900字范文 > 人力资源开发战略 human resources development strategy英语短句 例句大全

人力资源开发战略 human resources development strategy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-17 15:23:51


人力资源开发战略 human resources development strategy英语短句 例句大全

人力资源开发战略,human resources development strategy

1)human resources development strategy人力资源开发战略


1.Development Strategy of Human Resources in the Spring Tide of the Westward Exploitation;西部开发大潮中的人力资源开发战略

2.Study of the Human Resource Development Strategy in the Qingyang Petrifaction Company庆阳石化公司人力资源开发战略研究

3.Research on the Strategy to the Exploration of Human Resources in the Travel Agencies in Dongying东营市旅行社人力资源开发战略研究

4.The Strategic Objective and Strategic Priority of Human Resources Development in Qujing;曲靖市人力资源开发战略目标及战略重点

5.Studies of the Strategy and Tactics on the Development of Human Resources in the West of China;西部地区人力资源开发战略及策略分析

6.The Study of the Developmental Strategy of Human Resource on the Northern Shaanxi Base of Energy Resources & Chemical Industry;陕北能源化工基地人力资源开发战略研究

7.A study in the development of the Chinese informational industry and the strategy for developing human resources;中国信息产业发展与人力资源开发战略

8.The Key TO Carry Out The Development Of Western Part Is To Exploit Man-power Resources;人力资源开发:西部大开发战略的关键

9.On the Problem of the Human Resources in the Strategies in Developing Western China;略论西部开发战略中的人力资源问题

10.Employee Development of Strategic Human Resources Management;论企业战略性人力资源管理中的人力资源开发

11.Development of Human Resources in Our Province and the Strategic Decision;甘肃省人力资源开发现状及战略决策

12.Strategic Consideration on the Development and Employment of Human Resource in Chinas Enterprises;对企业人力资源开发利用的战略思考

13.The Strategic Significance of Human Resource Development in Western Area;论西部地区人力资源开发的战略意义

14.Analysis of Strategic Human Resources Management in Development and Opening of Tianjin Binhai New Area;滨海新区开发开放的人力资源战略发展研究

15.The strategic orientated analysis of human resource development in west region s exploitation;人力资源开发在西部大开发中的战略定位分析

16.On Management Methodology and Developing Policy of Regional Strategic Human Resources;区域战略人力资源管理方法与开发策略研究

17.The Human Resource Development Policy in Kelon Bloc Global Strategy;科龙集团全球战略中的人力资源开发策略

18.Human Resources Development: A Neglected Dimension of Development Strategy人力资源开发:发展战略中一个被忽视的方面


strategic human resource development战略人力资源开发

3)human resource development strategies人力资源发展战略

1.The paper also makes further studies of Chinashuman resource development strategies in 21st cent ury.本文结合大量详实数据 ,分析我国人力资源素质的现状及其对经济的影响 ,并就中国 2 1世纪人力资源发展战略进行了讨论 。

4)strategy of resource development资源开发战略

1.The author brings forward the necessity to carry out a going-outstrategy of resource development for Chinese tantalum industry and further puts forward the concrete ways and suggestions for going-out.通过论述中国钽资源的储量、特征、供求态势,结合世界钽资源的勘探、开发现状,指出了中国钽行业实施“走出去”资源开发战略的必要性,并进一步提出了“走出去”的具体方式与建议。

5)HR stabilization and development人力资源稳定开发策略

6)human resources development tactic人力资源开发策略


