900字范文 > 客运枢纽 passenger transport hub英语短句 例句大全

客运枢纽 passenger transport hub英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-02 04:47:50


客运枢纽 passenger transport hub英语短句 例句大全

客运枢纽,passenger transport hub

1)passenger transport hub客运枢纽

1.The planning and construction of urbanpassenger transport hub is key to urban transport development not only in nowadays but also in future,so it mus t be paid high attention.规划和建设好城市客运枢纽,无论是现在还是将来都将是城市运输发展的关键,必须给予高度重视。


1.Study on the Passenger Transfer in Urban Comprehensive Passenger Terminal城市综合客运枢纽旅客换乘行为研究

2.Study on the Operation Organization Planning of Highway Passenger Transporting Hinge System;公路客运枢纽系统营运组织规划研究

3.Key Issues on Transfer Organization of City Passenger Traffic Hubs;城市客运枢纽换乘组织关键问题研究

4.The Study on Layout Method of Urban Highway Passenger Transport Hub;城市公路客运枢纽布局规划方法研究

5.Study on Space Order of City Railway Hub for Passenger Transportation;城市铁路客运枢纽站前空间秩序研究

6.Analysis on Transfer Organization Pattern of Urban Comprehensive Passenger Transport Hub;城市综合客运枢纽换乘组织模式分析

7.Evaluation of the Competitive Capability on External Market of Hub Station;铁路客运枢纽站外部市场竞争力评价

8.Study on Facility and Passenger Flow Coordination of Urban Comprehensive Passenger Hub;城市综合客运枢纽设施与客流协调研究

9.Survey and Analysis on Passenger Distributing System in Railway Passenger Hub铁路客运枢纽客流集散系统数据采集与分析

10.Urban Elevated Railway,LRT System and Construction of Passenger Traffic Terminal城市高架铁路、轻轨运输系统和客运枢纽建设

11.Study on Traffic Operation of Combined Transport by Highway and Railway in the Passenger Transport Hub based on Simulation基于仿真的公铁联运客运枢纽交通组织研究

12.Study on Planning and Design Theory for External Passenger Transport Hub of Metropolis;大城市对外客运枢纽规划与设计理论研究

13.Tactic Pattern Initially Searches of Urban Railway Transport Hub;我国特大城市铁路客运枢纽结构模式初探

14.Study on Combination and Harmony between Railway Passenger Hub Station and Urban Traffic;铁路客运枢纽站与城市交通的衔接与协调研究

15.The Research on Layout Planning of Road Passenger Transportation Terminal in the City of Tianjin;天津市道路客运枢纽总体布局规划研究

16.Methodology Research about Urban Passenger Hub Planning;城市对外客运枢纽换乘系统规划方法研究

17.A Study of the Pattern of Urban Passenger Terminals: Traffic Integration Oriented;以交通一体化为导向的城市客运枢纽模式研究

18.The Study on the Hierarchy Layout of the Urban Passenger Traffic Hub;城市客运交通枢纽的层次化布局研究


passenger terminal客运枢纽

1.This paper conducts researches on the Integrated Design with streamline analysis of pedestrian flow and facility layout insidepassenger terminal.针对行人流线分析与客运枢纽内部设施布置一体化设计问题,将流线分析方法和系统布置方法(SLP)与系统仿真技术相结合,在满足客运枢纽行人流线顺畅的前提下,综合考虑设施布置的安全、结构及功能效用,建立设施布置优化模型;提出枢纽内部设施布置的最优策略及其优化方案,使设施布置方案与相应的流线组织方案发挥最大效用,依此提出基于流线分析的客运枢纽系统布置改进方法。

3)passenger terminal客运枢纽站

4)highway passenger transport hub公路客运枢纽

1.Scheme evaluating method ofhighway passenger transport hub based on multi-objective fuzzy decision-making;基于多目标模糊决策的公路客运枢纽评价方法

5)passenger transit hub客运换乘枢纽

1.The method of layout planning ofpassenger transit hub is established based on the urban TOD development pattern with the example of combined conglomeration structured city.以组团式结构城市为例,分析了城市TOD发展模式下客运换乘枢纽的布局规划方法。

6)hub-based passenger transportation systems"枢纽型"客运系统


