900字范文 > 桡骨 Radius英语短句 例句大全

桡骨 Radius英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-03 14:11:30


桡骨 Radius英语短句 例句大全



1.The relationship between the posterior interosseous nerve and radius: anatomic observation and clinical significance;骨间后神经与桡骨上端关系的解剖学观测及临床意义

2.A Preliminary Study of the Visualization of Ulna andRadius;尺桡骨可视化的初步研究

3.Treatment of Serious Comminuted DistalRadius Fractures in Aged Patients by Dynamic External Fixator Combined with Minimally-invasive Injectable Graft;动力外固定支架结合微创可注射型人工骨治疗老年桡骨远端粉碎性骨折


1.Of, relating to, or near the radius or forearm.桡骨的属于、关于或靠近桡骨或前臂的

2.fracture of lower 1/3 of radius combined with dislocation of lower ulna-radius joint桡骨下1/3骨折合并下桡尺骨关节脱位

3.Radius and ulna. Bones of the forearm. The radius is the shorter of the two bones and revolves partially around the ulna.桡骨和尺骨,即前臂骨。桡骨较尺骨短并能部分地绕尺骨转动。

4.The radius expands markedly at its lower end.桡骨下端明显扩张。

5.fracture of upper 1/3 of ulna combined with dislocation of head of radius尺骨上1/3骨折合并桡骨头脱位

6.The clinical outcomef of treatment using T-plate ant screws in comminuted unstable fractures of the distal radiusT型接骨板治疗桡骨远端不稳定骨折

7.Treatment of Osteoporosis Complicated with Distal Radius Fracture骨质疏松症合并桡骨远端骨折的治疗

8.Artificial Radial Head Prosthesis Replacement for the Treatment of Comminuted Radial Head Fracture人工桡骨小头假体置换治疗粉碎性桡骨小头骨折

9.Discussion of the mechanism of using continuous traction in treating unstable distal radius fracture持续牵引在纠正桡骨远端不稳定骨折中桡骨短缩的作用机制探讨

10.Treatment of radial head comminuted fractures by replacement with floating cup radial head prosthesis双极桡骨小头假体置换治疗粉碎性桡骨小头骨折

11.Slective Studying of the Treatment of the Type-MasonⅢ Fractures of the Radial Head桡骨头MasonⅢ骨折治疗方法的选择性研究

12.The surgical treatment of 28 patients with giant cell tumor at distal radius桡骨远端骨巨细胞瘤28例外科治疗

13.Treatment of Mason type-Ⅱ radial head fractures with SPIN screwsSPIN螺钉治疗成人MasonⅡ型桡骨小头骨折

14.Effect of surgery on distal radius fracture: 63 cases observation桡骨远端骨折63例手术治疗疗效分析

15.Analysis of diagnosis and treantment of distal radius fracture in the extreme weather极端天气下桡骨远端骨折的诊治分析

16.Limited internal fixation for distal radial unstable fracture有限内固定治疗桡骨远端不稳定骨折

17.A Biomechanical Study of Distal Radius Fracture Malunion on Wrist Joint Mechanics;桡骨远端骨折畸形愈合后桡腕关节的生物力学研究

18.The Effect on the Distal Radioulnar Joint after Reduction in Fracture of the Distal Radius;桡骨远端骨折整复后下尺桡关节对应关系的变化及意义


radius fractures桡骨骨折

3)Radius fracture桡骨骨折

1.Objective:To observe the effect of different compatibility of herbs on VEGF expression at fracture site and thickness of callus of early radius fracture rat models.目的:观察桃仁、木香、黄芪分别与红花配伍对成年SD大鼠早期桡骨骨折愈合过程中骨痂厚度及VEGF表达的影响,为理气活血法用于四肢闭合性骨折早期临床治疗提供实验支持。

4)radial fracture桡骨骨折

5)Radial fractures桡骨骨折

6)radial periosteum graft桡骨骨瓣

1.Treatment of scaphoid nonunion by stylectomy plus vascularizedradial periosteum graft and internal fixation with Herbert screws带蒂桡骨骨瓣加Herbert螺钉内固定治疗腕舟状骨骨不连


