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本犯 principal英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-06 07:51:54


本犯 principal英语短句 例句大全



1.Analysis of the Subject Scope of Money-laundering Offence——Whether the subject of money-laundering offence includes theprincipal of its resource crime;洗钱犯罪主体范围评析——洗钱犯罪主体应否包括上游犯罪本犯


1.Analysis of the Subject Scope of Money-laundering Offence--Whether the subject of money-laundering offence includes the principal of its resource crime;洗钱犯罪主体范围评析——洗钱犯罪主体应否包括上游犯罪本犯

2.On Consequential Aggregated Crime Types with Basic Crime not Being Completed--Breakthrough to the Aggregated Consequential Offense of Rape Crime;基本犯罪未遂的结果加重犯之犯罪形态议——以强奸罪的结果加重犯为切入点

3.There are two basic kinds of fouls: ordinary fouls and major fouls.犯规基本上有两种:一般犯规和严重犯规。

4.An Analysis of the Number of Crime′s Characteristics;浅析犯罪的基本特征——什么是犯罪与犯罪是什么

5.Don"t get hot under the collar. I didn"t mean to offend you.别发火,我本无意冒犯你。

6."False start, ben Johnson jumps the gun."起跑犯规,本·约翰逊抢跑。

7.Human beings are only fallible.人类本身易犯错误.

8.How Does the Criminology Form Its Concept of Crime;犯罪学的犯罪概念何以可能——犯罪学本体理论建设的反思性研究

9.This military court finds the prisoner is guilty of murder and recommends a death sentence.本军事法庭认为罪犯犯有杀人罪,应予判处死刑。

10.The nuts and bolts of the case against her was that she was seen at the scene of the crime.指控她犯罪的基本点是,她被看见她的犯罪现场。

11.Japanese Criminal Law:Joint Crime in Consequence aggravated Crime;日本刑法结果加重犯中的共犯的理论与实践

12.Indictment delivered to him last night.控诉书昨夜已交该犯本人。

13.Prisoner at the Bar. It is the decision of this court that you have Been found not guilty.在押的囚犯,本法庭判决你无罪。

14.Japanese war criminals must be tried;日本的战犯必须交付审判;

15.On their part, people who have erred should have confidence too.犯错误的本人也应当有这种信心。

16.Forgeries or copies made for criminal purpose为犯罪目的制造出来的复印本

17.This managed to offend even Japan"s staunch ally, the United States.此事甚至冒犯了日本的坚定盟友美国。

18.Yet it goes against the human need to be right.但是它和人不愿意犯错的本性相抵触。


weakening the healthy qi犯本

3)Japanese war criminals日本战犯

1.The principles of adopting a policy of combining punishment and leniency were employed to successfully deal with all theJapanese war criminals under detention.中华人民共和国成立后 ,对曾在侵华战争期间千余名犯有严重战争罪行的在押日本战犯采取了以思想教育改造为重点、以消除其头脑中根深蒂固的军国主义思想为核心的方针 ,实行正义与人道、惩处与宽大相结合的处置原则 ,达到了让他们认罪服罪的目的 ,妥善地处理了全部在押的日本战犯问题。

4)crime cost犯罪成本

1.The investigation cost andcrime cost are a pair of category of unification and opposite,and their relationship influences the investigation benefit directly.侦查成本与犯罪成本是对立统一的范畴,二者之间的关系对侦查效益有着直接的影响。

2.Therefore,to raise thecrime cost and.从法经济学上分析,公款境外赌博犯罪是因犯罪收益大于犯罪成本的个体选择所导致的病态社会问题。

3.In order to achieve it,the author puts forward the ideas of raising thecrime cost of units,reduces the income of unit crime,controls the crime market and increases the chances of legal income.该文概述了单位犯罪的原因和理论界对单位犯罪社会控制的探讨情况,基于单位犯罪行为的谋利性和单位行为的明显理性,建议借鉴犯罪计量经济学理论来控制单位犯罪行为,主要路径是提高单位的犯罪成本、降低单位犯罪收益、控制犯罪市场和增加合法收益的机会。

5)criminal cost犯罪成本

1.This paper analyzes the countermeasures to drug control on the basis of the economic analyses of drugcriminal cost and profit.以经济学的观点分析毒品犯罪的犯罪成本和犯罪收益,以此为基础对禁毒对策进行经济学的分析。

2.Crime-economic Cost and Income Theory” mainly analyses all kinds of factors affectingcriminal cost and income.犯罪经济学的成本与收益理论重在分析影响犯罪成本与犯罪收益的各种因素 ,通过改变各种因素 ,增加犯罪的成本、降低犯罪的收益而达到预防犯罪的目的。

3.There are three basic factors that can affect criminal effectivener, which are potentialcriminal cost, activecriminal cost and penalty time.潜在犯罪成本、现实犯罪成本、被刑罚时间是影响犯罪效用的基本因素 ,它们彼此间的可替代性 ,满足遏制犯罪刑罚效用的基本特征。

6)basic crime基本犯

1.The aggravated consequential offence composition features are : the actor committing thebasic crime,occurring aggravated consequence and the Code providing heavier penalties than thebasic crime.文章以我国刑法典中的相关规定为依托,从基本犯的成立范围、加重结果的特征和刑事立法的规定三个角度,对结果加重犯的构成特征予以论述。

2.The identification for accomplished and abortive form of aggregated consequential crime is of great theoretical and practical importance,especially when thebasic crime is unaccomplished but the aggregated consequential part is accomplished.结果加重犯的既遂和未遂的认定具有理论意义和实践意义,特别是结果加重犯的基本犯罪未遂而加重结果出现的时候如何认定犯罪的形态更具有重要意义。

3.Through the comparison of several kinds of views,the concept of the result-aggravated crime should be two types:(1)basic crime on purpose + aggravated result fault;(2)basic crime on purpose + aggravated result on purpose.通过对几种观点的比较,认为结果加重犯是行为人故意实施了基本犯罪的犯罪行为,因故意或过失发生了超过基本犯罪结果的加重结果,刑法因此规定加重法定刑的犯罪形态。


