900字范文 > 合作型教师文化 collaborative teachers culture英语短句 例句大全

合作型教师文化 collaborative teachers culture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-18 07:53:44


合作型教师文化 collaborative teachers culture英语短句 例句大全

合作型教师文化,collaborative teachers" culture

1)collaborative teachers" culture合作型教师文化


1.The Study on Collaborative Teachers" Culture in the Horizon of Teacher Professional Development教师专业发展视域下合作型教师文化研究

2.Mosaic Culture or Cooperative Culture: The Choose of Transferring Curriculum Leadership;马赛克文化抑或合作文化——课程领导转型与教师文化选择

3.The Reform of Teacher Culture and the Reconstruction of Teacher Collaborative Culture;教师文化的变革与教师合作文化的重建

4.School-based Teaching and Research Serve as the Space for Teachers Cooperative Culture;校本教研——教师合作文化的创建平台

5.Establishment of Teacher"s Cooperative Culture in Vocational Education School浅谈职业教育学校教师合作文化建设

6.Reshaping a New Type of Teacher Culture Suitable for Teacher Professional Development in Our Country;重塑适合我国教师专业发展的新型教师文化

7.Construction of the Teacher Collaborative Culture;共建合作的教师文化 营造教师专业发展环境

8.Building the Cooperation Teachers Culture: the Implement of Apprenticeship Model of Teacher Education;创建合作教师文化:师徒教师教育模式的运作与实施

9.The Decipherment,Construction Strategies and Influence Factors of Cooperative Teacher Culture;合作教师文化解读、构建及其影响因素

munity:An Effective Organization of Teachers Cooperative Culture;共同体——教师合作文化的有效组织

11.Approaching to natural cooperation is an inexorable developing trend;走向自然合作:教师文化的应然发展

12.Formation of Cooperative Teacher Culture Based on Curriculum Integration--A Perspective of Teachers" Professional Development课程综合化理念下教师合作文化的构建——以教师专业发展的视角

13.Integration of School-based Curriculum and Formation of Cooperative Teacher Culture;校本课程整合与合作的教师文化的生成

14.Investigation and Analysis of College English Teachers Collaborative Culture in Kunming University of Science and Technology;我校大学英语教师合作文化的调查与分析

15.The Study of Teacher Collaborative Culture Construction" Resistance and Countermeasures教师合作文化构建的阻力及其对策研究

16.Keeping the Tension between Teacher′s Individualism Culture and Collaboration Culture;在教师的“个人主义”文化与合作文化之间保持张力

17.Cultivating Teacher of “double teacher type” in Foreign Countries;国外校企合作中“双师型”教师的培养

18.On the Comprehensive Quality and Ability of Intelligent Teachers;追寻智慧型教师的整体素质与综合能力——“智慧文化综合力”解读


teacher cooperative culture教师合作文化

1.This paper focuses on the basic ideas,the assuring system and constructing methods ofteacher cooperative culture in the view of professionalization.本文探讨了专业化视野中教师合作文化的基本理念、制度保障及建构方法。

3)cooperative teacher culture合作教师文化

1.Teacher professionalization is the main trend of international teacher education reform andcooperative teacher culture offers support and guarantee for it.教师专业化是国际教师教育改革的主要趋势,合作教师文化是对教师专业化的深层次支持和有力保障。

4)the natural cooperation-based teachers" culture自然合作教师文化

5)cooperation type teachers合作型教师

6)Teachers cultural transformation教师文化转型


