900字范文 > 城邦体育 city-state sport英语短句 例句大全

城邦体育 city-state sport英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-01 13:25:45


城邦体育 city-state sport英语短句 例句大全

城邦体育,city-state sport

1)city-state sport城邦体育

1.From the perspective ofcity-state sport,this paper probes the special relationship between people and sport.站在城邦体育的视角,探寻人与体育运动的独特关系。

2)Italian city-state system意大利城邦体系


1.The Idea in Rule of Law: the Essence of Political Culture in Greekpolis;法治理念:希腊城邦政治文化的精粹

2.The Discussion of Delphi Oracle s Influence on the Political Activities of the Polis;试论德尔斐神谕对希腊城邦政治活动的影响

3.In Politics,Aristotle designed an educational system which integrated ideal life styles and good governance of thepolis.亚里士多德在《政治学》中,构想了善治下的教育制度,将人的美好生活方式、城邦善治与教育融合在一起,据此出发将教育作为国家的重要公共事业,同时设定了自由教育的精神和传统,确立了体、德、智和谐全面发展的教育观念。


1.A city-state of ancient Greece.城邦古代希腊的一个城邦

2.political system of the Greek polis古代希腊城邦政治制度

3.Are the Zhou’s Fengguoes(Feudal States) City States? --On the variation of city-state system in the ancient World;周代的封国是否城邦——兼与希腊古典城邦的比较

4.A Comparative Research between Greek City-states and the City Walls in Central Asia希腊城邦与中亚城郭之国比较研究

5.Natural City-State And the Nature of City-State--the Analysis on the Tension of Aristotle s Political View;自然的城邦和城邦的自然——亚里士多德政治观中的张力分析

6.The polis of ancient Greek in ethical words --Ethical explanation of polis idea of Aristotle;伦理话语中的古希腊城邦——亚里士多德城邦理念的伦理解读

7.The Moral Dimension of Classic Republic Polis--On Republic Polis Character of Aristotle;古典共和城邦的道德纬度——论亚里士多德式的共和城邦的特性

8.Hawkwood and his men would march into a city-state and,霍克伍德便带领士兵进入某个城邦,

9.a legislative assembly in any one of the ancient Greek states.古希腊各城邦的立法会议。

10.Whenever the Italian city-states were at war with each other,每次意大利各城邦之间打伏,

11.The news of the city"s surrender chilled the soldiers.城邦投降的消息使战士们消沉。

12.What did the people look like in these far-off cities?生活在这些偏远城邦中的人外貌如何?

13.The cities of Egypt became treasure houses for the rulers;埃及各城邦成了统治阶级的聚宝盆;

14.Rome was the most powerful city in the world.罗马曾是世界上最强盛的城邦。

15.There were always wars between the states in ancient Greece.当时希腊各个城邦之间经常交战。

16.An Opinion of the Citizen, the Citizenship and the Citizen Policy in Athens论雅典城邦的公民、公民权及公民政策

17.The Features of the Polis of Athens and the Social Status of the Athenian Women从城邦的特征看古代雅典妇女的地位

18.The Hoplite of the Old Greek in the Age of City-State and Its Warfare;古希腊城邦时代的重装步兵及其战争


Italian city-state system意大利城邦体系


1.The Idea in Rule of Law: the Essence of Political Culture in Greekpolis;法治理念:希腊城邦政治文化的精粹

2.The Discussion of Delphi Oracle s Influence on the Political Activities of the Polis;试论德尔斐神谕对希腊城邦政治活动的影响

3.In Politics,Aristotle designed an educational system which integrated ideal life styles and good governance of thepolis.亚里士多德在《政治学》中,构想了善治下的教育制度,将人的美好生活方式、城邦善治与教育融合在一起,据此出发将教育作为国家的重要公共事业,同时设定了自由教育的精神和传统,确立了体、德、智和谐全面发展的教育观念。


1.The freedom,characterized by individual independence and self-belonging,is the essential condition for the self-support ofcity-state,while unrestrained individual freedom can damage self-supportingcity-states.城邦是一个自组织系统,具有自身目的性,也具有实现自身目的的能力。

2.It comes up in ancient Greekcity-states,is legalized in ancient Rome and generalized in the Middle Ages,and goes through intricacies of people s understanding,to have its modern universal constitutionalist import.公民概念产生于古希腊城邦,经过古罗马的法律化、中世纪的普遍化,及近代人们认识上的曲折,才具备现代立宪政治下的普适性含义。

5)city state城邦

6)city sports城市体育

1.Based on the analysis of the relationship between the building of a harmonious society and thecity sports,the significance and necessity of thecity sports in building a harmonious society,improving the city s comprehensive capacity and promoting the city s image was discussed.在分析和谐社会建设与城市体育关系的基础上,阐述城市体育在构建和谐社会、提高城市综合实力、提升城市品味方面具有重要地位和独特意义;提出充分利用体育专业院系的优势,肩负起对城市体育的辐射作用和以教学科研服务城市体育建设的人才支撑作用,并就高校体育在和谐社会建设与城市体育相互促进、协调发展、互动性发展提出了一些新思路。

2.Through the methods of literature and logical analysis, based on all-around thought of influence factors oncity sports circle, this paper studied development project ofcity sports circle as well as distribution model of sports resources in space and puts forward the rules of development and frame.采用文献资料、逻辑分析等方法,对城市体育圈的发展模式及其体育资源的空间布局进行研究,在综合考虑影响都市体育圈发展的几个重要因素的基础上,提出体育圈的发展原则和规划框架。

3.This paper with the methods of literature and logic analysis adopted,defined the connotation of fashion,leisure sports andcity sports,analyzed the relations of leisure sports andcity sports.采用文献资料法和逻辑推理法,明确了时尚、休闲体育及城市体育的内涵,分析了休闲体育与城市体育的关系,并从构成时尚的要素这一基点出发,从意识形态、文化形态和经济形态三个角度,论述了休闲体育在城市体育中的作用和地位。


