900字范文 > 建筑传统 architectural tradition英语短句 例句大全

建筑传统 architectural tradition英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-16 05:53:52


建筑传统 architectural tradition英语短句 例句大全

建筑传统,architectural tradition

1)architectural tradition建筑传统

1.Through the contrast, civil architects should learn advanced ways of thought from the west, exceed thearchitectural tradition , and creat the excellent architecture of China.通过两者的比较 ,中国的建筑师应理性审视东西方文化 ,学习西方先进思维模式 ,学会超越自己的传统建筑和建筑传统 ,扬弃和发展自我 ,创造出优秀的中国现代建筑来。


1.Residential Architecture Traditional Element Inherit and Express;居住建筑传统元素的现代传承与表达

2.Culture Architecture CultureTraditional Archetecture Culture;文化 建筑文化 传统建筑文化

3.Inheritance and Proterction of Dong Minority Village Tradition Architectural Style;侗族村寨传统建筑风格的传承与保护

4.Protection and Inheritance of Chinese Traditional Architectural Craft中国传统建筑工艺技术的保护与传承

5.While traditional buildings are introverted in style, modern ones are extroverted.传统建筑比较内向,而现代建筑却比较外向③。

6.Application of Traditional Materials in Modern Architecture Creation;传统建筑材料在现代建筑创作中的运用

7.The Applied of Tradition Constrction Technology in Modern Architecture Enerry Conservation Design;传统建筑技术在现代建筑节能设计中的应用

8.The Enlightenment of the Traditional Islamic Architecture to the New Regional Architectural Design;伊斯兰传统建筑对新地域建筑创作的启示

9.Climate-adaptable Architecture and Regeneration of Traditional Architectural Technology;适应气候的建筑及其传统建筑技术更新

10.Application of Traditional Wood Materials in Modern Architecture Design;传统木建筑材料在现代建筑设计中的运用

11.The Relation of the Connection of Geomantic Omen Theory, The Sight Architecture and the Construction Bionomics;传统风水理论与景观建筑学、建筑生态学之关系

12.Buildings in Mission Schools and the Renaissance of Chinese Traditional Architecture;教会大学建筑与中国传统建筑艺术的复兴

13.Analogous Analysis Between Chinese Traditional Architecture and the West Modern Architecture中国传统建筑与西方现代主义建筑的类比分析

14.When Architecture Collide with the Traditional,The National Character of China’s Modern Architectural Design当建筑与传统碰撞——中国现代建筑设计的民族性

15.Relationship between water and architectural space in traditional architecture传统建筑中水体与建筑空间的关系及规律

16.On differences in Chinese and Western religious buildings caused by traditional architectural views浅议由传统建筑观引发的中西宗教建筑差异

17.The Recurrence of Chinese Traditional Architectural Culture in Modern Architectural Design中国传统建筑文化在现代建筑创作中的再现

18.The Architectural Education in the Atmosphere of Traditional Architecture Culture --The Characteristics of Italian Architectural Education传统建筑文化氛围中的建筑教育──意大利建筑教育特色


Traditional buildings传统建筑

1.Found the origin of Chinese traditional buildings plane layout寻中国传统建筑平面布局的源

2.Through analyzing the factors which influence the safety of traditional buildings and these methods to control fire fighting system,electrical safety,indoor thermal and air quality,air sampling is recommended as one effective and economical method to detect and monitor fire fighting and indoor air quality.通过分析影响传统建筑环境安全的各种因素及消防、电气、室内热舒适及空气品质的安全控制策略,指出采用空气采样器探测监控消防和室内空气品质是一种经济有效的方法,既能保护传统建筑环境安全、提高建筑物内的热舒适环境,同时也保持了传统建筑的古典风貌,做到改造与保护相协调。

3.On the basis of the historical data of churches in Fuzhou and the survey of the remains,the paper probes into the interplay between the modern churches and traditional buildings in Fuzhou tentatively.在对福州教堂史料考订和遗存实测的基础上,初步探讨福州近代教堂与传统建筑的互动关系。

3)traditional architecture传统建筑

1.Shallow discussion about the influence of Chinese ancient philosophy ideas ontraditional architecture;浅论中国古代哲学思想对传统建筑的影响

2.Research into grounding form design oftraditional architectures in Chongqing;重庆地区传统建筑的接地形态设计研究

3.Research on construction character oftraditional architecture in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region;宁夏传统建筑的营造特征

4)traditional construction传统建筑

1.Discussion on succession and protection oftraditional construction;论传统建筑的继承和保护

2.Construction Technology on Saving Energy-Sources in Traditional Construction;传统建筑中蕴含的节能技术

3.Prying about the way oftraditional construction"s protection and renewing based on the dialectics of nature从自然辩证法中窥探传统建筑保护与更新之路

5)traditional building传统建筑

1.On Chinesetraditional buildings and city image building;浅谈中国传统建筑与城市形象的塑造

2.Analysis of space construction of Chinesetraditional building;中国传统建筑空间构成特点浅析

3.Brief discussion on protecting function and technique of Chinesetraditional building bricks and tiles;浅析中国传统建筑中砖瓦的维护功能与技术

6)traditional architecture传统建筑学

1.According to the actuality oftraditional architecture and the society background of IT development, the research methodology, key system issues and other issues of thetraditional architecture are analyzed.基于建筑学的发展现状及信息技术迅猛发展的社会背景,从建筑学学科的研究方法、理论体系、设计原则及性质特征着手,分析传统建筑学所处的困境,并指出突破困境的方法,即通过与信息技术的整合,对"建筑"进行再认识,实现传统建筑学的历史性飞跃。


