900字范文 > 余华小说 Yu Huas novels英语短句 例句大全

余华小说 Yu Huas novels英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-21 01:26:47


余华小说 Yu Huas novels英语短句 例句大全

余华小说,Yu Hua"s novels

1)Yu Hua"s novels余华小说


1.From Rebellion to Conversion:Comments on Yu Hua s Narration of Family;从反叛到皈依——论余华小说的家庭书写

2.The subversion and reconstruction of the image of father in Yu Hua s novels;余华小说对“父亲”形象的颠覆与重构

3.From One Despair to another--The Spiritual Journey in Novels by Yu Hua;从绝望到绝望——余华小说的精神之旅

4.An Approach to Repetition and Cycle Narration in YU Hua s Novels;试论余华小说的重复叙事和循环叙事

5.The existence of symbol:an annalysis of the images in Yu Hua" novels象征的存在——余华小说人物形象论

6.Yu Hua"s thematic adoption and surpass from his novel Brothers从《兄弟》看余华小说主题的承袭与超越

7.Spirit trend of Yu Hua"s novel writing style after transition余华小说创作风格转型后的精神走向

8.From Suffering to Salvation--On the theme of Yu Hua"s Novels从苦难走向救赎——论余华小说主题话语的升华

9.Yu Hua: Stern Gaze on Life Tragedy--Talking about Yu Hua’s Novels and Their significance in Literary History余华:生命悲剧的冷峻凝视——论余华小说及其文学史意义

10.From Physical Self to Social Self Leap on Yu Hua s of Creation Concept;从“小我”到“大我”——余华小说创作观念的飞跃

11.A Study on the Contemporary Image Problem from the Image of Yuhua s Novels;从余华小说的意象表现看当代意象问题

12.Adventure Beyond Imagination into Souls--Yu Hua s Strenuous Spiritual Journey in Writing;超越想象的心灵探险——余华小说创作的精神苦旅

13.Gorgeousness will Inevitably Turn to Plainness--On Humanity Viewpoint in Yu Hua s Novels;灿烂之极归于平淡——论余华小说中人性观的发展

14.On the Symbolic Imagery and Its Composition of Yu Hua s Pioneer Novels;余华先锋小说的象征意象与组合方式

15.Loss of Balance between Beauty and Ugliness,Weakened Force of Salvation--A Remark of Yuhua s Novel Brothers;美丑失衡 救赎乏力——评余华的小说《兄弟》

16.Push Forward and Break out of an Encirclement--The Interpretation of YuHua′s "Brothers";挺进与突围——解读余华长篇小说《兄弟》

17.A Revelry Song about Desire;欲望的狂欢曲——评余华的小说《兄弟》

18.Yu Hua: Problems or Methods?--An analysis of To Live by Yu Hua;问题还是方法——读余华长篇小说《活着》


Yu Hua novel"s creation余华小说创作

3)Yu Hua"s cultural revolution novel余华文革小说

4)A Study of Yu Hua s Novels余华小说研究

5)On Yu Hua s Novel余华小说探略

6)On Yu Hua s Novels论余华的长篇小说


