900字范文 > 转向半径 turning radius英语短句 例句大全

转向半径 turning radius英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-19 00:29:45


转向半径 turning radius英语短句 例句大全

转向半径,turning radius

1)turning radius转向半径

1.This paper separately deduces theturning radius formulas through the geometry and movement equation of vehicle at their relevant conditions, and then has analysis of three style of steady-state steering characteristic.本文通过几何学、车辆运动方程式,分别推导出汽车转向半径公式,在各相应的条件下,分别基于转向半径公式对汽车三种稳态转向特性进行分析。

2.A vehicle with different parameters has differentturning radius while turning under different conditions.不同的车辆在不同的情况下转向行驶具有不同的转向半径,转向半径不仅与车辆的本身参数有关,还与转向时的车速、转向角度以及减速度有关。


1.Research on Steering Resisting Torque and Turning Radius of Crawler Crane履带起重机转向阻力矩及转向半径研究

2.MANEUVERABILITY. Short turning radius, power steering.灵活性:较小的转弯半径,动力转向。

3.HEAVY DUTY AUTOMOTIVE STEERING, with shorter turning radius.重型自动方向盘:较小的转弯半径。

4.A Study to Calculate Thickened-tooth Span Radius of a Motor Steering Gear;汽车转向器变厚齿扇齿厚跨距半径计算的研究

5.relating to or moving along or having the direction of a radius.关于、沿着半径移动,或向着半径移动。

6.Influence of Rim Radius on Zero Radius Steering Resistance Moment of Drum-wheel for Lunar Rover轮缘半径对月球车鼓形轮原地转向阻力矩影响分析

7.medium-radius lateral drilling中曲率半径侧向钻井

8.Moving or directed along a radius.沿着或向着半径移动的

9.radial beam tube径向偏转电子射线管

10.Hamilton standard motor径向回转柱塞液压马达

11.The path ascends from here.小径由此转向上坡。

12.Indexable hard metal (carbide) inserts--Corner radiiGB/T2077-1987硬质合金可转位刀片圆角半径

13.Electric forklift. Turning radius and safety clearance can be shown.电动铲车。可显示旋转半径和安全净空。

14.Diesel forklift truck. Turning radius and safety clearance can be shown.柴油铲车。可显示旋转半径和安全净空。

15.Allied M10 Tank Destroyer turn radius increased.盟军M10坦克歼击车转弯半径增加。

16.Research and application of the zero-radius water jet radial drilling technology零半径水射流径向钻井技术的研究与应用

17.Research on Left-turning Saturation Flow with Different Lane Widths and Turning Radiuses车道宽度、转弯半径对左转饱和流量的影响研究

18.At the end of the wood, the path diverges to the northwest.在林子的尽头,小径转向西北方向。


steering radius转向半径

1.In this control strategy,thesteering radius and the vehicle velocity is utilized to control the drive force and steering angle of each electric-wheel.此控制策略根据汽车的转向半径和行驶速度来控制各电动轮输出的驱动力和转向角。

2.They are important data to judge steering function of loader such assteering radius,force moment of resistance and moment of steering.而转向半径、转向力矩和转向阻力矩的大小是衡量装载机转向性能的重要性能指标。

3)small radius steering小半径转向

4)relative steering ratio相对转向半径

5)turning radius转弯半径

1.bending operation of the foundation was introduces,the plane bending belt conveyor to change the natural mechanics and reasonable method of determining theturning radiuswere described,and explore the impact of the belt conveyor plane bending operation of the relevant factors and the introduction of measures to plane bending belt conveyor design were eplored,the installation and use of provid.在介绍实现弯曲运行措施的基础上,阐述了平面弯曲带式输送机自然变向的力学原理以及合理确定转弯半径的方法,并探讨了影响带式输送机平面弯曲运行的因素以及采用的相关措施,为平面弯曲带式输送机的设计、安装及使用提供必要的理论依据。

2.Saturation time headways with different lane widths andturning radiuses were measured on the spot and abnormal data were identified and eliminated.针对我国现有道路交通条件下典型的信号控制交叉口,对不同车道宽度、转弯半径的右转车道的饱和车头时距进行现场测定。

3.This article analyses the differences between articulated bus and non-articulated bus when they make turn,and derives the calculation methods of theturning radius and passageway width of articulated bus and the angle between the main bus and the sub-bus.分析铰接式客车和非铰接式客车转弯时的不同,并推导铰接式大客车转弯半径、通道宽度及主、副车之间夹角的计算方法。

6)Radius of gyration回转半径

1.Z-averace radius of gyration for the A_f-A_g type polycondensation involving initiation mechanism;含引发机制的A_f-A_g型缩聚反应Z-均回转半径研究

2.The correlation between the square end-to-end distance R~2 and the asphericity parameter A and the correlation between the square radius of gyration S~2 and A were computed for chain lengths from 10 to 23.采用完全计数(Exact Enumeration)方法对金刚石格点链的构象进行精确枚举,计算构象的末端距平方R2和回转半径平方S2与非球形因子A之间的关系。

3.By analysised the different density of pendulum hammers,to same geometry size(same radius of gyration),there are two same period points which independent with hammer′s mass when the weight slip along pendulum staff.对不同密度的加锤摆进行理论分析,得到只要摆锤的几何尺寸相同(回转半径相同),则沿摆杆移动的摆锤一定有两个等周期且与摆锤质量无关的周期不变点,并推导出周期不变点的位置公式。


利用小半径模具弯制大半径管件高档汽车座椅因座椅形状需要,其骨架通常有3维大半径复合圆弧,作为生产汽车座椅的专业厂,我们常有这样的零件要加工。安徽淝河客车厂凯斯鲍尔豪华客车座椅靠背骨架,成型圆弧较大,有4种弯曲半径,且有3维复合弯,我们手头有的精密弯管设备-美国伊顿伦纳德公司的矢量弯管机VB200HP只能弯制弯曲半径203.2mm以内的管件。如何利用弯管机弯出这样的大半径3维复合弯?我们分析了零件的特性:形状要正确,但由于骨架是包裹在护面和海绵软垫之中的,零件不外露。因此采取了将大半径圆弧分解为多个小半径圆弧与多段直线依次相连的方法,近似地获得所需形状。首先将其分段,将各大圆弧作成多段55mm长的直线相连的折线,计算出各交点坐标,然后用恰当半径的圆弧结合旋转度将相邻线段连接,形成近似的大半径圆弧。这样产生的新的管件符合VB200HP弯管机的加工条件,同时由于有较多点的坐标与原设计一致,分段弯曲造成的过渡不流畅由于零件的装配隐蔽性而显得无关紧要。实践中,我们在对管件实样分段划线的基础上采用美国伊顿伦纳德公司的另一台设备-VECTOR 1 S4XL激光测量机,通过对每一分段测2点的方法,获取圆弧近似折线的交点坐标,进而转换成弯管程序弯制管件。表1为该零件的坐标,表2为该零件的弯管程序(注:L为直线段长度,R为旋转度,A为弯曲角度)。进而,我们可以把这种方法应用到其他类似方面-只要是隐蔽的或者是非装饰性的还有试制的弯管,都可以采用本文所述方法。这样,许多原来不能用VB200HP弯管机弯制或难以弯制的管件,现在都能轻而易举地制造出来了。
