900字范文 > 西方建筑理论 Western architecture theories英语短句 例句大全

西方建筑理论 Western architecture theories英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-24 17:55:15


西方建筑理论 Western architecture theories英语短句 例句大全

西方建筑理论,Western architecture theories

1)Western architecture theories西方建筑理论


1.From “Ism” s to Ontological Architectural Thinking--Introduction and debate of Architectural Theories from the West since 1930s in China从“主义”之争到建筑本体理论的回归——1930年代以来西方建筑理论的引进与讨论

2.The Evolution of Western Theory on the Relationship of Cities and Architecture论西方关于城市与建筑关系理论的演变

3.Face to Current Western Architecture: Comments on Development of the Academy Thought of Charles Jencks面对西方当代建筑——查尔斯·詹克斯建筑理论发展的三个阶段

4.A Clarification on the Misunderstanding of Marx s Superstructure Theory by Western Scholars;对西方学者误解马克思上层建筑理论的澄清

5.Reason and Rhetoric in Le Corbusier"s Architecture Theory勒·柯布西耶建筑理论中的理性与修辞

6.Between Two Terminal--On the Discrepancy of the Eastern and Western Architectural Culture;两极之间——论中西方建筑文化的差异

7.Western Architecture Theory and Practice of Bioclimatic Design基于生物气候条件的西方近现代建筑理论及实践

8.Part and Total: Analysis of Modern Western Urban Architectural Theory about the Types of Relationship between Architecture and City;局部与整体——近现代西方城市建筑理论中关于建筑与城市关系的类型分析

9.Postmodernism and Contemporary Aesthetics and Psychology in the West当代西方美学、心理学与后现代建筑派

10.Talk about the Similarities and Differences between China and Western Architecture and Sculpture Relation from the Angle of Culture;从文化角度论中西方建筑与雕塑关系的异同

11.This kind of design thought connect the size of the section with the spanof the truss of the same structure, and is a very interesting architectural theory earlier hundreds years than that formed in the western.这种以构架空间跨度大小决定建筑结构断面大小的设计方法,较之西方同类理论早出了数百年。

12.Effect Of West Architecture Culture On Our Neoteric Architecture西方建筑文化对我国近代建筑的影响

13.The Architectural Creations Research of West Lake Scenic Area Based on Theories of Region Environment;基于地域环境理论的西湖风景区建筑创作研究

14.The Study of Aldo Rossi s Urban Architecture Theory and It s Practical Significance;阿尔多·罗西城市建筑理论及其现实意义研究

15.Transformation of Western Modernist Architecture from Rationality to Romance;西方现代主义建筑由理性到浪漫的蜕变

16.Research of Theory and Application in Architectural Design Project Management;建筑设计项目管理理论方法及应用研究

17.The Theory and Method Investigation for Construction Enterprise Informatization in Our Country;我国建筑企业信息化管理理论与方法研究

18.Research on Xi"an Modern Times Mansion Architectures Influenced by the Western Architectural Culture受西方建筑文化影响的西安近代公馆建筑研究


western urban architecture theories西方城市建筑理论

3)western architecture西方建筑

1.About the meaning of Architecture: Afterword to the Chinese edition of Meaning in Western Architecture;关于建筑的意义——《西方建筑的意义》译跋

2.Analysis the minimalism expression architecture in modern Western architecture;当代西方建筑中的极少主义表现建筑分析

3.On pleating phenomenon of Western architecture浅析西方建筑中的褶子现象

4)architectural theory建筑理论

1.Discussion on specialarchitectural theory of China;试论中国特色的建筑理论

2.This paper believes it is a proper method forarchitectural theory pursuing the principles of design,that is,we can settle the basic issue of how to produce an appropriate building only by asking the nature of building,and the designer or the user of it must hide behind.对于求法则的建筑理论而言,这种研究方法基本上是合适的,因为只能通过追问建筑的内在逻辑性来回答建筑学的基本问题,即建造法则问题。

3.Taking the five modern Chinese architects as example, this paper tries to sum up and to integrate their achievements on explora-tion ofarchitectural theory system, and discusses the principles, which should be followed in establishingarchitectural theory system.以五位中国现代建筑师为例,对他们在建筑理论体系建构方面所做着的有意探索进行归纳和整合,并且探讨了建筑理论体系建构应该遵循的原则。

5)Architecture Theory建筑理论

1.Starting from the several public buildings disputed andthe recently opened Conference of National Engineering Academy withthe topic on public buildings the paper has discussed the relation be-tween the lack of architecture theory and several abnormalities comesforth in the architecture area.从几座有争议的大型公共建筑引发的中国工程院“大型公共建筑讨论会”的召开,论述了当前中国建筑创作领域出现的个别“畸形建筑”与建筑理论的缺失之间的关系,重提了“回归基本原理”的主张,并围绕由王贵祥教授新译《建筑理论》上、下册中有关建筑学的基本范畴与派生范畴的关系,对中国建筑理论与世界建筑理论的发展进行了回顾;提出正确的建筑理论主张与国家发展之间存在着一定的关联,强调应该面对当前建筑理论与创作的现状,对建筑理论基本原理做更为深入的探索与理解,真正在建筑理论与创作两个方面有所发展与创造,以繁荣中国的建筑事业。

2.the paper has researched the cultural artistic features of landscape s materials: such as the wood,stone,metal,and water,and the modern architecture theory and style influence on their features.着重探讨了景观设计中常用材料,如木材、石材、金属和水的文化艺术特征,现代建筑理论及风格对景观材料文化艺术特征的影响。

6)the western architectural history西方建筑史


