900字范文 > 教师隐性知识 teacher tacit knowledge英语短句 例句大全

教师隐性知识 teacher tacit knowledge英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-19 21:00:25


教师隐性知识 teacher tacit knowledge英语短句 例句大全

教师隐性知识,teacher tacit knowledge

1)teacher tacit knowledge教师隐性知识

1.This paper will analyze the present situation of communication and spreading ofteacher tacit knowledge sharing and purports to put forward some countermeasures.教师隐性知识共享是教师专业发展的内在要求,但当前教师对隐性知识和隐性知识的共享存在不同程度的认知和实践困难,本文从目前教师隐性知识交流和传播的现状入手,提出了一些应对的策略。


1.Narrative Research of Teachers Recessive Knowledge from Viewpoint of Knowledge Management;知识管理视角下教师隐性知识的叙事研究

2.On the Ways of Making the PE Teachers Tacit Knowledge Explicit;体育教学中教师隐性知识显性化的理论思考

3.Utilize Social Software Management Teacher s Tacit Knowledge;利用社会性软件促进教师隐性知识的管理

4.Exploration of Sharing within Teacher Tacit Knowledge in University;关于高校教师隐性知识共享策略的几点探讨

5.An Analysis of Structure and Transforming Factors of Tacit Knowledge of Teachers in Universities;高校教师隐性知识的结构与转化因素分析

6.A Study on the Present Situation of Tacit Knowledge Sharing of Primary and Secondary School Teachers and Its Countermeasures中小学教师隐性知识共享的现状与对策研究

7.Tacit Knowledge Sharing Model and the System Design Optimization of Teachers in Universities高校教师隐性知识共享模型及机制优化设计

8.Research on the Model Construction and Application of Teachers" Tacit Knowledge Sharing Based on Social Software基于社会性软件的教师隐性知识共享模型构建与应用研究

9.Exploration of Sharing within Teacher Tacit Knowledge and Construction of Network Platform in University;高校教师隐性知识共享策略探讨及网络平台构建

10.Research on the Model Construction of Teacher s Tacit Knowledge Transferring in Web-based Courses;教师隐性知识在网络课程中的传递模型构建研究

11.Tacit Knowledge Management in Higher Education;高等学校隐性知识管理:聚焦于教师的隐性知识转移

12.The Research on Tacit Knowledge Structure and Its Inventory for Teachers Teaching Practice;教师教学实践的隐性知识结构及其测量研究

13.The Transferring of Tacit Knowledge and Teachers Training Based on the Network;基于网络环境的隐性知识传递与教师培养

14.The Research about Tacit knowledge and Enlightenment of the Teacher s Training;隐性知识理论研究及其对教师培训的启示

15.Problems and Strategies in College and University Teacher Assessment:Tacit Knowledge Management Perspectives;高校教师评价中的问题及对策:隐性知识管理的视角

16.Analysis of Tacit-knowledge-sharing on the View of Static Game;博弈视角下的师徒隐性知识共享分析

17.Research on tacit knowledge teaching in the long-distance open education远程开放教育中隐性知识的教学研究

18.Practical Knowledge: the Knowledge Base of Teachers Professional Development;实践性知识:教师专业发展的知识基础


teacher"s practical knowledge教师实践性知识

1.The importance of teacher′s practical knowledge is prominent in teaching and teacher professional development.教师实践性知识在教育教学和教师专业发展中的重要性日益凸显。

3)experience knowledge of teachers教师经验性知识

1.Isexperience knowledge of teachers necessary in distance English instruction? By analyzing instructional characteristics of distance English teaching,online resources design and face-to-face tutorials of English,the article gives an affirmative question :Not only isexperience knowledge of teachers needed in distance English teaching,but also they are correlated and inseparate.远程英语教学还需不需要教师经验性知识?通过分析远程英语教学的特点、英语在线资源设计、远程英语面授课,得出的回答是肯定的:远程英语教学仍然需要教师经验性知识。

4)teacher practical knowledge教师实践性知识

1.Based on the three theories,including Meta-cognitive theory,constructivism and anthropology,this paper emphasizes the significance ofteacher practical knowledge during the development of foreign language teachers\" cognitive ability to promote teachers\" action research,enhance teachers\" criticism and reflection awareness,and thus develop students\" self-learning ability.本文依据元认知理论、建构主义理论和人类学理念,强调在发展外语教师认知能力的过程中,注重对教师实践性知识的探究意义,并以此推动教师的行动研究、提升教师的批判与反思意识,进而发展学生的自主学习能力。

5)the conditional knowledge of teacher教师条件性知识

6)teacher knowledge教师知识

1.The study ofteacher knowledge shall be carried out both on the level of knowledge possessed by all teachers and on the level of teacher s personal knowledge.对教师知识的探讨,不仅要从教师整体知识的层面进行,在一般意义上探讨,更要从教师个体知识的层面进行,从具体意义上探讨。

2.According to the mainstream model ofteacher knowledge,the pedagogical content knowledge is the unique knowledge domain of teacher and the sign to differentiate the expert teacher from the inexpert teacher.教师知识的主流模型认为,教学内容知识是教师独一无二的知识领域,也是区分专家教师与非专家教师的标志。

3.In the setting,teachers professional activities are based on a type of knowledge,which is calledteacher knowledge.在这一场景中,教师的专业活动依赖一定的知识基础,即“教师知识”。


陈述性/程序性知识陈述性/程序性知识declarative-procedural knowledge陈述性程序性知识(d eelarative一proeeduralknowledge)现代认知心理学所划分的两种基本的知识类型。陈述性知识指知道是什么,即关于事实的知识;程序性知识指知道怎么做,即关于技能的知识。大部分陈述性知识能够用语言表述,而程序性知识却很难被意识到。例如,大多数人知道怎样骑自行车,但不能用语言清楚地表述出来;而3 X4二12则能用语言表述。前者是程序性知识,后者是陈述性知识。认知心理学主要关心这两类知识在头脑中是怎样被表征的。一般认为,陈述性知识有言语、意象和命题三种表征方式,而程序性知识则是由一套产生式系统来表征的。(谭立海撰粤藕铃审)
