900字范文 > 现代建筑语言 modern architecture phrases英语短句 例句大全

现代建筑语言 modern architecture phrases英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-15 18:08:28


现代建筑语言 modern architecture phrases英语短句 例句大全

现代建筑语言,modern architecture phrases

1)modern architecture phrases现代建筑语言

2)architectural language建筑语言

1.The multielementarchitectural language of FU ancestral temple in the republic of China;民国傅公祠的多元建筑语言

2.This paper,combining with design of NanYan Film Arts Cultural center,discusses the way of producing architectural form:the cultural characteristic was refined on basis of architectural function,then the codes of the form was abstracted,and finally the special cultural characteristic was shown by thearchitectural language.本文结合南雁影视艺术文化中心设计,探讨了建筑形式的生成方法:以建筑功能为基础,提炼出其文化特性,抽象出形式信息的转译码,最终以建筑语言来表达其特定的文化意义。

3.In this article,enlightment means the philosophic and cultural connotation of Harbin modernarchitectural language and its influence on the fufure architecture.对本文来说,“启示”意味着哈尔滨近代建筑语言艺术所展示给我们的哲学和文化方面的含义,以及对哈尔滨现代建筑发展的影响作用。


1.The Generality of Visual and Architectural Languages in Constructing Meaning;论视像语言和建筑语言在意义建构过程中的共性

2.Philosophical Studies on Symbolical Language Symbols in Chinese Traditional Architecture;中国古代象征性建筑语言符号的哲学文化研究

3.The Research about the Framework and the Expression of the Architecture Language;建筑语言结构框架及其表达方法之研究

4.The Research on the Gathered Shape and Architectural Language of Traditional Residential Building in NingBo;宁波传统民居聚集形态与建筑语言的研究

5.Applied Research into Architectural Language in Western Costume Design during the Period from 1998 to 1998-西方服装设计中建筑语言的应用研究

6.The edifice of legitimations is built upon language and uses language as its principal instrumentality.合法化的建筑物是建筑在语言和使用语言为其首要的手段。


8.the embellishment of a book, a building, a speech对书的修饰、 建筑物的装饰、 言语的润色.

9.The Research on Design Method for Scripting-Architecture;基于Script语言的脚本式建筑设计方法

10.Study on Frank Gehry s Creation of Architectural Shape Languge;弗兰克·盖里的建筑形态语言创作研究

11.Discussing the difference of architectural culture in the west and east from the linguistic point of view;从语言学角度谈东西方建筑文化差异

12.Let the product label, leads shows the index plate, the lampbox, becomes the construction the language mark.让标牌,导示指示牌,灯箱,成为建筑的语言符号。

13.Research on the Ecological Experiences and Pattern Language of Traditional Residential Buildings;传统民居生态建筑经验及其模式语言研究

14.A Preliminary Analysis on Alexander s Space Research in "A Pattern Language";浅析亚历山大《建筑模式语言》中的空间研究

15.Preliminary Study on Administrative Buildings Form Language and Its Dimension of Power Aesthetics;行政建筑形式语言及其权力审美向度初探

16.In the Underlying Bed Steel Structure Housing Constructs the Spatiallanguage the Explanation with to Search Learns;低层钢结构住宅中建筑空间语言的阐释与探悉

17.The Research on the Modernized Expression of the Chinese Traditional Architectural Culture Language;中国传统建筑文化语言的现代表述的研究

18.Initially Searches Based on the Chinese Classical Poetry Angle of View s Architecture Poem Language;基于中国古典诗歌视角的建筑诗性语言初探


architectural language建筑语言

1.The multielementarchitectural language of FU ancestral temple in the republic of China;民国傅公祠的多元建筑语言

2.This paper,combining with design of NanYan Film Arts Cultural center,discusses the way of producing architectural form:the cultural characteristic was refined on basis of architectural function,then the codes of the form was abstracted,and finally the special cultural characteristic was shown by thearchitectural language.本文结合南雁影视艺术文化中心设计,探讨了建筑形式的生成方法:以建筑功能为基础,提炼出其文化特性,抽象出形式信息的转译码,最终以建筑语言来表达其特定的文化意义。

3.In this article,enlightment means the philosophic and cultural connotation of Harbin modernarchitectural language and its influence on the fufure architecture.对本文来说,“启示”意味着哈尔滨近代建筑语言艺术所展示给我们的哲学和文化方面的含义,以及对哈尔滨现代建筑发展的影响作用。

3)architecture language建筑语言

1.The Research about the Framework and the Expression of the Architecture Language;建筑语言结构框架及其表达方法之研究

2.This research paper is based on the consideration toarchitecture language and place metaphor in architecture form.本文基于对建筑语言的思考,把隐喻置于建筑形式中,从人与建筑,建筑与形式,建筑与文化的内在关系出发,结合语言学、符号学等相关理论和实例,对建筑形式中的隐喻进行系统分析和总结,由此提出并进一步探讨了“隐喻化”创作模式这一概念。

4)Architecture & Linguistics建筑·语言

5)modern architecture现代建筑

1.Intergration of Reasoning and Emotion Professor Feng Jizhong and the Commencement and Development of Modern Architecture in China;重理而倾情 冯纪忠先生与中国现代建筑思想的滥觞与发展

2.Thought onmodern architecture;关于现代建筑的几点思考

3.Traditional inheritance of Chinesemodern architecture;中国现代建筑的传统继承

6)modern construction现代建筑

1.Discussion on relationships betweenmodern construction and environment;论现代建筑与环境的关系

2.Inheritance and innovation of Japanesemodern construction s development;从日本现代建筑的发展看继承与创新


