900字范文 > 现代主义建筑 modernism architecture英语短句 例句大全

现代主义建筑 modernism architecture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-01 23:15:39


现代主义建筑 modernism architecture英语短句 例句大全

现代主义建筑,modernism architecture

1)modernism architecture现代主义建筑

1.Irrational constituents in design ofmodernism architecture;现代主义建筑设计中的非理性成分

2.Differences betweenmodernism architecture and post-modernism architecture;浅谈现代主义建筑与后现代主义建筑的差异

3.The aesthetic nature ofmodernism architecture;全息,瞬间,精确,显见——现代主义建筑的美学分析


1.post - modernist trend in architecture后现代主义建筑思潮

2.The Main Schools and Styles of the Western Latter Modernism Bulidings and the Development Direction of Future Bulidings;现代主义建筑主要流派与风格及建筑发展趋势

3.Analogous Analysis Between Chinese Traditional Architecture and the West Modern Architecture中国传统建筑与西方现代主义建筑的类比分析

4.The abstract space and form origin of modernism architectures现代主义建筑的抽象空间和形式探源

5.Basic Design the Dynamics of Visual Form from the First Generation Modernism Constructs the Master Reading the Building Constritute Beautiful;视觉形态设计基础从第一代现代主义建筑大师谈建筑构成美

6.Review and prospect--the thought of modernism and post-modernism architecture;回顾与展望:对现代主义和后现代主义建筑的思考

7.Adopt the brief and smooth modernism architectural style, the building elevation of the modes in Chinese operatic music, four bright house types are designed.采用简约流畅的现代主义建筑风格,板式建筑立面,四明房型设计。

8.On the Cultural and Social Background of Post-modernism Architecture;后现代主义建筑的社会历史文化背景分析

9.Transformation of Western Modernist Architecture from Rationality to Romance;西方现代主义建筑由理性到浪漫的蜕变

10.The Influence of Modern Manufacturing Technology to Modernist Architecture and Aesthetic Cognition;现代制造技术对现代主义建筑形式与审美认知理念的影响

11.A Study of the Development of China"s Modernism Architectural Design by the Excellent Architectural Design award by the Ministry of Construction从历届部级优秀建筑设计奖获奖作品看当代中国现代主义建筑的发展

12.Metaphor of Richard Meier"s Works浅析新现代主义建筑师理查德·迈耶作品中的隐喻

13.Modern Architecture and Post-modernism;现代建筑与后现代主义对现代性的疏离

14.Analysis of Influence of Minimalism on Modern Architecture刍议极少主义概念对现代建筑的影响

15.From Classicism to Modernism--The Changes of Soviets Buildings (1950 s-1970 s);苏联建筑由古典主义到现代主义的转变(1950年代—1970年代)

16.The Postmodernism architectures are falling into chaos for the impression of the relativism.后现代建筑因处于相对主义的状态而陷入混乱。

17.A Case of Localization of Modernism--The Development and Evolution of Western Modern Architecture in China现代主义本土化——西方现代建筑在中国的发展、演绎

18.The Experience Expression of Modernism Painting and the Establishment of Space Ideation in Architecture Basal Education;现代主义绘画的体验表达与建筑基础教育中的空间思维建构


Modern architecture现代主义建筑

1.Origin of Space-time Conception of Modern Architecture;现代主义建筑时空观的由来

2.From its plan layout, appearance share and ornamental features, it B considered as one of the oldest works of modern architecture in China.从平面布局、外观造型和装饰特征来判断,该大楼是中国最早的现代主义建筑作品之一。

3)Modernist Architecture现代主义建筑

4)modernism construction现代主义建筑

1.Onmodernism construction of rural city in Guanzhong area;解读关中地区城中村的现代主义建筑

2.On development of Besming’smodernism construction planning methods;解读贝聿铭对现代主义建筑设计方法的发展

5)Modernistic architecture现代主义建筑

1.The first stage is the west architecture imitating, the second is the revival of Chinese traditional architecture, the last is the development of modernistic architecture.中国近代建筑思想和风格的发展经历了三个阶段:模仿洋式建筑阶段、复兴中国传统建筑阶段和兴起现代主义建筑阶段,这三个阶段之间既有递进,又有重叠,构成了近代中国建筑风格的演变历程。

6)post-modernism architecture后现代主义建筑

1.Spatial thinking and creative approaches ofpost-modernism architecture;论后现代主义建筑的空间思想与创作手法

2.Differences between modernism architecture andpost-modernism architecture;浅谈现代主义建筑与后现代主义建筑的差异

3.Review and prospect——the thought of modernism andpost-modernism architecture;回顾与展望:对现代主义和后现代主义建筑的思考


