900字范文 > 中西方传统思想 Traditional Chinese and Western thought英语短句 例句大全

中西方传统思想 Traditional Chinese and Western thought英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-10 01:56:34


中西方传统思想 Traditional Chinese and Western thought英语短句 例句大全

中西方传统思想,Traditional Chinese and Western thought

1)Traditional Chinese and Western thought中西方传统思想

2)Intellectual Tradition of the West西方思想传统课

3)Chinese and Western traditional education thought中西传统教育思想

1.At the same time this text have no intention to involve all questions ofChinese and Western traditional education thought, and have no intention to structure the perfect contemporary educational ideological system too.中西传统教育思想流派众多,内容丰富。


1.The Study of Several Traditional Education Ideological Problems of Chinese and Western;中西传统教育思想几个问题之比较研究

2.Morality-based Culture and Mentality-based Culture:the Bifurcation of Chinese and Western Countries Traditional Educational Thoughts;德性与智性文化:中西传统教育思想的分歧点

3.Basing on the Tradition and Melting of the Oriental and the Western;立足传统 融汇中西——郭嵩焘洋务教育思想研究

4.Rebellion Against the Tradition: Thought and Practice of Modern Education in China and in the West;传统的反叛:中西方现代教育的思与行

5.Innovations of Chinese traditional cultural and ideological education;中国传统文化与思想政治教育的创新

6.Chinese Traditional Culture and Education on Values and Morality to College Students;中国传统文化与大学生思想道德教育

7.Educational Thought of Confucious & Philosophic Outlook of Chinese Traditional Education;孔子的教育思想与中国传统教育哲学观

8.Traditional Ethics of the Teaching Profession and Quality-oriented Eduation in Confuciu s Educational Theory;孔子教育思想中的传统师德与素质教育

9.Essentials of Chinese Traditional Education and Modern Quality Education;中国传统教育思想精华与当今素质教育

10.Discussion on the role of traditional ideological and political education in national defense education传统思想政治教育在大学生国防教育中的作用

11.Research of Chinese Traditional Ideology for Education--Features of Ideology for Education of the Buddhist Sect of Mount Tiantai;中国传统教育思想研究——佛教天台宗教育思想的特色

12.Traditional Chinese Cultural Heritage Ideological and Political Education Innovation Research中华传统文化传承与思想政治教育创新研究

13.On the Value of Traditional Culture in College Students" Ideological Education传统文化在大学生思想教育中的价值思考

14.Study on the Effect of Chinese Traditional Culture to P.E.Idea;审视中国传统文化对学校体育教育思想的影响

15.On Chinese Traditional Philosophys Easthetic and Quality Education;试析中国传统哲学的美育与素质教育思想

16.A Brief Analysis of the Traditional Chinese Fitness Thinking and the Western Sports Concept;浅析中国传统健身思想与西方体育观念

17."Poetic education" is the cherished tradition of Chinese moral education which integrates moral and aesthetic education.“诗教”是中华民族思想道德教育的优秀传统。

18.On the Modern Value of Chinese Traditional Education of the Moral Ideology--From the Moral Education in School between the East and the West;论中国传统德育思想的现代价值——基于中西方学校道德教育的比较视角


Intellectual Tradition of the West西方思想传统课

3)Chinese and Western traditional education thought中西传统教育思想

1.At the same time this text have no intention to involve all questions ofChinese and Western traditional education thought, and have no intention to structure the perfect contemporary educational ideological system too.中西传统教育思想流派众多,内容丰富。

4)Chinese and Western thinking on translation中西方翻译思想

5)traditional thinking mode传统思想方式

6)Chinese traditional thought中国传统思想

1.On the one hand,theChinese traditional thought had deeply influenced him for transforming into Marxism.河上肇作为日本近代的一位马克思主义者,与中国思想有着极其密切的双向联系:一方面,中国传统思想文化对河上转向马克思主义产生了深刻的影响,在西方文化处于强势地位的日本近代,他始终亲近中国传统文化,从儒学中汲取"求道"的精神动力,并以中国古代思想为媒介来论述他的社会主义、唯物史观和人道主义;另一方面,河上的马克思主义著作,又成为现代中国思想界接受马克思主义的一个重要途径,现代中国的许多先进知识分子和革命者,都借助他的著作学习或接受了马克思主义,从而对现代中国的革命思想产生了广泛的影响。


