900字范文 > 道路客运 road passenger transportation英语短句 例句大全

道路客运 road passenger transportation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-30 22:13:13


道路客运 road passenger transportation英语短句 例句大全

道路客运,road passenger transportation

1)road passenger transportation道路客运

1.How to against the collusion ofroad passenger transportation inside problem;谈防范道路客运中的串谋问题

2.A Spatio-temporal Analysis on the Development of Road Passenger Transportation;道路客运发展的时空分析

3.Proceeding from the correlation of local spatial zone,some theories and methods,such as location quotient,imbalance coefficient,spatial autocorrelation is applied to analyse the spatio-temporal character of the development ofroad passenger transportation.从区域内部空间单元的相互关系出发,应用区位商、非平衡性系数、空间自相关等理论和方法分析道路客运发展的时空特征,建立一套区域道路客运发展时空结构分析体系,主要包括非平衡性体系、相关性分析体系、分析方法及衡量指标。


1.Road passenger transport operation pattern of small-medium sized city basing on intergration of urban and rural area;基于城乡客运一体化的中小城市道路客运模式

2.A Research on the Market Opportunity Evaluation of the Passenger Transportation Route;道路客运企业营运线路市场机会评估研究

3.Analysis on the Competitiveness of Expressway Network and Ro-ad Passenger Transport in Shanxi Province;陕西省高速公路路网与道路客运竞争力分析

4.The Deep Layer Analysis And Strategy For The Contradiction In the Recent Road Passenger Trarvport;当前道路客运深层次矛盾透析与对策

5.Reflection and Suggestion on Developing Passenger Transport of Country Road;关于发展农村道路客运的思考和建议

6.Study on Fleet Structure Optimization Model for Passenger Transport Market;道路客运市场车辆结构优化模型研究

7.Study on Credit System of Road Passenger Transportation in China我国道路客运市场信用体系构建研究

8.The Study on Network Optimization of Regional Integration of Road Passenger Transport;区域一体化道路客运线路网络优化研究

9.Research on Structure-adjusting and Transportation-organizing of Road Passenger Transportation between Provinces;省际道路客运结构调整和运输组织研究

10.The Research on Layout Planning of Road Passenger Transportation Terminal in the City of Tianjin;天津市道路客运枢纽总体布局规划研究

11.Strategy Research of the Integration of Passenger Transportation in Chengdu Urban and Rural Areas;成都市城乡道路客运一体化发展战略研究

12.Creating Public Bidding System of Highway Transportation to Realize Ordered Competition;构建道路客运市场招标投标制度的研究与实践

13.The Marketization Usage of Road Passenger-transport Line Resource;道路旅客运输线路资源使用的市场化

14.Study on Layout of Passenger Station in Junction Terminal and Transport Capacity of Passage;铁路枢纽客运站布局分析及客流通道能力研究

15.Analyzesis on the Effect of Urban Transit on Passenger Flow Waitinged in Railway Passenger Transport Station on Urban Transit;城市轨道交通对铁路客运站候车客流影响分析

16.The Modal Split of High-speed Passenger Transport Corridor and the Counter-Measures of Highway Passenger Transport高速通道客流分担率及公路客运应对举措研究

17.Study on the Integration of Highway Passenger Transportation in Wuhan City Circle;武汉城市圈道路旅客运输一体化研究

18.Rational Structure of Roadline Passenger Transport Market and Its Regulation Policy;道路线路客运市场结构合理模式及管制政策


road passenger transport道路客运

1.The author mainly analyzecl the main problem in theroad passenger transport,the strategy and the methods to solve that.对道路客运现存主要问题的分析,以及解决的办法与策略。

2.This paper, under the environment of market economy, has a systematical study on the development situation, characteristic of our country sroad passenger transport market, and its problems and historic stages.本文系统研究了市场经济环境下我国道路客运市场的发展现状、特点、问题和所处的历史阶段,指出当前道路客运行业管理的首要任务是实施有效的道路客运市场准入管理。

3.Theroad passenger transport system is formed of several elements such as people, car, road, station, etc.道路客运系统是由人、车、路、站等诸要素构成的有机联系、相互补充、相互促进的统一整体。

3)highway passenger transportation道路客运

1.The meaning of technology innovation inhighway passenger transportation services is discussed, its producing process and thinking model are analyzed by applying the systematic, dynamic and optimistic theories.运用技术创新系统理论阐述了道路客运服务技术创新内涵 ,并从系统性、动态性和优化原理论证了道路客运服务技术创新的产生过程与思维模式 ,最后 ,结合江西长运客运服务技术创新的实例加以验

4)passage transportation道路客运业

1.Thepassage transportation should keep on management in good order of market.道路客运业要搞好市场化管理,当务之急是对行政审批和进出入市场制度进行创新。

5)road passenger transport quantity道路客运量

1.Based on the gray model GM(1,1),theroad passenger transport quantity and the passenger turnover quantity are predicted,so the complicated correlativity is abstained,the problem caused by the discreteness of original data is solved,and the results of the high-precision prediction are achieved.基于灰色系统GM(1,1)模型对道路客运量及客运周转量进行预测,可避免复杂的相关关系分析,解决由于原始数据离散带来的困难,得到高精度的预测结果。

6)roadline passenger transport market道路线路客运

1.Besides market demand and technology lever of indus try,the transaction cost of passengers is the another key factor which can influ ence the market structure ofroadline passenger transport market.本文以社会资源总消耗最小为标准 ,提出除了市场需求、行业平均技术水平外 ,乘客的交易成本是决定道路线路客运市场结构的另一重要因素 ,三者共同决定市场结构。


