900字范文 > 豆粉 soybean powder英语短句 例句大全

豆粉 soybean powder英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-06 15:09:14


豆粉 soybean powder英语短句 例句大全

豆粉,soybean powder

1)soybean powder豆粉

1.Present situation,problems and countermeasures onsoybean powder and soymilk processing in China;我国豆粉与豆奶生产现状、问题及对策

2.Using the glyphosate-resistant Genetically Modified Soybean Meal,soybean powder and Chinese degreased soybean as testing materials, and with specially designed primer, the research takes the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique qualitative detecting method of glyphosate-resistant GMS.以进口抗草甘膦转基因豆粕、豆粉和中国脱脂大豆为材料,利用设计的特殊引物,建立了PCR技术定性检测抗草甘膦转基因大豆加工品的方法,成功检测出进口抗草甘膦转基因豆粕和豆粉的内源参照基因Lectin、CaMV35S/CTPofEPSPS边界序列和NOS终止子,国产脱脂大豆仅检出内源参照基因Lectin,确定了此PCR技术检测抗草甘膦转基因大豆的灵敏度为0。

3.Soybean and hippophae rharmmoides was used as the main raw material,determining the best formula by the orthogonal test,to have made a kind ofsoybean powder that possesses nutrition and health double efficacy.以大豆、沙棘汁为主要原料,采用正交试验确定了合理配方,制成集营养、保健为一体的豆粉,该产品呈淡黄色、果味芳香、酸甜适度。


1.Study on Thermal Conductivities of Rice, Mung Bean and Soybean Powders米粉、绿豆粉及黄豆粉的导热系数的实验研究

2.a bar of candy made with carob powder.角豆粉作成分的棒糖。

3.The protein digestibility comparison experiment of cure soy powder and high protein soy powder;熟化大豆粉与高蛋白豆粉中蛋白消化性能比较

4.Present situation,problems and countermeasures on soybean powder and soymilk processing in China;我国豆粉与豆奶生产现状、问题及对策

5.CSM [corn, soya, milk]玉米、大豆粉及乾酪混制成之粉状食品

6.A Study on the Effect of Different Processed Soybean Flours in Milk Replacer on Calves;不同处理大豆粉在犊牛代乳粉中的应用研究

7.Study on Flour Properties and Noodle Qualities by Adding Soybean Powder大豆粉对面粉特性及挂面品质的影响研究

8.The "Shanghai"Brand vermicelli made from mung Beans is pure white and translucent.上海牌绿豆粉丝洁白透明。

9.Study on wave vacuum drying process of soya phospholipids大豆粉末磷脂微波真空干燥工艺研究

10.She ground the nutmeg down into powder.她把豆蔻磨成粉末。

11.Coffee beans must be ground to (into) flour咖啡豆须磨成粉状。

12.Characteristics of Mungbean (Vigna Radiata) Starches and Influence cf storage on Mungbean Quality绿豆淀粉的特性及储藏对绿豆品质的影响研究

13.Determination of Four Isoflavone in Soybean Milk Powder by HPLCHPLC法测定豆奶粉中四种大豆异黄酮含量

14.Potato starch consists of the granules separated from tuber of potato by a physical process.土豆淀粉,通过对土豆块茎的物理加工及分离而获取的粉粒。

15.Cut tofu into8 equal portions. Combine corn flour and yam flour well and coat tofu evenly with flour mixture.豆腐切成八等份厚块,先将粟粉和地瓜粉混合,再将豆腐一一沾裹。

16.User:For grinding of water-soaked bean,rice and grain to make soybean milk,bean curd,starch,etc.用途:适用于水浸大豆、大米及杂粮的磨浆,用于制做豆腐、豆皮、淀粉等。

17.Study on the application of phosphate monoester modified starch in mung bean jelly磷酸单酯变性淀粉在绿豆凉粉中的应用研究

18.She grinds fresh coffee beans every day.她每天把新鲜的咖啡豆磨成粉。


soybean flour豆粉

1.To investigate the effect of emulsifiers and low-viscosity hydrocolloids onsoybean flour, Centrolene S, Tween 80, Glutin, and Gellan gum are selected as the additives.本文考察了多种乳化剂和低粘度的亲水胶体对豆粉物性的影响 ,选用Tween - 80、CentroleneS、明胶和结冷胶作为最终添加剂 ,并研究了它们的作用机理。

3)Powder of pigeonpea seed木豆豆粉

4)soybean flour大豆粉

1.Determination of organophosphorus pesticide residues insoybean flour by solid phase extraction –gas chromatography固相萃取—气相色谱法测定大豆粉中的有机磷

2.As a new natural additive,soybean flour has been widespread concern.使用添加剂对面粉品质进行改良是面粉行业发展的必然趋势,大豆粉作为一种新型的天然添加剂已经引起广泛关注。

3.By the standard of lower active trypsin,with (BAPA)as the elemental substrate,the ac-tivity of the trypsin inhibitor ofsoybean flour was determined by the spectrophotometry inthis paper and the influences of some experiment conditions on the results were also studied.本文用比活性较低的胰蛋白酶,以苯甲酰基—DL—精氨酸—对硝基酰苯胺盐酸盐(BAPA)作为底物,分光光度法测定大豆粉中胰蛋白酶抑制物的活性。

5)Faba bean starch蚕豆淀粉

6)legume starch豆类淀粉


胨[番木瓜蛋白酶消化大豆粉制备]CAS: 91079-46-8 中文名称: 胨[番木瓜蛋白酶消化大豆粉制备] 英文名称: Peptone from soya bean flour papain-digested
