Administrative Act;非强制环境行政行为研究

4)Research on Non-compulsory Administrative Act论非强制行政行为

5)administrative enforcement act强制行政行为

6)Non-compulsory Administration非强制行政

1.Thinking the Non - compulsory Administration through Environmental Law Enforcement in the U. S. A;从美国的环境执法看非强制行政


