900字范文 > 名校长 famous principal英语短句 例句大全

名校长 famous principal英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-10 16:43:19


名校长 famous principal英语短句 例句大全

名校长,famous principal

1)famous principal名校长

1.Through investigation of some middle school principals knowledge of the connotation and the evaluation of "famous principal" and the expectation of the prospect and way of training to become "famous principal",we make clear of their state of mind to become famous,and put forward some suggestions to solve the problems in their growth.通过调查部分中学校长对“名校长”内涵及评价标准的认识、对成为“名校长”前景及培养途径、培训方式的期望,从而了解他们对成长为“名校长”的心态,提出解决校长成长过程中出现问题的有关对策。


1.Investigation of the State of Mind of Middle School Principals to Growinto "Framous Principals";中学校长对成长为“名校长”心态的调查研究

2.The Cognition Investigation and Study of Middle School Principals to "Famous Principal Project";中学校长对“名校长工程”认知的调查研究

3.Reflections and Practice of Famous Headmasters Project;骨干校长研修培训(名校长工程)的实践与思考

4.Taking Rural Principals as the Focal Point and Famous School"s Principals as the Core to Promote the Quality of a New Round of Principal Training以农村校长为重点,以名校长为核心,提升新一轮校长培训质量

5.On the Value Orientation of Well-known Principals and the Reconstruction of Training mode;论名校长培训的价值取向及其培训模式的重构

6.Forty Years of Hard Work in the Career of Education--The Case Study of Yuan Hao, a Prominent School Headmaster in Jiangsu Province;鸡鸣风雨四十年——江苏省名校长袁浩个案研究

7.The Study Report of the Types and Features of Success of the Prominent School Principals in Jiangsu;江苏名校长成功类型及其特点的研究报告

8.A Study of the Internal Factors of the Successes Achieved by the First Batch of "Celebrated Principals" in Jiangsu;江苏省首批“名校长”成功的内在因素研究

9.Research on Value Orientation and Pattern of Elementary and Secondary school"s Famous President Training中小学名校长培训的价值取向与培训模式研究

10.The honorary or titular head of a university.大学名誉校长,大学名义校长.

11.(Brit)honorary head of some universities(某些大学的)名誉校长

12.chancellor of London University伦敦大学的名誉校长.

13.The school principal read the honor roll list.校长宣读优秀生名单。

14.(British) the honorary or titular head of a university.(英国)被授予名誉上或有名无实的大学校长。

15.Four out of the successive presidents of the century-old Beijing University originated from Shaoxing.百年名校北京大学的历任校长中,绍兴籍校长也占了4位。

16.The principal"s prerogative to suspend a student.校长所拥有的可除名学生的权力

17.accede to the chancellorship就任大臣、 大学名誉校长等.

parison and Study on Well-known University President Selection Mechanism between China and America;中美知名大学校长遴选机制比较研究


prominent school principals名校长

1.This paper, on the basis of ascertaining internal factors and general rules of the successes of the first batch ofprominent school principals in Jiangsu Province, tries to abstract a few revelations from them and makes some suggestions on the selection, training, stimulation and evaluation of bringing about the group ofprominent school principals in the new century.本文在探寻江苏省首批名校长成功的内在因素和一般规律的基础上 ,初步概括出了名校长成功的几点启示 ,并对新世纪名校长群体的造就提出了选拔、培训、激励和考评的建议。

3)famous school principal名校校长


5)a dummy president名义校长

6)Famous principal project名校长工程


校长国家教育行政部门或其他办学机构管理部门任命的学校行政负责人。校长综理全校的校务,对外代表学校,对内主持校务。世界各国的各级各类学校皆设置校长。中国清代末年学校称学堂,学校行政负责人称 "总理" 或 "监督"。19学堂改为学校,学校行政负责人改称校长,沿用至今。一般地说,各国对校长的条件的共同要求是:必须懂得学校教学、教育和管理工作,并受过专门的教育管理专业的教育或培训;应具备教学管理和行政管理的能力;要有相当的教学、教育和管理的教育实践经验和理论素养,思想品德修养好,在教师中有一定威望。校长的职责,各国也有所不同。如美国和日本的学校校长,除对外代表学校、对内负责全校工作外,大多不直接担负教学任务。而苏联则强调校长除领导和管理学校外,还要直接从事教学、教育工作,如兼课等。中华人民共和国各级各类学校的领导体制在不同历史时期都有过变化。中国共产党的十一届三中全会以来,教育逐步走上正轨。因而更强调校长必须要懂得学校教学、教育和管理工作。校长的职责,具体内容繁多,大致可分4类:①行政职责;②辅导职责;③指导职责;④研究和实验职责。随着建设具有中国特色的社会主义学校教育事业的不断发展,中国对各级各类学校校长的培养、选拔、任用以及他们的职责正在不断改革和探索。
