900字范文 > 城邦制度 city-state system英语短句 例句大全

城邦制度 city-state system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-10 18:06:06


城邦制度 city-state system英语短句 例句大全

城邦制度,city-state system

1)city-state system城邦制度

1.The existence of Greekcity-state system decided the emergence and development of ancient Olympics.希腊城邦制度的存在决定了古代奥林匹克的产生与发展。

2.Any history of the culture has an extremely close contact with the social background when they bred in the world, Western Sports bred in the ancient Greekcity-state system, as well as Chinese Kongfu shaped in the classical historiographic culture prompted us to go to explore the different cultural origins of the two and to identify the real differences.任何一项文化的历史都会与其诞生时候的社会背景有着极其紧密的联系,对西方体育孕育于古希腊城邦制度下以及中国武术成形于古典史官文化中的特殊史实的认识促使我们去从中探寻两者不同的社会文化渊源并找出真正的差异所在。


1.The Prevailing Trend of the "Justice" and the Establishing of the City-State System in Ancient Greece;“正义”思潮的盛行与古希腊城邦制度的确立

parative Study between Kongfu Infuenced by Historiographic Culture and Western Sport Bred Via City-state System of Ancient Greece古希腊城邦制度孕育下的西方体育与古典史官文化熏陶下的中国武术的对比研究

3.political system of the Greek polis古代希腊城邦政治制度

4.Feudalism was falling apart and the new city republics were rising.封建制度正在崩溃中,新的城邦正在崛起。

5.Institutional measures to narrow gap between rich and poor in Classical Athens;古典时期雅典城邦对贫富差距的制度调适

6.Analysis of Agricultural Characteristic of the Classical Greek Culture--The Land System of Polis: the Root of Culture;希腊古典文化的农业性特征——城邦土地制度:文化之根

7.FRB (Federal Reserve Board)美国联邦制度理事会

8.federal tax deposit system美国联邦税收缴存制度

9.British commonwealth preference tariff system英联邦特惠关税制度

10.The Moral Dimension of Classic Republic Polis--On Republic Polis Character of Aristotle;古典共和城邦的道德纬度——论亚里士多德式的共和城邦的特性

11.Swiss Federal Social Security System瑞士联邦社会保障制度(瑞社保制度)

12.a federal system like that of the United States; federal governments often evolved out of confederatons.类似于美国的联邦制度;联邦政府通常是由邦联政府发展而来的。

13.On the Presidential Plenipotentiary Representation System In the Russian Federation谈俄罗斯联邦总统的全权代表制度

14.a bank that is a member of the Federal Reserve System.是联邦储备银行制度的成员的银行。

15.Federal Reserve Clearing House System美国联邦储备银行交换所制度

16.Survey on Social Security Systems in Denmark and Britain丹麦王国和英联邦社会保障制度考察

17.The System of "jus in re aliena" in the Land Law of Russian Federation;俄罗斯联邦土地他物权法律制度评介

18.The Design of Temperature Control Scheme for ABD-100 ACF Bonding MachineABD-100 ACF邦定机温度控制方案的设计


polis system城邦制度

1.Aristotle proclaimed that the executors should be from the citizen and polis based aspects,in order to maintain thepolis system and pursue happiness,perfection as goal of political ethic practice,citizen education and system management as method of political ethic practice,thus realizing his thoughts of "perfection"and "self-satisfaction".亚里士多德以公民和城邦两个层面的主体为政治伦理实践的实施者;以维持城邦制度和对幸福、至善的追求作为政治伦理实践的目的;将公民教育和制度安排作为政治伦理实践的手段,实现了其思想自身的“完满”和“自足”。

3)Athenian City-Sate system雅典城邦制度

4)Greek city state system希腊城邦制度

1.The appearance ofGreek city state system resulted from the gradual evolution of the Greek historical civilization.希腊城邦制度的产生是希腊历史一系列文明演变的结果 ,它在吸纳其他文明的基础上加上自身独特的地理文化环境所形成的 ,其精髓是民主、平等、平权、法制。

5)Polity of city-states城邦政制

6)political system of the Greek polis古代希腊城邦政治制度


