900字范文 > 文化人力资本 cultural human capital英语短句 例句大全

文化人力资本 cultural human capital英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-25 14:42:59


文化人力资本 cultural human capital英语短句 例句大全

文化人力资本,cultural human capital

1)cultural human capital文化人力资本

2)human capitalize人力资本化

3)the capitalizing of human resources人力资源资本化


1.The capitalization of human resource and the innovation of enterprise training in knowledge economic times;知识经济时代人力资源资本化与企业培训创新

2.The Research on Management of Foreign Bank"s Human Resource Capitalized in Strategy and Control Mechanism基于战略与控制视角的外资银行人力资源资本化管理研究

3.Strengthen Power of the Transform of Intelligent Resources to Intelligent Capital增强人才资源转化为人才资本的动力

4.Game Analysis in the Course about Transfer from Human Resource to Human Capital;人力资源向人力资本转化过程的博弈分析

5.On Theory and Practice about Transfer from Human Resource to Human Capital;人力资源向人力资本转化的理论和实践研究

parison of the path for China s human resources transformation to human capital;我国人力资源向人力资本转化路径比较

7.Reflections on the Transformation of Rural Human Resources into Human Capital农村人力资源向人力资本转化有关问题的思考

8.Strengthening the Human Resource Management and Demonstrating the "People-based Thought";强化人力资源管理 彰显“以人为本”思想

9.The Method Research on Executive s Intellect Resource Capitalization of Listed Company;上市公司高管人员智力资源资本化方法研究

10.Human Resource, Human Capital, Human Property and Its Value Measurement;人力资源、人力资本、人力资产及其价值计量问题

11.Countermeasure Study on Transfer from HR to HC;人力资源向人力资本转变的对策研究

12.Creative Thinking Changes Human Resources in to Human Capital;创新思维,将人力资源经营成人力资本

13.A study on the development of human resource and the formation of human capital investment in shandong;论山东人力资源开发与人力资本形成

14.Human Resources,Human Capital and Economic Development of Sichuan Province人力资源、人力资本与四川经济发展

15.Exploitation of Intelligent Capital in Human Resources Management about the Enterprise;企业人力资源管理中智力资本的开发

16.Research on the Localization of Human Resource Management of Japanese Enterprise in China日本在华企业人力资源本土化问题研究

17.The New Trend of HR Management:from Human Capital,Social Capital to Psychological Capital从人力资本、社会资本到心理资本——人力资源管理的新取向

18.Research on Company Training Development in Respect of HR Capital & Labor Resources Quantitative Management;基于人力资本、人力资源量化管理的企业培训开发的研究


human capitalize人力资本化

3)the capitalizing of human resources人力资源资本化

4)human capital measuring人力资本量化

5)human capital capitalized in stocks人力资本股权化

1.putting distributive relations in order is the requirement of enterprise s reformation and developmentThe author thinks that it is an important way of putting distributive relations in order that letting the owner of the enterprise s human capital take part in the distribution of its surplus through the form ofhuman capital capitalized in stocks通过人力资本股权化的形式,让企业人力资本所有者参与企业剩余分配,是理顺分配关系的重要途径。

6)human capital switching人力资本转化


