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余华 Yu Hua英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-12 12:12:43


余华 Yu Hua英语短句 例句大全

余华,Yu Hua

1)Yu Hua余华

1.Absurd World: From Humanistic Dissimilation to Humanistic Evil——on the Theme ofYu Hua s Absurd Novel;荒诞世界:从人性的异化走向人性的邪恶——论余华小说的荒诞主题

2.On the Artistic Trend ofYu Hua s Novels after Writing Transformation;论余华小说创作转型后的艺术走向


1.What has Yu Hua bring to us--analyzing Yu Hua s narrating mode;余华带给我们什么——简析余华的“文革”叙事模式

2.Confused Brothers and Ambiguous Yu Hua:Review on Studies on Yu Hua in 纷扰的《兄弟》与暧昧的余华——余华研究述评

3.The tragic deficiency of the Yu Hua vanguard novel--A comparison of Yu Hua and Lu Xun;余华先锋小说的悲剧性缺失——兼谈余华和鲁迅的比较

4.Harvest or Deficiency?--A Comment on the Yu Hua s New Work Brothers and His Writing Crisis;收获还是匮乏?——评余华新作《兄弟》兼论余华面临的写作危机

5.Yu Hua: Stern Gaze on Life Tragedy--Talking about Yu Hua’s Novels and Their significance in Literary History余华:生命悲剧的冷峻凝视——论余华小说及其文学史意义

6.From Suffering to Salvation--On the theme of Yu Hua"s Novels从苦难走向救赎——论余华小说主题话语的升华

7.Analysis of the Significance of Carnival Narration in Yu Hua s Brothers;论余华《兄弟》的狂欢化叙事及其意义

8.From Rebellion to Conversion:Comments on Yu Hua s Narration of Family;从反叛到皈依——论余华小说的家庭书写

9.The Significance of Yelling in the Drizzle to Yu Hua s Writing;《在细雨中呼喊》对余华创作的意义

10.On the Symbolic Imagery and Its Composition of Yu Hua s Pioneer Novels;余华先锋小说的象征意象与组合方式

ment on the Novel-Brothers;迷狂时代下的情感——对余华《兄弟》的解读

12.The subversion and reconstruction of the image of father in Yu Hua s novels;余华小说对“父亲”形象的颠覆与重构

13.Loss of Balance between Beauty and Ugliness,Weakened Force of Salvation--A Remark of Yuhua s Novel Brothers;美丑失衡 救赎乏力——评余华的小说《兄弟》

14.Return to the Taoist Culture--On Yu Hua s Cultural Choice and its Significance;道家文化:余华的文化回归及其意义

15.Push Forward and Break out of an Encirclement--The Interpretation of YuHua′s "Brothers";挺进与突围——解读余华长篇小说《兄弟》

16.From One Despair to another--The Spiritual Journey in Novels by Yu Hua;从绝望到绝望——余华小说的精神之旅

17.Looking for Eternal of Life in Kissing Gate:About Brothers Ⅱ;在窄门内寻找永生——评余华《兄弟·下》

18.Conceiving of Love and Ideal--Analysis of Brothers(Ⅰ)Newly Written by Yu Hua;爱与理想的构建——余华新作《兄弟》(上)解读



1.Demon and Buddha ofYuhua;余华的“魔界“与“佛界”

2.Broadness and profundity,paleness and weakness of bemoaning the state of the universe and pitying the fate of mankind——The power and limit ofYuhua s novels of the middle period;悲悯的博大与苍白——余华中期小说的力量与局限

3.The Implication of Chinese Traditional Culture inYuhua s Works;论余华作品中的中国传统文化意蕴

3)Yu Hua"s novels余华小说

4)On Yu Hua s Works余华论

5)Pioneer Yu Hua先锋余华

6)MaYuan YuHua马原、余华等


