900字范文 > 教师知识优化 the optimize of teacher knowledge英语短句 例句大全

教师知识优化 the optimize of teacher knowledge英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-20 22:11:06


教师知识优化 the optimize of teacher knowledge英语短句 例句大全

教师知识优化,the optimize of teacher knowledge

1)the optimize of teacher knowledge教师知识优化

2)teacher knowledge教师知识

1.The study ofteacher knowledge shall be carried out both on the level of knowledge possessed by all teachers and on the level of teacher s personal knowledge.对教师知识的探讨,不仅要从教师整体知识的层面进行,在一般意义上探讨,更要从教师个体知识的层面进行,从具体意义上探讨。

2.According to the mainstream model ofteacher knowledge,the pedagogical content knowledge is the unique knowledge domain of teacher and the sign to differentiate the expert teacher from the inexpert teacher.教师知识的主流模型认为,教学内容知识是教师独一无二的知识领域,也是区分专家教师与非专家教师的标志。

3.In the setting,teachers professional activities are based on a type of knowledge,which is calledteacher knowledge.在这一场景中,教师的专业活动依赖一定的知识基础,即“教师知识”。


1.A study on knowledge structure of"teachers with double qualifications"in higher vocational colleges高职院校“双师型”教师知识结构研究

2.Research on Teaching Performance Evaluation of Faculty Based on the Teacher Knowledge基于教师知识的高校教师教学评价研究

3.The Innovation of Knowledge Management System of University Teachers Caused by Knowledge Concept Change知识观的嬗变促使高校教师知识管理系统变革

4.Design of a Teacher’s Knowledge Management System Based on Knowledge Grid基于知识网格的教师知识管理系统的设计

5.A Study of Curriculm of Mathematics Teacher Education Based on Teachers" Knowledge in Normal University基于教师知识的高师数学系师范课程研究

6.A teacher should impart knowledge.教师应该传授知识。

7.Evolution of View of Knowledge and Development for Teachers Practical Knowledge;知识观的嬗变与教师实践知识的养成

8.Practical Knowledge: the Knowledge Base of Teachers Professional Development;实践性知识:教师专业发展的知识基础

9.Knowledge Management in Education: The Research of Knowledge Management on Teachers;教育领域的知识管理:教师的知识管理研究

10.On How to Turn Public Educational Knowledge Into Teachers Individual Knowledge.;谈公共教育知识转化为教师个体知识的问题

11.Building of the teachers virtues and their responsibility inthe age of knowledge economy;知识经济时代的师德建设与教师职责

12.Teachers as Intellectuals:Towards a Critical Teacher Education教师作为知识分子:走向批判的教师教育

13.Narrative Research of Teachers Recessive Knowledge from Viewpoint of Knowledge Management;知识管理视角下教师隐性知识的叙事研究

14.Personal Knowledge Management of University College Teacher Based on Knowledge Map;基于知识地图的高校教师个人知识管理

15.The practical knowledge and the construction of the pre-teacher s practical knowledge;实践性知识及职前教师实践性知识的建构

16.Teachers’ Professional Development in the Perspective of Personal Knowledge;个人知识观下的教师专业知识发展研究

17.On the Teachers View of Practical Knowledge Under the Western Knowledge View;西方知识观背景下的教师实践知识取向

18.Strategy of Knowledge Management in School to Promote the Sharing of Teachers Knowledge;促进教师个人知识共享的学校知识管理策略


teacher knowledge教师知识

1.The study ofteacher knowledge shall be carried out both on the level of knowledge possessed by all teachers and on the level of teacher s personal knowledge.对教师知识的探讨,不仅要从教师整体知识的层面进行,在一般意义上探讨,更要从教师个体知识的层面进行,从具体意义上探讨。

2.According to the mainstream model ofteacher knowledge,the pedagogical content knowledge is the unique knowledge domain of teacher and the sign to differentiate the expert teacher from the inexpert teacher.教师知识的主流模型认为,教学内容知识是教师独一无二的知识领域,也是区分专家教师与非专家教师的标志。

3.In the setting,teachers professional activities are based on a type of knowledge,which is calledteacher knowledge.在这一场景中,教师的专业活动依赖一定的知识基础,即“教师知识”。

3)teachers knowledge教师知识

1.Furthermore,the research on teachers cognition has also turned from the research on teachers decision,perception and thinking to the research onteachers knowledge.西方国家对教学的研究从教师的行为转向了教师的认知,而对教师认知的研究也从对教师决定、感知、思维等的研究转向了对教师知识的研究。

2.Through analyzing teacher quality and classification onteachers knowledge , this article notices that researcher only attented toteachers knowledge in the past, but paid no attention to practical knowledge.本文从内部着手,通过对教师素质构成的分析和对教师知识的分类,认为在以往的教师教育中只注意到教师的“内容知识”,而没有认识到教师的“实践性知识”,提出应从提升教师实践性知识来促进教师职业的专业化,并给出了相应的措施。

3.Along with the deep expansion of the new curriculum reform of basic education in China,teachers knowledge and teacher education will face new questions and challenges.随着我国新一轮基础教育课程改革的深入开展,教师知识及教师教育将面临新的问题和挑战,因此,教师知识需要重新建构。

4)knowledge teacher知识型教师

1.Then they back to the olds ways—knowledge teacher.但是教师在面对众多选择的时候往往不知所措而失去了改革的信心,从而走向了在我国影响深远的知识型教师的老路,对这条熟悉的道路人们往往意识不到它的缺陷。

5)knowledge optimization知识优化

1.OBJECTIVE To study the influence on theknowledge optimization of general practitioners for conducting the diabetes individual management by analyzing the effect of individual management.目的通过对社区全科医生所实施的糖尿病患者个体化管理效果进行分析,研究全科医生知识优化的影响。

6)Teachers"pedagogical knowledge教师教学知识


《关于高等学校教师职务名称及其确定与提升办法的暂行规定》中华人民共和国国务院于1960年3月5日颁发试行的一项规定。目的是为了鼓励高等学校教师不断提高政治业务水平,努力做好教学工作和科学研究工作。《暂行规定》规定,高等学校教师职务名称定为教授、副教授、讲师、助教 4级;教师职务名称的确定与提升,以思想政治条件、学识水平和业务能力为主要依据。《暂行规定》对各级职称的具体条件和审批办法等作了规定。《暂行规定》颁布后,对推动高等学校教学、科研工作,加强高等学校教师队伍的建设,起了一定的作用。但在"文化大革命"期间,高等学校确定和提升教师职称的工作中断。1978年 3月,国务院批转了教育部《关于高等学校恢复和提升教师职务问题的报告》,决定恢复高等学校教师职称,并开展提升教师职称工作。为了使高等学校教师提职工作经常化、制度化,教育部于1982年 2月又下达了《关于当前执行〈暂行规定〉的实施意见》,对《暂行规定》作了一些补充。
