900字范文 > 人力资本结构 human capital structure英语短句 例句大全

人力资本结构 human capital structure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-17 06:42:03


人力资本结构 human capital structure英语短句 例句大全

人力资本结构,human capital structure

1)human capital structure人力资本结构

1.Empirical Study of Influence of FDI to Human Capital Structure:Based on Provincial Panel Data外商直接投资对人力资本结构影响的实证研究——基于省级面板数据

2.Cooperative countermeasures between industrial structure andhuman capital structure in Northeast China东北地区产业结构与人力资本结构的协同对策

3.The paper conducts an empirical research on the reciprocity effects between thehuman capital structure and economic structure by adopting the method of multi-component statistical analysis and impulse response function analysis.用多元统计分析及脉冲响应函数分析方法,对我国人力资本结构与经济结构的互动过程进行实证研究。


1.The Main Body Structure of Enterprise Human Capital Investment and Optimilization of the Human Capital Construction;企业人力资本投资主体结构与人力资本结构优化

2.Cooperative countermeasures between industrial structure and human capital structure in Northeast China东北地区产业结构与人力资本结构的协同对策

3.Study on Optimization of Human Capital and Industrial Structure in the County Area县域人力资本结构与产业结构优化研究

4.Evaluation on Efficiency of Human Capital Structure Based on DEA Method;基于DEA方法的人力资本结构效率评价

5.Human Capital,Human Capital Structure and Regional Coordinative Development: the Evidence from Chinese Provinces;人力资本、人力资本结构与区域协调发展——来自中国省级区域的证据

6.Human Capital,Financial Capital and Capital Structure:Theory and Evidence;人力资本、财务资本与资本结构:理论和实证

7.Manpower Capital,investment Structure and the Endogenesis Economy Increase人力资本、投资结构与内生经济增长

8.The Change of Labor Market Structure and Returns on Human Capital;劳动力市场结构变迁与人力资本收益

9.Research on Replacement Capital Structure of Including Human Capital into IT Enterprise;纳入人力资本的IT企业重置资本结构研究

10.Research on the Dynamic Adjustment of Capital Structure in the Scope of Human Capital;人力资本视角下的资本结构动态调整研究

11.Analysis on the Whole Structure Including Human Capital in Knowledge Enterprises;知识型企业纳入人力资本的资本结构分析

12.Viewing the Capital Structure of Enterprises through Manpower Capital;从人力资本的角度看企业资本结构的决定

13.The Research on Corporate Capital Structure Problems Based on Human Capital基于人力资本的企业资本结构问题研究

14.Optimize the Education Investment Structure and Raise the Manpower Capital investment Efficiency of Our Country;优化教育投资结构 提高人力资本投资效率

15.Regulation of human resource structure and promotion of changes from human resou;调整人力资源的供给结构 促进人力资源向人力资本的转变

16.Import trade structure,human capital,and technological progress;进口贸易结构、人力资本与技术进步

17.A Structural Analysis of the Human Capital s Contribution to Economic Growth;人力资本对经济增长影响的结构分析

18.Analysis of the Structure of Entrepreneurs Compensation Based on Human Capital;基于人力资本的企业家薪酬结构分析


Investment Structure in Human Capital人力资本投资结构

1.Investment Structure in Human Capital and its Effect on Economic Growth Model;人力资本投资结构及其对经济增长的影响——基于扩展MRW模型的内生增长理论与实证研究

2.Investment Structure in Human Capital and Effect on Economic Growth;人力资本投资结构及其经济增长效应——基于扩展MRW模型的内生增长理论与实证研究

3.Under the hypothesis that education capital and health capital hold the form of Cobb-Douglas,it constructs an endogenous economic growth model and analyzes the relationship between investment structure in human capital and increment in human c.文章针对已有的关于人力资本投资的理论研究往往只关注于人力资本投资数量而忽视人力资本投资结构的现状,把教育和健康看作两种资本,分析了人力资本投资结构的具体构成形式。

3)human capital structure & investment人力资本结构与投资

4)optimum structure of human capital人力资本结构优化

1.It researches into the problem that how to evaluate theoptimum structure of human capital depended on human capital theory and takes the reservoir immigration of Wenzhou for instance.因此,本文从人力资本理论出发,并以温州水库移民为例进行实证分析,探讨了如何评价人力资本结构优化,提出了优化人力资本结构的对策建议。

5)human capital combination structure人力资本组合结构

6)distributed structure of human capital人力资本分布结构

1.In the light of the concept ofdistributed structure of human capital,this paper analyzes the influence of human capital integrating with economic activity on Chinese industrial absorption of FDI effect.运用人力资本分布结构的概念,分析人力资本与经济活动的结合程度对中国工业吸收FD I效应的影响,结论是企业员工中技术人员的比例提高有利于对FD I效应的吸收,而科技人员下企业比例提高的作用不强,政策趋向应该是改革现行科技投入体制,鼓励企业自身人力资本水平的提高。


