900字范文 > 转弯半径 turning radius英语短句 例句大全

转弯半径 turning radius英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-19 04:53:21


转弯半径 turning radius英语短句 例句大全

转弯半径,turning radius

1)turning radius转弯半径

1.bending operation of the foundation was introduces,the plane bending belt conveyor to change the natural mechanics and reasonable method of determining theturning radiuswere described,and explore the impact of the belt conveyor plane bending operation of the relevant factors and the introduction of measures to plane bending belt conveyor design were eplored,the installation and use of provid.在介绍实现弯曲运行措施的基础上,阐述了平面弯曲带式输送机自然变向的力学原理以及合理确定转弯半径的方法,并探讨了影响带式输送机平面弯曲运行的因素以及采用的相关措施,为平面弯曲带式输送机的设计、安装及使用提供必要的理论依据。

2.Saturation time headways with different lane widths andturning radiuses were measured on the spot and abnormal data were identified and eliminated.针对我国现有道路交通条件下典型的信号控制交叉口,对不同车道宽度、转弯半径的右转车道的饱和车头时距进行现场测定。

3.This article analyses the differences between articulated bus and non-articulated bus when they make turn,and derives the calculation methods of theturning radius and passageway width of articulated bus and the angle between the main bus and the sub-bus.分析铰接式客车和非铰接式客车转弯时的不同,并推导铰接式大客车转弯半径、通道宽度及主、副车之间夹角的计算方法。


1.The curve experiment has obtained curve radius of inertia advance curve and static curve;转弯试验测得了机器鱼惯性前进转弯和静止转弯时的转弯半径;

2.MANEUVERABILITY. Short turning radius, power steering.灵活性:较小的转弯半径,动力转向。

3.Allied M10 Tank Destroyer turn radius increased.盟军M10坦克歼击车转弯半径增加。

4.HEAVY DUTY AUTOMOTIVE STEERING, with shorter turning radius.重型自动方向盘:较小的转弯半径。

5.Research on Left-turning Saturation Flow with Different Lane Widths and Turning Radiuses车道宽度、转弯半径对左转饱和流量的影响研究

6.MANEUVERABILITY. Short turning radius, less weight on the front axle.灵活性:较小的转弯半径,前刚性轴上较轻的重量。

7.The Calculation of the Minimal Turning Radius and the Setting of the Fire Road Width消防车道最小转弯半径以及通道宽度的计算

8.Use to estimate turning radii for a typical small tractor with single semitrailer.用于估计带有单节半挂车的典型小型牵引车的转弯半径。

9.Use to estimate turning radii for a typical large tractor with single semitrailer.用于估计带有单节半挂车的典型大型牵引车的转弯半径。

10.Use to estimate turning radii for a typical tractor with semitrailer and full trailer.用于估计带有半挂车和全挂车的典型牵引车的转弯半径。

11.At fast speeds, centrifugal force causes the plane"s turn radius to increase and its turn rate to decrease.在高速下,离心力将导致飞机的转弯半径增加和回转率降低。

12.One of the doors on the main cabin level will be sized for the turning radius of a coffin.主舱层有一扇舱门的尺寸足以满足一口棺材的转弯半径。

13.Drag onto the page to estimate turning radii for a typical single-unit truck or small bus.拖到绘图页后,可以估计典型单节卡车或小型客车的转弯半径。

14.Drag onto the page to estimate turning radii for a typical large bus.拖到绘图页后,可以估计典型大型客车的转弯半径。

15.MANEUVERABILITY. Short turning radius. Rear batteries, less weight on front.灵活性:较小的转弯半径,电池后置,车辆前部较少负载。

16.MANEUVERABILITY. Short turning radius. Rear engine, less weight on front.灵活性:较小的转弯半径,发动机后置,前部较轻重量。

17.Drag onto the page to estimate turning radii for a typical large tractor with single semitrailer.拖到绘图页后,可以估计带有单节半挂车的典型大型牵引车的转弯半径。

18.Drag onto the page to estimate turning radii for a typical small tractor with single semitrailer.拖到绘图页后,可以估计带有单节半挂车的典型小型牵引车的转弯半径。


pivot turn无半径转弯

3)the turning with a radius有半径转弯

4)ratio of cornering radius转弯半径比

5)minimum turning radius最小转弯半径

1.In the light of the actual situation of a certain trade center large parking lot, optimized parking design model of the parking lot is built with such data as length, width andminimum turning radius of large buses and cars, the optimized results of the optimum parking composition and arranging angles of vehicles in the parking lot are obtained based on genetic algorithm.根据某交易中心大型停车场的实际情况 ,并利用大型客车和轿车的长度、宽度、最小转弯半径等数据 ,建立了停车场优化停车设计模型 ,采用遗传算法进行求解 ,得到了停车场的最优停放布局和车位排列角度的优化结果 。

2.First,minimum turning radius of hypersonic vehicle was calculated.首先计算了高超声速飞行器的最小转弯半径,然后建立威胁模型,将威胁模型投影到赤道平面内,利用一个有限项的多项式函数来逼近实际航迹在赤道平面内的投影,使航迹规划问题简化为在一个多项式系数空间中的搜索寻优问题。

6)tight radius drilling极小转弯半径钻井


转弯半径转弯半径(RADIUS OFTURNING CIRCLE)指当方向盘转到极限位置时,外侧前轮轨迹圆半径.转变半径在很大程度上表征了汽车能够通过狭窄弯曲地带或绕开不可越过障碍物的能力.转弯半径越小,汽车的机动性能越好.
