900字范文 > 具体行政行为 specific administrative act英语短句 例句大全

具体行政行为 specific administrative act英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-06 22:09:25


具体行政行为 specific administrative act英语短句 例句大全

具体行政行为,specific administrative act

1)specific administrative act具体行政行为

1.On Content Legality of Specific Administrative Act;具体行政行为内容合法研究

2.Research on Unrevokable Specific Administrative Act;不可撤销具体行政行为研究——确认违法判决适用情形之局限及补正


1.the administrative organ that undertook the specific administrative act shall be the defendant.作出具体行政行为的行政机关是被告

2.During the time of legal proceedings, execution of the specific administrative act shall not be suspended.诉讼期间,不停止具体行政行为的执行

3.specific administrative acts that shall, as provided for by law, be finally decided by an administrative organ法律规定由行政机关最终裁决的具体行政行为

4.two or more administrative organs have undertaken the same specific administrative act两个以上行政机关作出同一具体行政行为

5.the administrative organs that have jointly undertaken the act shall be the joint defendants共同作出具体行政行为的行政机关是共同被告

6.a specific administrative act has been undertaken by an organization as entrusted by an administrative organ由行政机关委托的组织所作的具体行政行为

7.the organ conducting the reconsideration has amended the original specific administrative act复议机关改变原具体行政行为的

8.Review Principle of Legality on the Specific Administrative in China;论我国具体行政行为合法性审查原则

9.the organ that conducted the reconsideration sustains the original specific administrative act, the administrative organ that initially undertook the act shall be the defendant复议机关决定维持原具体行政行为的,作出原具体行政行为的行政机关是被告

10.Differences between Concrete and Abstract Administration;关于具体行政行为与抽象行政行为划分存在价值的几点思考

11.Execution of the specific administrative act shall be suspended under one of the following circumstances但有下列情形之一的,停止具体行政行为的执行

12.Article5 In handling administrative cases, the people"s courts shall examine the legality of specific administrative acts.第五条人民法院审理行政案件,对具体行政行为是否合法进行审查。

13.In handling administrative cases, the people"s courts shall examine the legality of specific administrative acts人民法院审理行政案件,对具体行政行为是否合法进行审查

14.On Legal Relief for Abministrative Subject Breaching the Procedure Law in Concrete Abministrative Practices论具体行政行为中行政主体程序违法的法律救济

15.a specific administrative act has been undertaken by an organization authorized to undertake the act by the law or regulations由法律、法规授权的组织所作的具体行政行为

16.Not All Specific Administrative Behaviors of Violating Legal Procedure Be Revoked;违反法定程序的具体行政行为不宜一概撤销

17.Hearing system applying to specific administrative action;刍论听证在我国具体行政行为中的适用

18.The Relationship Between the Original Agency of Particular Administrative Activities and the Agency of Administrative Reconsideration and Their Respective Status in Administrative Litigation;原具体行政行为机关和复议机关在行政诉讼中的关系与地位


concrete administrative action具体行政行为

1.This paper discusses the nature of administrative action regarding cognizance of fire accidents through analysis of the action categorization of the administrative organization,the definition ofconcrete administrative actions and relevant judicial practice.通过分析行政机关的行为分类、具体行政行为的概念、司法实践状况证明了火灾事故调查认定的具体行政行为性质,弄清了其可诉性的特点,澄清了混乱认识,对火灾事故调查认定工作及相关法规的健全和完善提出了切实可行的建议。

2.From the view of the character,administrative adjudication,as a kind ofconcrete administrative action,is lawsuitable in theory;from the view of effects of the two means in the process of judicial examination,the means of administrative lawsuit with civil lawsuit is more reasonable in the form and content.从性质上而言,其是一种具体行政行为,理应允许对其提起诉讼;从对其进行司法审查的两种方式的效果上看,行政附带民事诉讼的方式更具有形式和实质的合理性。

3)concrete administrative behavior具体行政行为

1.Being a typicalconcrete administrative behavior of public security, not of technical appraisement, the responsibility confirmation of road traffic affects the litigant guilty or innocence as well as the compensation for the corresponding damages, and should be put into the sphere of administrative action.道路交通事故的责任认定 ,是一种典型的公安具体行政行为 ,而非技术鉴定性质。

4)concrete administrative act具体行政行为

1.So theconcrete administrative act of the policeagency must be defined insome extent.由于不同的法律行为引起的侵权行为需要通过不同的法律途径予以解决,所以就必须对公安机关的具体行政行为有一个比较明确的认识。

2.This article aims at discussing the binding effect ofconcrete administrative act.本文就具体行政行为的效力问题加以探讨,全部行文约5。

5)Specific administrative action具体行政行为

1.Different proof criteria should be designed for different types of specific administrative actions.借鉴他国经验,构建多元化行政诉讼证明标准是必要的;行政诉讼多元化证明标准的构建应考量行政案件的类型、证明的难易程度、行政决定的重要性和行政管理的特点等因素,结合具体行政行为的类型设计不同的证明标准。

2.The content of security of the right to know is very rich, which involve all sectors, and specific administrative actions and people s political, economic and social lives, directly affecting people s immediate interests.知情权的保障内容十分丰富,涉及方方面面,而具体行政行为和人们政治、经济、社会生活息息相关,直接影响着人们的切身权益,因而具体行政行为知情权的保障意义也不言而喻。

6)specific administrative omission具体行政不作为

1.The article argues that abstract administrative omission is in fact a violation of law,and is more harmful thanspecific administrative omission.抽象行政不作为是一种违法行为,由于其作用的对象广泛,比具体行政不作为更具有危害性,应将抽象行政不作为纳入行政侵权行为的范畴,对其进行救济。


