900字范文 > 人才资源开发 human resources development英语短句 例句大全

人才资源开发 human resources development英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-26 16:54:18


人才资源开发 human resources development英语短句 例句大全

人才资源开发,human resources development

1)human resources development人才资源开发

1.Chinese competitive sports sustainable development with trainerhuman resources development中国竞技体育可持续发展与教练员人才资源开发

2.It is very important to set up and perfect the inspiration restraint mechanism and competition cooperation mechanism inhuman resources development.在企业人才资源开发工作中 ,建立和完善激励 约束机制和竞争 合作机制是十分必要的。


1.Tapping Trained Personnel Resources and Blazing New Trials in Managing Trained Personnel;人才资源开发与吉安人才工作的创新

2.A Study on Talented Resources in Less-developed Areas in Zhejiang Province;浙江省欠发达地区人才资源开发研究

3.To Quicken the Exploitation of the Talent Resources and the Economic Development of West China;加强人才资源开发 促进西部经济发展

4.To Evaluate the Innovation of College Talent-Cultivating Model from the Talent Resource Exploitation;从人才资源开发看高校人才培养模式改革

5.Establishing the "Unconfined to One Form" Macro-Concept of Talented People in Tapping Intellectual Resources;确立人才资源开发“不拘一格”的大人才观

6.DENG Xiao-ping s talent view and the practice of the Chinese talent resource developing;邓小平人才观与中国人才资源开发实践

7.Promoting Exploitation of Talents Resources in Shanxi and Establishing Cultivating View of New-model Talents;推进山西人才资源开发,树立新型的人才培养观

8.Strategy for Leadership Development to Build up a Strong Nation实施人才强国战略 大力推进领导人才资源开发

9.Research in the Basic Theory of the Effective Countermeasures of Rencai Development;人才资源开发有效对策基础理论研究

10.Study on the Talent Resources Situation and Measure in Shandong Province;山东省人才资源开发现状与对策研究

11.Studies of Development and Utilization of Agricultural Scientific and Technical Talent Resources in Gansu Province;甘肃农业科技人才资源开发利用研究

12.The Development Strategy of the Sport Talents Resource of China;中国竞技体育人才资源开发战略研究

13.On the Related System Creation of the Person s Talented Resources Development;人才资源开发相关制度创新问题研究

14.SWOT analysis of development and management for water conservancy human resources in China;我国水利人才资源开发与管理SWOT分析

15.Our country agriculture talented person resources developmentinvestigation and ponder;我国农业人才资源开发的调查与思考

16.An Overview on the Relationship between Exploitation of Talented Teacher Resources and Construction of Harmonious Institutions of Higher Learning;论教师人才资源开发与和谐高校建设

17.Analysis on Resoures Development Characterisitics of Competitive Sport Reserve Talent;竞技体育后备人才资源开发特点探析

18.Vigorously Developing Talent Resources to Promote Social and Economic Development;大力开发人才资源,促进经济社会发展


development of human resources人才资源开发

1.The au-thor also discusses the innovation in the academic library development from the following four angles:the concept of management ,thedevelopment of human resources,the construction of information resources and the reader service.面对网络信息环境,阐述高校图书馆建设的机遇与挑战,分析高校图书馆建设的优势与不足,从管理观念、人才资源开发、信息资源建设、读者服务效益四个方面,对高校图书馆建设的创新机制进行理性思考,并提出高校图书馆建设的基本创新策略。

3)development of talent resources人才资源开发

1.The paper carefuling analyses the dialectical relationship between thedevelopment of talent resources and construction of well off society in all-round way,On the basis of it,Aiming at the main problems in developing the talent resource in process of construction of our well off society in all-round way, he puts forward the correspondent tactics in developing atlent resources.对人才资源开发和全面建设小康社会的辩证关系进行了认真分析。

4)talent resource development人才资源开发

1.A theoretical analysis of Fujiantalent resource development and the countermeasures;福建省人才资源开发的理论分析与对策思考

2.further promoting the ideal allocation of the talent flow count a lot in the process of boostingtalent resource development,what is more,we must facilitate human resources market construction,perfect talent incentive mechanism,and optimize the talent-oriented.人类社会已经进入了知识经济时代,人才是知识经济发展的根本动力,加大人才资源开发力度,重要的是培养高层次的创新人才,促进人才合理流动,必须加快人才市场建设,完善人才激励机制,优化人才成长环境。

5)exploitation of human resource开发人才资源

6)talent structure/human resources development人才结构/人力资源开发


