900字范文 > 城际客运 intercity passenger transportation英语短句 例句大全

城际客运 intercity passenger transportation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-24 06:34:35


城际客运 intercity passenger transportation英语短句 例句大全

城际客运,intercity passenger transportation

1)intercity passenger transportation城际客运

1.As our country railroad entered the unprecedented development stage, the construction of theintercity passenger transportation special line begin to show its importance, and the exaltation of railroad intelligence becomes its developing trend, too.我国铁路进入了前所未有的大发展阶段,其中建设城际客运专线是其重要内容,提高铁路智能化程度是其必然趋势。


1.Analysis on Passenger Flow Forecast of MianYang-ChenDu-EMei Intercity Passenger-Dedicated Line;成绵峨城际客运专线客运量预测研究

2.Study on Transport Organization of Intercity Railway Traffic;城际客运专线运输组织相关问题研究

3.Passenger Transportation Analysis from Chongqing to Chengdu by Buses,Trains or Planes;客车与火车和飞机的成渝城际客运之争

4.Survey and Suggestions for the Construction Financing of Intercity Railway Passenger Transport System;铁路城际客运系统建设融资考察与建议

anization Mode for Supervision of Beijing-Tianjin Intercity Passenger Dedicated Line as Well as Its Characteristics谈谈京津城际客运专线监理组织模式及特点

6.Feasibility Analysis of Huizhou-Shenzhen Railway in Intercity Transportation;惠州至深圳段铁路兼顾城际客运功能的可行性分析

7.The Research on the Influence on the Inter-City Passengers When the Dedicated Passenger Line is Constructed;客运专线的修建对城际旅客出行的影响研究

8.Study on Intercity Highway Passenger Trip Generation and Distribution Forecast for Urban Agglomeration;城市群城际公路客运交通生成与分布预测研究

9.It should be considered the comprehensive control center of Beijing– Shanghai, Shanghai– Nanjing Intercity, Shanghai– Hangzhou Special Passenger Line, Shanghai– Hangzhou Intercity lines and other lines.应考虑是京沪、宁城际、杭客运专线、杭城际等线路的综合调度中心。

10.Inter-Urban Public Transport Mode Share Under High-Speed Railways Network in Yangtze River Delta;长三角快速客运网城际公共交通分担率模型

11.Analysis of the Market Competition Mechanism in Corporatization Operation of DPL in China, with JJ-DPL as an Example中国城际客专公司化运营的市场竞争机制分析

12.Construction Organizations and Relevant Suggestions for Intercity Railway and Passenger Dedicated Line城际与客运专线铁路施工组织及相关建议

13.Evaluation and Application of Competition between Road Passenger Transportation and Intercity Track Transportation;公路客运与城际轨道交通竞争力评价与应用研究

14.Post-Construction Settlement Controlling on Soil-like Embankment of the East Cycle Intercity Passenger Dedicated Railway Line of Hai-Nan;海南东环城际铁路客运专线类土质路基工后沉降控制

15.Design of Public Transport Mode for Intercity Passenger Trains between Changchun and Jilin;长春—吉林城际铁路客运列车公交化方案的基本构想

16.Market status of express passenger transport between Beijing and Shijiazhuang;北京——石家庄城际高速客运市场现状的调查与分析

17.Study on Rivalrousness between Intercity Track Transportation and Highway Transportation Based on Logit Model基于Logit模型的珠三角城际轨道交通与公路客运竞争力研究

18.Influence of Inter-city Railway in Highway Freight Transport and the Countermeasures of the Highway城际铁路发展对公路客运的影响及公路对策建议


Intercity passenger dedicated lines城际客运专线

1.Intercity passenger dedicated lines are a new organization model of transportation.城际客运专线是一种新型的铁路模式,其修建表明城市的发展不再局限于自身的纵向发展,横向发展的趋势越来越明显。

3)Intercity highway passenger transportation城际公路客运

4)intercity railway passenger transportation城际铁路客运公交化

prehensive appraisement onintercity railway passenger transportation;城际铁路客运公交化的综合评价

5)inter-city passengers城际旅客

1.Economic and social activities causeinter-city passengers choice among different traffic tools.经济和社会活动导致了城际旅客对交通工具的选择行为。

6)inter city volume城际客流


