900字范文 > 城邦民主制 City state democratic system英语短句 例句大全

城邦民主制 City state democratic system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-03 20:12:44


城邦民主制 City state democratic system英语短句 例句大全

城邦民主制,City state democratic system

1)City state democratic system城邦民主制


1.The City state Democratic System,the Heroic Myth,the Solemn Drama --A Comprehension to the Contributing Factor of the Ancient Greek Tragedy;城邦民主制·英雄神话·严肃剧——对古希腊悲剧成因的一种理解

2.in some there is a democracy of all the Aryan citizens;而在另一些城邦,则所有雅利安公民都享有民主;

3.Shan Nationalities League for Democracy掸邦民主联合会(掸邦民联)

4.The Ideal and Way of Chen Jiongming:On His Democratic Federal System;陈炯明的理想和道路——以民主联邦制为考察中心

5.political system of the Greek polis古代希腊城邦政治制度

6.An Opinion of the Citizen, the Citizenship and the Citizen Policy in Athens论雅典城邦的公民、公民权及公民政策

7.Assumption to Build the National Autonomy and Federal Country during Revolutionary China;民主革命时期中共关于民族自治自决与联邦制的构想

8.His method is basically practicalism,and his conclusion is dependable.他对城邦政制的研究基本上是实证主义的,许多结论也是靠得住的。

9.the Leading Factor of the Persia"s Limit Policy in the Period of Wars Between Ancient Greek States古希腊城邦争霸战期间波斯遏制政策的主导因素

10.The Federal District is controlled by the left-leaning Party of the Democratic Revolution, or PRD.联邦政府是由左翼党派民主改革党控制的,也就是所谓的PRD。

11.A new result reported by Frey is that federalism and direct democracy contribute to personal happiness.弗雷一项新的调查表明联邦制和直接民主有助于促进个人的幸福。

12.Some consist chiefly of citizens of this or that Greek tribe, Ionic, Aeolian, or Doric;有些城邦主要由这个或那个希腊部落的公民组成,像爱奥尼亚、伊奥利亚、多利斯;

13.As it was, the Democrats would control the federal government chiefly because of the division among their opponents.事实上,民主党人之所以能控制联邦政府,主要是因为他们的对手不团结。

14.$$$$Ethiopia$Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia$$$$埃塞俄比亚$萨尔瓦多联邦民主共和国

15.Federal Democratic Republic of Ethopia埃塞俄比亚联邦民主共和国

16.the union broke with its past undemocratic procedures.联邦废除了以往不民主的做法。

17.Tow centuries ago, men from 13 colonies in North America met in Philadelphia and hammered out a federal constitution.200年前,来自北美的13个殖民地的人相聚费城,制订出了一部联邦宪法。

18.Advocacy of such a system of government.联邦主义这种政府体制的主张


polis democracy城邦民主

1.A study on Greekpolis democracy and publicity principle;为了考察希腊城邦民主实践的公共性原则,采取历史分析和文献解析的方法,通过对其中透现的公共性原则的研究,明确了希腊城邦民主实践的公共性原则及其对公共管理的现实意义。


4)city-state system城邦制度

1.The existence of Greekcity-state system decided the emergence and development of ancient Olympics.希腊城邦制度的存在决定了古代奥林匹克的产生与发展。

2.Any history of the culture has an extremely close contact with the social background when they bred in the world, Western Sports bred in the ancient Greekcity-state system, as well as Chinese Kongfu shaped in the classical historiographic culture prompted us to go to explore the different cultural origins of the two and to identify the real differences.任何一项文化的历史都会与其诞生时候的社会背景有着极其紧密的联系,对西方体育孕育于古希腊城邦制度下以及中国武术成形于古典史官文化中的特殊史实的认识促使我们去从中探寻两者不同的社会文化渊源并找出真正的差异所在。

5)polis system城邦制度

1.Aristotle proclaimed that the executors should be from the citizen and polis based aspects,in order to maintain thepolis system and pursue happiness,perfection as goal of political ethic practice,citizen education and system management as method of political ethic practice,thus realizing his thoughts of "perfection"and "self-satisfaction".亚里士多德以公民和城邦两个层面的主体为政治伦理实践的实施者;以维持城邦制度和对幸福、至善的追求作为政治伦理实践的目的;将公民教育和制度安排作为政治伦理实践的手段,实现了其思想自身的“完满”和“自足”。

6)Polity of city-states城邦政制


军事民主(见三大民主)军事民主(见三大民主)military democracylunshi minzhu军事民主(miritary demoeraey)见三大民主。
