900字范文 > 水溶性染料 water-soluble dyes英语短句 例句大全

水溶性染料 water-soluble dyes英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-29 21:33:16


水溶性染料 water-soluble dyes英语短句 例句大全

水溶性染料,water-soluble dyes

1)water-soluble dyes水溶性染料

1.Adsorption properties of attapulgite clay and activated carbon towater-soluble dyes;凹凸棒土与活性炭对水溶性染料的吸附研究

2.Decolourization Properties of Water-soluble Dyes with Attapulgite Clay;凹凸棒石粘土对水溶性染料的脱色作用研究

3.The analytic method for SO42- in fourwater-soluble dyes by active carbon preseparation-potentiometric titration is developed.拟定了活性炭预分离即吸附脱色-电位滴定法分析水溶性染料中硫酸钠含量的方法。


1.Determination of cold water solubility of water-soluble dyesGB/T3671.2-1996水溶性染料冷水溶解度的测定

2.Determination of application solubility and solution stability of water-soluble dyesGB/T3671.1-1996水溶性染料溶解度和溶液稳定性的测定

3.Adsorption of Dye from Aqueous Solution and Dyeing Wastewater by Maifan Stone麦饭石对水溶性染料及印染废水吸附的研究

4.Study on Adsorption Properties and Mechanisms of Water Soluble Dyestuffs onto Purified Palygorskite;凹凸棒石吸附水溶性染料的性能及机理研究

5.Photochemically Enhanced Fenton Reaction Used in the Degradation of Water-soluble Dyes;光助芬顿氧化反应应用于水溶性染料脱色研究

6.Decolourization Properties of Water-soluble Dyes with Attapulgite Clay;凹凸棒石粘土对水溶性染料的脱色作用研究

7.Experimental Research on Treatment of Printing and Dyeing Wastewater of Soluble Dyestuff with Hydrolytic Acidification-biological Contact Oxidation Processes;水解酸化—生物接触氧化法处理水溶性染料废水的试验研究

8.Lake pigment: A pigment made by precipitation of a soluble dye on an inorganic base to render it insoluble in water.色淀颜料:可溶性染料在无机碱中沉淀而生的颜料,它不溶于水。

9.Synthesis and Properties of Water-Soluble Chitosan-Polymeric Dyes;水溶性壳聚糖高分子染料的合成及性能

10.Study on the Removal of Acid Dyes from Aqueous Solution by Modified Sugarcane Residues改性甘蔗渣吸附水溶液中酸性染料的研究

11.The antistatic agents utilized in the process are water-soluble ionic dyes.本法所用的抗静电剂,是水溶性离子染料。

12.Water soluable, it is a type of plant derived pigment from caramel.水溶性天然植物染料,是由焦糖提取的物质。

13.Water Soluble 3H-Indocyanine Fluorescence Labeling Reagents for Biological Analysis;水溶性3H-吲哚菁型生物荧光标示染料的研究

14.Adsorption and Decoloration of the Aqueous Solution of Active Dye with Expanded Graphite膨胀石墨对活性染料水溶液的吸附脱色作用

15.Degradation and Recycling of Wastewater Containing Azonic Dyes by Photo-induced Oxidation Based on Ferrioxalate/H_2O_2;水溶性阴离子偶氮染料的降解及其染色废水的循环利用

16.azoic developing bath[不溶性偶氮染料]显色浴

17.A Novel Two Dyes Co-sensitized Water-resisting Photopolymer for Holographic Recording一种新型双染料敏化的非水溶性光致聚合物全息记录材料

18.hydrolytic ratio[活性染料]水解率


water soluble dye水溶性染料

1.A study on adsorption and decolorization properties ofwater soluble dyes into attapulgite clay was made.研究凹凸棒石粘土对几种水溶性染料的吸附脱色作用,并对其中脱色效果较明显的亚甲基蓝和弱酸艳蓝RAW进行深入探讨。

2.6 kinds ofwater soluble dye wastewater were treated by adsorption with Aspergillus niger.用黑曲霉对6种水溶性染料废水进行吸附脱色,当染料质量浓度为100 mg/L时,6种染料废水的脱色率均达到88%以上。

3.The present paper makes a research on the liquid exhaustive from dye plants in hoping to test the method of treatingwater soluble dyes with resin.从热力学和动力学两方面研究了该树脂对 5种水溶性染料的静态吸附特性。

3)Water-soluble dye水溶性染料

1.The efficiencies of decolorization of six water-soluble dyes by P(AM-DMC) was tested.通过自由基聚合法合成了絮凝剂丙烯酰胺-2-甲基丙烯酰氧乙基三甲基氯化铵P(AM-DMC),研究了其对六种水溶性染料模拟废水的脱色效果。

2.The photocatalytic destruction and decolorization of several water-soluble dyesunder natural sun light and 450W high pressure Hg-lamp irradiation in the presence of photo-catalyst PbTiO_3 were studied.以PbTiO_3为光催化剂,对多种水溶性染料的光催化降解反应进行了研究,结果表明:光降解脱色效率与染料溶液的pH值、光照时间、光源种类及催化剂用量等因素有关。

4)water soluble dyes水溶性染料

1.From theoretical and practical points of view,the researcher made a considerable invesˉtigation in thewater soluble dyes,especially in the improvement of wettability and solubility of acid and reactive dyes in water.从理论和实际处理的角度,较为详细地探讨了水溶性染料,特别是酸性染料和活性染料在水中的润湿性和溶解性的提

5)hydrophilic cyanine dye水溶性花菁染料

6)water-insoluble dye水不溶性染料

1.The causes and solutions of defects in pad dyeing process withwater-insoluble dyes are discussed.第2部分以实验经验,说明使用水不溶性染料产生的染色问题。


