900字范文 > 主面 principal facets英语短句 例句大全

主面 principal facets英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-16 20:45:45


主面 principal facets英语短句 例句大全

主面,principal facets

1)principal facets主面

1.Analyzes the attributes and their calculated method aboutprincipal facets.通过工件多面框的抽象 ,探讨了主面及基准主面的概念 ,分析了主面的属性及其计算方法 ,提出了基准主面的影响系数及其量化计算公式 ,并给出了基准主面的识别流程图和实


1.Determination of subsidence parameters based on a observing station along thenon-principal subsidence section in area with extra-thickness alluvium;特厚冲积层非主断面观测站岩移参数的求取

3)Main structure face主结构面

4)staple flour food面制主食

5)staple food bread主食面包

1.Application of soy oligosaccharides instaple food bread;大豆低聚糖在主食面包中的应用

6)main plane主平面

1.In this paper it is given a more effective formula about the direction angle of themain plane in the plane stress state.本文给出了平面应力状态下主平面方位角的一个更为有效的公

2.In this paper,the formula of determining the position angle ofmain plane is analyzed , Determining the sign and number of α_0 angle based on the quand rapidly,This paper has reference to studying of stressing theory and structure design.本文对确定主平面方位角的公式进行了分析,根据2α_0所在象限迅速确定出α_0正负及大小,并指出平面图的位置。

3.In this paper, the question ofmain plane in the affine transformation of space field is investigated .探讨了空间场的仿射变换中主平面的问题,得到一种确定主平面位置的方法。


1.Supplementary Regulations on Deciding the Place of Main Plain in the State of Plain Stree;确定平面应力状态主平面位置的一个补充规定

2.Study on Dual-plane Active Hydraulic Balancing Technology for Single-disk Rigid Rotor System单盘刚性转子双平面液压主动平衡技术研究

3.Design for Double-face Online Dynamic Balance System of Machine Tool Spindle机床主轴双平面在线动平衡系统的设计

puter graphic design is also one of our main business.电脑平面设计是我们另一项主要业务。

5.1975: Consolidation in Every Field of Work under the Charge of DENG Xiao-ping;1975:邓小平主持各方面的整顿

6.The Quality of Plane--the Contextual Characteristics of Modernist Painting;现代主义绘画语境中的特征——平面性

7.Dynamics Analysis of Main Bodies of Super Precise Surface Grinding Machine超精密平面磨床主体结构动力学分析

8.Surgical Treatment of Infrarenal Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms肾动脉平面下腹主动脉瘤的外科治疗

9.Curative effect observation of OSAHS patients based on straitness of oral pharynx腭咽平面狭窄为主的OSAHS手术疗效观察


11.A Simple Method for Principal Axes and Principal Moment of Inertia of An Are;确定平面图形主轴、主惯性矩的简单方法

12.Belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes.男女平等主义主张在社会、政治以及经济方面性别平等的信条

13.An aircraft whose horizontal stabilizing surfaces are forward of the main wing.鸭式飞机水平稳定面在主机翼前方的飞行器

14.The United Nations has a primary role to play in the maintenance of peace and security.联合国在维护国际和平与安全方面起主要作用。

15.Peace and development remain the two major themes of the human society.和平与发展仍然是人类社会面临的两大主题。

16.Discussion on the Building of Industry Technology Innovation Platform Oriented by Indigenous Development;面向自主发展的产业技术创新平台的构建

17.Aesthetics Feature of "Come to the Surface" in Postmodernism Literature;后现代主义小说的“平面化”审美特征解析

18.On the F·Jameson s Pattern of Postmodernism Plane;简论F·詹姆逊的后现代主义平面模式说



1.Determination of subsidence parameters based on a observing station along thenon-principal subsidence section in area with extra-thickness alluvium;特厚冲积层非主断面观测站岩移参数的求取

3)Main structure face主结构面

4)staple flour food面制主食

5)staple food bread主食面包

1.Application of soy oligosaccharides instaple food bread;大豆低聚糖在主食面包中的应用

6)main plane主平面

1.In this paper it is given a more effective formula about the direction angle of themain plane in the plane stress state.本文给出了平面应力状态下主平面方位角的一个更为有效的公

2.In this paper,the formula of determining the position angle ofmain plane is analyzed , Determining the sign and number of α_0 angle based on the quand rapidly,This paper has reference to studying of stressing theory and structure design.本文对确定主平面方位角的公式进行了分析,根据2α_0所在象限迅速确定出α_0正负及大小,并指出平面图的位置。

3.In this paper, the question ofmain plane in the affine transformation of space field is investigated .探讨了空间场的仿射变换中主平面的问题,得到一种确定主平面位置的方法。


日本主食面包原料配方 面粉100公斤 鲜酵母2公斤 砂糖5公斤 油脂4公斤 食盐2公斤 脱脂奶粉2公斤 乳化剂0.3公斤 酵母营养剂0.3公斤 水62公斤左右制作方法 1.第一次调粉用70%面粉,60%水和全部酵母及酵母营养液,搅拌5分钟,面团温度24℃左右。调好的面团在26℃左右发酵3.5~4小时。2.第二次调粉搅拌14分钟,面团温度27℃,在室温下静置20~30分钟。3.切块、揉圆后的面团在25~27℃条件下预醒发10~15分钟。4.整型后在38℃,相对湿度85%条件下最后醒发30~50分钟。5.在230℃条件下烘烤15分钟(面包重约100克)。
