900字范文 > 建筑理论 architectural theory英语短句 例句大全

建筑理论 architectural theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-06 00:10:36


建筑理论 architectural theory英语短句 例句大全

建筑理论,architectural theory

1)architectural theory建筑理论

1.Discussion on specialarchitectural theory of China;试论中国特色的建筑理论

2.This paper believes it is a proper method forarchitectural theory pursuing the principles of design,that is,we can settle the basic issue of how to produce an appropriate building only by asking the nature of building,and the designer or the user of it must hide behind.对于求法则的建筑理论而言,这种研究方法基本上是合适的,因为只能通过追问建筑的内在逻辑性来回答建筑学的基本问题,即建造法则问题。

3.Taking the five modern Chinese architects as example, this paper tries to sum up and to integrate their achievements on explora-tion ofarchitectural theory system, and discusses the principles, which should be followed in establishingarchitectural theory system.以五位中国现代建筑师为例,对他们在建筑理论体系建构方面所做着的有意探索进行归纳和整合,并且探讨了建筑理论体系建构应该遵循的原则。


1.The Influence of Postmodern Architectural Theories to Chinese Architectural Design;后现代建筑理论及其对中国建筑设计的影响

2.Reason and Rhetoric in Le Corbusier"s Architecture Theory勒·柯布西耶建筑理论中的理性与修辞

3.the modern architectural theory that less is more.越少越好的现代建筑理论

ments on the Theory of Cosmogenic Architecture by Charles Jencks查尔斯·詹克斯的宇源建筑理论评析

5.The Relation of the Connection of Geomantic Omen Theory, The Sight Architecture and the Construction Bionomics;传统风水理论与景观建筑学、建筑生态学之关系

6.On Necessity of Applying Construction SurveySystem in Construction Market;试论建筑市场实行建设监理的必要性

7.Study on the Function of Construction Engineering Quality Control Based on LP Theory;论LP理论对建筑工程质量控制的作用

8.The theory and practice of building engineering subcontracting and its government;建筑工程分包及其管理的理论与实践

9.Self-organizing Theory for Administration of Building Market and Its Application;建筑市场管理的自组织理论及其实现

10.Solutions to the Problem of "Short-lived Building":Thoughts and Actions on Both the Levels of Building and Its Social and Economic Environment;解决“短命建筑”问题不能就建筑论建筑

11.Architect,Justice and Ethics--To Talk about the Architect s Function Consciousness in Terms of Ethics;建筑、公正与伦理——从伦理学角度论建筑师的职能意识

12.The Safety Assessment of Fire Protection in Building Based on the Theory of Hazard;基于危险源理论的建筑防火安全评估

13.Theorization of Traditional Construction Technology in Chiangnan (from 1520s to 1920s);江南传统建筑技术的理论化(1520—1920)

14.Civil Structure Optimal Control Theory and Application Studies;建筑结构最优控制理论及其应用研究

15.Study on Landscape and Energy Saving of Building;园林绿化与建筑节能关系的理论研究

16.On the Conditions and Improvements of Construction Energy Conservation Government Management;论建筑节能政府管理的状况及其改善

17.A Model of Translation Process Based on "Frame Theory;建筑在“框架”理论上的翻译过程模型

18.Architectural Social Behavior Space on Social Interaction Theoris;互动理论下建筑的社会行为空间思辨


Architecture Theory建筑理论

1.Starting from the several public buildings disputed andthe recently opened Conference of National Engineering Academy withthe topic on public buildings the paper has discussed the relation be-tween the lack of architecture theory and several abnormalities comesforth in the architecture area.从几座有争议的大型公共建筑引发的中国工程院“大型公共建筑讨论会”的召开,论述了当前中国建筑创作领域出现的个别“畸形建筑”与建筑理论的缺失之间的关系,重提了“回归基本原理”的主张,并围绕由王贵祥教授新译《建筑理论》上、下册中有关建筑学的基本范畴与派生范畴的关系,对中国建筑理论与世界建筑理论的发展进行了回顾;提出正确的建筑理论主张与国家发展之间存在着一定的关联,强调应该面对当前建筑理论与创作的现状,对建筑理论基本原理做更为深入的探索与理解,真正在建筑理论与创作两个方面有所发展与创造,以繁荣中国的建筑事业。

2.the paper has researched the cultural artistic features of landscape s materials: such as the wood,stone,metal,and water,and the modern architecture theory and style influence on their features.着重探讨了景观设计中常用材料,如木材、石材、金属和水的文化艺术特征,现代建筑理论及风格对景观材料文化艺术特征的影响。

3)ethic in construction management建筑管理论理

4)Foreign architectural theory外国建筑理论

5)architectural symbiotic theory建筑共生理论

1.Discuss thearchitectural symbiotic theory from the Taoism thought;从道家思想看建筑共生理论

6)Urban Architecture Theory城市建筑理论

1.Research on Pritzker Prize Owners Innovation onUrban Architecture Theory;普利茨凯奖获奖建筑师的城市建筑理论创新研究


最早的建筑理论与型制的形成最早的建筑理论与型制的形成 古罗马与古希腊柱式比较古罗马建筑在材料、结构、施工与空间的创造等方面均有很大的成就,在空间创造方面,重视空间的层次、形体与组合,并使之达到宏伟的富于纪念性的效果;在结构方面,罗马人在伊特鲁里亚和希腊的基础上,发展了综合东西方大全的柱与拱券结合的体系;在建筑材料上,除了砖、木、石外,还有运用地方特产火山灰制成的天然混凝土;此外,罗马人还把古希腊柱式发展为五种:即多立克柱式、塔司干柱式、爱奥尼克柱式、科林斯柱式和组合柱式,并创造了券柱式。在理论方向,形成了系统的建筑理论体系,以维特鲁威的《建筑十书》为主,成为自文艺复兴以后三百多年建筑学上的基本教材。
