900字范文 > 行政法律行为 Administrative legal act英语短句 例句大全

行政法律行为 Administrative legal act英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-19 15:23:42


行政法律行为 Administrative legal act英语短句 例句大全

行政法律行为,Administrative legal act

1)Administrative legal act行政法律行为

2)Administrative Legal Action行政法律行为

1.To identify its meaning and correct the wrong realization,the article will compare the relative conceptions of administrative real action,administrative legal action and special administrative action.为使行政事实行为的内涵进一步明晰化,纠正人们关于行政事实行为的部分错误认识,文章拟将行政事实行为和行政法律行为、具体行政行为等相关的概念进行比较,以厘清它们之间的关系。

3)the quasi-legal behaviour of the executive power准行政法律行为

1.This thesis consists of three parts: the first part, by comparing and analysing different theories, mainly explores the nature and legal properties of the registration of real estate, defines it asthe quasi-legal behaviour of the executive power, and incorporates it within the scope of the registration of administrative affirmation.本文分三个部分:第一部分着力阐述不动产登记行为的性质和法律属性,通过比较、分析现行理论界的诸多学说,将其界定为行政行为中的准行政法律行为,归属于行政确认式登记范畴;第二部分结合我国物权法对不动产登记行为的法律规定和实务中的不动产登记实施情况,从登记程序的登记主体、登记申请的提出、登记的审查方式及登记载体四个方面指出我国目前不动产登记程序所存在的问题并对其进行分析,全面阐述不动产登记程序的构建;第三部分在于探析不动产登记行为的救济途径。

4)government legal behaviors政府法律行为

5)legal framework of administrative behavior行政行为法律体系

1.Building harmonious zone on the west coast of Taiwan Strait and newlegal framework of administrative behavior;构建和谐海西与新型行政行为法律体系


1.Building harmonious zone on the west coast of Taiwan Strait and new legal framework of administrative behavior;构建和谐海西与新型行政行为法律体系

2.Discourse on the Possibility of Human Body Being the Objectof Administrative Legal Relationship;人身能够成为行政法律关系客体刍议

3.specific administrative acts that shall, as provided for by law, be finally decided by an administrative organ法律规定由行政机关最终裁决的具体行政行为

4.On Modern Serving Administration And Service Administration Law;论现代服务行政与服务行政法——以我国服务行政法律体系建构为重点

5.On Legal Relief for Abministrative Subject Breaching the Procedure Law in Concrete Abministrative Practices论具体行政行为中行政主体程序违法的法律救济

6.a specific administrative act has been undertaken by an organization authorized to undertake the act by the law or regulations由法律、法规授权的组织所作的具体行政行为

7.An Analysis of the Subject Status of the lnstitutions of Higherlearning:Its Relationship with the Administrative law;高等学校行政法律关系主体地位分析

8.Re-exploration of the Law and Literature Movement:A literary remolding of the administrative law system;关于“法律与文学运动”的再思考——以行政法体系的文学性重塑为展开

9.Investigation on Abstract Administrative Act in China s Administrative Law System;我国行政法体系中的抽象行政行为研究

10.Analysis of the Legal Status of Educational Institutions as Subject of Administration and Their Norm of Conduct;试析学校行政主体法律地位及其行为规范

11.On System of Informative Procedure of Imposing Punishments for Public Security;论实施治安行政处罚履行告知程序的法律体系

12.Legal Thinking of Standardized of Administrative Behavior Construction政府行政行为规范化建设的法律思考

13.Archimedean Fulcrum of the Science of Administrative Law:Observation based on Administrative Legal Relationships in Germany论行政法学的阿基米德支点——以德国行政法律关系论为核心的考察

14.Legal Consequence of Violating Administrative Procedure;试论行政行为程序违法及其法律后果

15.On the Legal Supervision to Administrative Misfeasance;对违法行政行为法律监督问题的探讨

16.Administrative law is the general term of all legal norms and principles that regulates the different kinds of social relations occurring in the course of implementation of administrative power by administrative subject.行政法则是调整因行政主体行使行政职权而发生的各种社会关系的法律规范和原则的总称。

17.The Behavioral Nature and the Lawful Control of the Administrative Inspection;行政检查行为性质及其法律控制研究

18.On the Legal Rrelief in Non-mandatory Administrative Behavior;论非强制性行政行为的法律救济问题


Administrative Legal Action行政法律行为

1.To identify its meaning and correct the wrong realization,the article will compare the relative conceptions of administrative real action,administrative legal action and special administrative action.为使行政事实行为的内涵进一步明晰化,纠正人们关于行政事实行为的部分错误认识,文章拟将行政事实行为和行政法律行为、具体行政行为等相关的概念进行比较,以厘清它们之间的关系。

3)the quasi-legal behaviour of the executive power准行政法律行为

1.This thesis consists of three parts: the first part, by comparing and analysing different theories, mainly explores the nature and legal properties of the registration of real estate, defines it asthe quasi-legal behaviour of the executive power, and incorporates it within the scope of the registration of administrative affirmation.本文分三个部分:第一部分着力阐述不动产登记行为的性质和法律属性,通过比较、分析现行理论界的诸多学说,将其界定为行政行为中的准行政法律行为,归属于行政确认式登记范畴;第二部分结合我国物权法对不动产登记行为的法律规定和实务中的不动产登记实施情况,从登记程序的登记主体、登记申请的提出、登记的审查方式及登记载体四个方面指出我国目前不动产登记程序所存在的问题并对其进行分析,全面阐述不动产登记程序的构建;第三部分在于探析不动产登记行为的救济途径。

4)government legal behaviors政府法律行为

5)legal framework of administrative behavior行政行为法律体系

1.Building harmonious zone on the west coast of Taiwan Strait and newlegal framework of administrative behavior;构建和谐海西与新型行政行为法律体系

6)legal action法律行为

1.Based on an analysis of thelegal action,the meaning,characteristics,constituents and classification of litigation action as well are analysed and the influencing factors for the assertion of a litigat.在分析法律行为的基础上,对诉讼行为的含义、特征、构成要件及其分类等进行了分析,并对影响认定诉讼行为的因素进行了探讨。

2.There is a pair of concepts,legal transaction andlegal action,caused confusion easily,in Civil Law of German.在德国民法中,同时存在一对容易引起混淆的概念,即"法律交易"和"法律行为"。

3.The explanation oflegal action can clarify and supplement the content oflegal action and carry out the party s meaning.法律行为的解释旨在明晰和充实法律行为的内容,实现意思自治。


