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古代小说 ancient novels英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-27 17:47:41


古代小说 ancient novels英语短句 例句大全

古代小说,ancient novels

1)ancient novels古代小说

1.The historical warning function and persuasive function inancient novels;古代小说的史鉴功能和劝戒功能——中国古代小说评点派研究二题

2.The study of "edition" forms the basis of the study ofancient novels and is also the premise of evaluating them historically and aesthetically.古代小说有其特殊性质,版本研究是古代小说研究的基础,也是对古代小说作出历史和审美评价的前提。

3.The reason is believed to the disconnection between the study of the ancient Chinese novels and the creation ofancient novels.小说概念的辨析和界定是20世纪中国古代小说研究中一个长期未能得到很好解决的学术难题。


1.The Origin and Development of Ancient Vietnamese Fiction and Its Relation with Chinese Fiction中国古代小说与越南古代小说的渊源发展

2.Origin and Development of Novels in Ancient China and Korean Peninsula中国古代小说与朝鲜半岛古代小说的渊源发展

3.Research on the Development of Novels of Complicated Legal Case Through Changes of the Title of Novels of Complicated Legal Case古代小说书名与公案小说发展之研究

4.Essay and Classical Novel--An Important Viewpoint to Study Classical Novel文章与古典小说——研究古代小说的一个重要视角

5.The Ancient Novels Entertaining and Aesthetic Functions──A Research on the Chinese Ancient Novels Critics;古代小说的娱乐功能和审美功能——中国古代小说评点派研究二题

6.The historical warning function and persuasive function in ancient novels;古代小说的史鉴功能和劝戒功能——中国古代小说评点派研究二题

7.The exploration that accords with the ancient novel on the way of real collation--Sun kai-di s ancient novel collate method shallowly searched;探索符合古代小说实际的校勘之路——孙楷第古代小说校勘方法浅探

8.On the Influence of Sociology of the Ancient Chinese Novels over the 20th Century Chinese Fiction;20世纪中国小说与中国古代小说的流变关系

9.Describing Sex Story--Correcting the Names of Parts of Ancient Stories and Classifying Them Anew;言性小说——对部分古代小说的重新正名归类

10.The Medieval Translation of Buddihist Scriptures and the Motive of Bullion Exchange;中古汉译佛经与古代小说金银变化母题

11.Teaching Strategy of Ancient Novel about Middle School Chinese Teaching Materials;中学语文教材中古代小说的教学策略

12.Ancient novel critics comments on "foreshadowing and correlating" in narration;古代小说评点家论叙事之“埋伏照应”

13.The "Goods Desire" Narration:A New Vision of the Research of the Ancient Chinese Novels;“物欲”叙事:中国古代小说研究的新视角

14.Writing Techniques of "Appearance and Behavior" Description in Traditional Chinese Novels;中国古代小说“传情为态”的写人技法

15.Faint Foreshadowing and Comment on Ancient Chinese Novels;论“草蛇灰线”与中国古代小说评点

16.An Analysis of the Term Huahuo(Vivid Portrayal) in Ancient Chinese Theory on Fiction;中国古代小说理论中的“画活”解析

17.Unfamiliarization and The aesthetic effect Of Chinese Classical fiction;“陌生化”与中国古代小说的审美效果

18.A Comparative Study on the Editions Between the Ancient Novels and Operas;中国古代小说、戏曲版本之比较研究


ancient novel古代小说

1.Both Chineseancient novel and drama are characterized by common esthetics in the way of being comprehensive,civilized and popular.中国古代小说和戏曲具有综合性、教化性、愉悦性、通俗性等共同的审美特征,而古代戏曲还有直观性、程式化、节奏性、抒情性等独有的审美特征。

2.The character images in Chineseancient novels and dramas has experienced the developing process that starts from nonexistence to existence,from simplicity to complexity,from the characteristics of type to the typification.中国古代小说和戏曲中的人物形象都经过了从无到有,从简单到复杂,从类型化到典型化、复杂化的发展过程。

3.Although the physiognomist images exist in many ofancient novels,they have seldom caused the researcher s concern in the past.相士形象虽然在古代小说中大量存在,但以往很少引起研究者的关注。

3)ancient fiction古代小说

1.This paper, by referring to such true and fake characters in theancient fiction as LI Kui, SUN Wo-kong and JIA Bao-yu, explores the effects of the writers creating and describing such characters in reflecting the characters mind and personality, enriching their works ideological implications and enhancing their works aesthetic dimension.本文以古代小说中真假李逵、真假孙悟空、甄 (真 )贾 (假 )宝玉等人物形象为例 ,具体地分析了作者们设置、描写真假人物 ,对于突出主要人物的思想性格 ,丰富作品的思想内涵 ,增强作品的审美效果所起的作用。

2.The paper intends to delineate the role and significance of preface and postscript in the reading ofancient fictions.文章从阅读者的角度论述了序跋在读者欣赏古代小说中的重要作用和意义。

4)ancient Chinese novels古代小说

1.As far as theancient Chinese novels are concerned,from their "no appealing to refined taste" in the born stage to the ultimate "hot cake" in the literature field,the readers consumption needs played a big role in the above-mentioned process.中国古代小说从产生时的“不登大雅之堂”到逐渐成为人们文学消费的主体,在这一过程中,读者的消费需求起着相当大的作用。

2.Studies inancient Chinese novels were very fruitful in the 20th century.中国古代小说研究在20世纪已取得重大成就,展望新世纪,我们要有创新的理论思维,扎实的基础工作,深入的专题研究,广泛的学术交流,不断壮大的学术队伍。

5)ancient Chinese fiction中国古代小说

1.They not only exist in natural world, but also appear inancient Chinese fictions.它不仅出现在自然界,也显现于中国古代小说中。

6)ancient Chinese novels中国古代小说

1.This paper discusses the relationship between ancient Chinese textbooks in Japan andancient Chinese novels.文章就这一现象对古代日本汉语教科书与中国古代小说之间的关系做一概述,得出结论:在日本,汉语教材不仅是中国古代语言文化传播的途径之一,也是中国古代小说的一种传播方式,并且这是一种有自我发展能力的高层次的传播方式。

2.The spread of famous works in Chinese is the main stream of propagation ofancient Chinese novels abroad,but their transmission is somewhat different in different countries.名著是中国古代小说在域外传播的主流,但它们在不同国家传播的情况不尽相同,一些二三流作品的传播有时超过了其在本土的影响,这是由于中国古代小说域外传播带有随意性、偶然性以及名著文化含量高,传播难度大等原因造成的。

3.In terms of Confucian “harmony" and “similarity", conclusions can be reached that garment inancient Chinese novels has harmonious beauty both in appearance and in spirit.中国古代小说深受儒家思想的影响 ,因此 ,结合传统儒家思想的“和”“同”之论 ,从服饰与人关系的角度 ,可以论证出 ,中国古代小说中的服饰描写具有形神兼备的和谐美特征。




