900字范文 > 中西方传统建筑 Chinese and Western traditional architectures英语短句 例句大全

中西方传统建筑 Chinese and Western traditional architectures英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-10 14:47:35


中西方传统建筑 Chinese and Western traditional architectures英语短句 例句大全

中西方传统建筑,Chinese and Western traditional architectures

1)Chinese and Western traditional architectures中西方传统建筑


1.Different Historical Architecture under the Sky --Analysis of Chinese and Western Aesthetic Characteristics of Traditional Architectural Distinction不同历史天空下的建筑艺术——浅析中西方传统建筑审美特征的区别

2.Analogous Analysis Between Chinese Traditional Architecture and the West Modern Architecture中国传统建筑与西方现代主义建筑的类比分析

3.The Combination of Western Bar Spaces and Chinese Traditional Architecture西方“吧”空间与中国传统建筑的融合

4.On differences in Chinese and Western religious buildings caused by traditional architectural views浅议由传统建筑观引发的中西宗教建筑差异

5.Analysis of the Fusion of Chinese and Western Architectures in Traditional Wuxi Blocks;无锡传统街区中西合璧建筑细部分析

6.Inheritance and Development of Traditional Building during Constructing of Cities and Towns in Tibet;论西藏城镇建设中传统建筑的继承与发展问题

7.On the Research of the Application of the Traditional Folk Houses Decorative Elements in West Sichuan Area in the Modern Architecture;川西传统民居建筑装饰元素在现代建筑中的运用研究

8.The Interpretation of Old Castle Zhangbi--The Research of Chinese Traditional Architecture in Shanxi Province;解读古堡张壁——中国传统建筑考察山西行

9.Research on Western Sichuan Traditional Architectural Vocabulary in the New Residential Design川西传统建筑语汇在新住宅设计中的运用研究

10.Verve Without Form--About the Influence of Chinese Traditional Thoughts on the Chinese Architecture;神韵无形——论传统思维方式对中国建筑的影响

11.Investigation on Traditional Theater Buildings of Northwest in Hubei Province(Part Two):Taking the Theater Buildings and Architecture Characteristic an Example鄂西北山区传统戏场建筑丛考(下)——戏场建筑的实例及其建筑特征

12.Even if the traditional housing are either more or less influenced by the western architectural culture.即使传统住宅也或多或少受西方建筑文化的影响。

13.Reflection of Architectural Ornament Culture of Traditional Civilian House in the West of Hunan;对湘西传统民居建筑装饰文化的思考

14.Architectural Form Development of Traditional Civil Dwellings of Tujia Minority in Western Hunan;湘西土家族传统民居建筑的形式演变

15.The world and The heaven--The differences between the east and the west religions and the embodiment in traditional architectures;人间与天国——中西宗教观的不同及在传统宗教建筑中的体现

16.The Recurrence of Chinese Traditional Architectural Culture in Modern Architectural Design中国传统建筑文化在现代建筑创作中的再现

17.Protection and Inheritance of Chinese Traditional Architectural Craft中国传统建筑工艺技术的保护与传承

18.Aesthetic and Cultural Meanings of Decorations of Shanxi Folk Houses:Taking the Three Sculptures in Architectural Decorations as Examples山西传统民居建筑装饰的审美及文化意义——以建筑装饰中的三雕为例


Chinese traditional buildings and western ones中西传统建筑

3)Chinese and Western buildings中西方建筑

4)Tibet traditional buildings西藏传统建筑

1.There are many characters in theTibet traditional buildings,of which the most important one in the plan is that they are almost located on the flatlands under the river valley or on the hill.西藏传统建筑特点很多,就其分布而言,主要有两种方式:一、河谷平原分布,二、依山而建。

5)regional and traditional architecture地方传统建筑

1.Through the whole analysis, abstraction and summing-up aboutregional and traditional architecture, I researched thoroughly the combinations of modern socie- ty, environment, economy and tec.对徽州地区地方传统民居建筑的全面的分析、提炼和总结,深入研究与现代社会、环境、经济、技术的结合,并将研究成果转化为应用技术——《地方传统建筑(徽州地区)》图集的编制为提高徽州地区小城镇住宅的设计水平提供有效的技术支持,冀以实现典型传统特色小城镇住宅的标准化设计,推进亟需的建设节约型和具有地区特色的小城镇住宅产业化。

6)Chinese traditional architecture中国传统建筑

1.Study on characteristics ofChinese traditional architecture in interior design and decoration;论中国传统建筑室内设计与装修的基本特征

2.Analogous Analysis Between Chinese Traditional Architecture and the West Modern Architecture中国传统建筑与西方现代主义建筑的类比分析


