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大豆 Soybean英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-16 17:49:06


大豆 Soybean英语短句 例句大全



1.Highlight of green industry:Polyurethane from soybeans;绿色工业新亮点:大豆制备聚氨酯

2.Border Cells Alleviating Aluminum Toxicity inSoybean Root Tips;边缘细胞对大豆根尖铝毒害的缓解效应

3.WholeSoybean Dry Processing Techniques and Key Technologies;大豆干法加工工艺及关键技术研究


1.I grow soybeans, red beans, and white beans.我种大豆、红豆和白豆。

2.Beans are crunched down to make bean curd把大豆碾碎用来做豆腐。


4.Development of genetically modified soybean and strategy for soybean industry of China;转基因大豆发展及中国大豆产业对策

5.Top Soybean Products to Cope with International Soybean Crisis发展高端大豆产品应对国际大豆危机

6.Study on Extraction of Protein from High-temperature Denatured Soy Flake by Heat-pressure Method热压法提取高温大豆粕中的大豆蛋白

7.Study on extraction technology of soluble soybean polysaccharides from okara大豆渣水溶性大豆多糖提取工艺研究

8.Study on soybean oligosaccharide separated from soy molasses从大豆糖蜜中分离大豆低聚糖的研究

9.Study on the Correlation between Soybean and the Quality of Tofu and Flour Products Made from Bean Dregs大豆与豆腐品质相关性及豆渣面制品研究

10.Relationship between Grain Weight and Primary Generation of Red Bean,Soybean and Kidney Bean红小豆、大豆、菜豆的粒重和初期生育的相关性

11.An Analysis on Cooperation of Soybean Futures Prices,Soybean Meal Futures Prices and Soybean Oil Futures Prices of China我国大豆、豆粕和豆油期货价格之间的联动分析

12.Soybean for soybean industryGB/T8612-1988豆制食品业用大豆

13.One major agricultural product of Heilongjiang Province is the soya bean. The beancurd or tofu made in Harbin has a delicious taste and a fine texture.黑龙江省盛产大豆,豆腐细嫩味美。

14.Study on Extraction and Acid Hydrolysis of Soybean Isoflavone in Soybean Cake大豆豆粕中提取异黄酮及酸解的研究

15.Study on the Extraction, Purification and Refining of Isoflavones from Soybean;豆粕中大豆异黄酮的提取、纯化与精制

16.Study on Preparation of High-Purity Soy Isoflavone from Soybean Residue;由豆粕制备高纯度大豆异黄酮的研究

17.Identification and Control of Soybean Pod Anthracnose;大豆豆荚炭疽病的病原鉴定及其防治

18.Breeding Reports of New Soybean Variety Mengdou 30大豆新品系“蒙豆30号”选育报告


Glycine max大豆

1.Effects of Cd on Seedling Growth and Phytohormone Contents ofGlycine max;土壤Cd处理对大豆叶片激素含量的影响

2.Effects of Cd~(2+) on Seedling Growth and Phytohormone Contents ofGlycine max;镉处理对大豆幼苗生长及激素含量的影响

3.Effects of Cd2+ Treatments on the Growth and Cd2+ Distribution inGlycine max Plants;镉处理对大豆生物量及镉分布状况的影响


1.Determination of Six Sulfonylurea Herbicide Residues in Soybeans by HPLC-MS;大豆中6种磺酰脲类除草剂残留量的高效液相色谱-质谱法测定

2.Weed spectrum and control efficacy of fluthiacet against broadleaf weeds insoybeans;嗪草酸甲酯杀草谱及对大豆田阔叶杂草防除效果

3.Influence in Activation of the Anti-oxidase in the Blade of Soybeans with PEG;PEG处理对大豆叶片抗氧化酶活性的影响


parison of dilatational elasticity and viscosity ofsoy 11S globulin adsorbed films at different fluid interfaces;不同流体界面上大豆11S球蛋白吸附膜膨胀黏弹性的比较研究

2.Effects of different kinds ofsoy protein powder on bread-making properties;不同种类大豆蛋白粉对面包加工特性的影响

5)Soybean(Glycine max)大豆

1.Genetic Aberration on Root Tip Cells of Soybean(Glycine max)Induced by Nitrobenzene;硝基苯诱发大豆根尖细胞遗传畸变研究

2.Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression Vector Construction of Gly m Bd 30K Gene from Soybean(Glycine max)大豆主要过敏原Gly m Bd 30K基因的克隆及其原核表达载体的构建

3.The objective of the study was to develop an interaction system of soybean(Glycine max) and Phytophthora sojae in order to dissect the molecular events involved in response of the host plant to P.本研究旨在建立一个适于分析大豆遭受大豆疫霉菌侵染后基因表达研究的互作体系。


1.Processing methods of data measured by NIR spectrumsoya quality analyzer大豆品质近红外光谱分析仪测量数据处理

2.Advance in Study of Soya Protein Composite;大豆蛋白复合材料的研究进展

3.Evaluation and calculation of the uncertainty for the determination of crude proten insoya by automatic Kieltec Distilling System;大豆中粗蛋白质不确定度的评估和计算


