900字范文 > 地方非税收入 local non-tax revenue英语短句 例句大全

地方非税收入 local non-tax revenue英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-09 23:34:04


地方非税收入 local non-tax revenue英语短句 例句大全

地方非税收入,local non-tax revenue

1)local non-tax revenue地方非税收入

1.economic growth can promote the growth of government non-tax income,the growth of non-tax revenue will also be counter-productive to economic growth;if to examine the acting forces of the non-tax revenue of the central and local governments on the economic growth,it can be found that there is a more close relation and stronger interaction between thelocal non-tax revenue and economic growth.利用1994-间的相关数据,通过对我国政府非税收入与经济增长的相关性进行实证分析,其结果表明:GDP总量与政府非税收入互为因果,即经济增长能促进政府非税收入的增长,非税收入的增长也会反作用于经济增长;若分项考察中央与地方政府非税收入对经济增长的作用力,则地方非税收入与经济增长的关系更为密切,两者之间的互动性更强。

2)Local-tax Income地方税收入

1.Fiscal Decentralization,Transfer payments andLocal-tax Income:An analysis with Inter-provincial Panel Data from 1985 to 财政分权、转移支付与地方税收入——基于1985-省级面板数据分析


1.Quantitative analysis of the Relationship between Local Tax Revenue and GDP& Industrial Structure in Hubei Province湖北省地方税收入与GDP和产业结构关系的研究

2.Fiscal Decentralization,Transfer payments and Local-tax Income:An analysis with Inter-provincial Panel Data from 1985 to 财政分权、转移支付与地方税收入——基于1985-省级面板数据分析

3.Strengthening Tax Management,Optimizing the Structure of Local Tax Revenue;加强税收管理 优化地方税收收入结构

4.Research on Tax Income Distribution among Local Governments under Tax-sharing System;分税制下地方政府间税收收入分配问题研究

5.A Study of the Relations between Local Tax Revenue and the Increase of GDP and Local Financial Income of Xinjiang;新疆地税收入与GDP、地方财政收入增长关系研究

6.The Empirical Study of Local Tax Income on Regional Economic;地方税收收入与区域经济发展的实证分析

7.Analysis and Countermeasure of Local Tax Revenue of Guangxi;对广西地方税收收入的分析及其对策研究

8.Research on the Causes and Countermeasures of Local Fiscal Budgetary Receipts Fulfilled by Fabricated Taxes税收空转完成地方财政预算收入的成因及对策

9.The Study on Estimation of Local Taxable Capacity and Its Application in China Based on Tax Structure我国地方税种收入能力测算方法及应用研究

10.The local tax revenue was RMB $452.7 billion,11.5% more than the previous year, and increased amount reached RMB $45.8 billion.地方级税收收入4527亿元,比上年增长11.5%,增收458亿元。

11.The local tax revenue was RMB ¥452.7 billion,11.5% more than the previous year, and increased amount reached RMB ¥45.8 billion.地方级税收收入4527亿元, 比上年增长11.5%, 增收458亿元。

12.On the Effect of Local Tax Equalization;地方税收均衡入库的影响因素及实现途径

13.Analysis on the Reasons and Conditions of Non-tax Collection Increase Sharply of Local government地方政府非税收入激增的动因与条件分析

14.An Argument on the Reform of Real Estate Tax and Pattern of Intergovernmental Fiscal Relation in China;关于房地产税费改革方向和地方财政收入模式的论辩

15.Be exempt from local income tax for the time Being暂免征收地方所得税

16.Analysis of the Shrinking Local Revenue and Sustainable Development--A Case of Beijing s Local Taxes;地方税收萎缩趋势分析和可持续发展的思考——以北京市地税收入为例

17.Discussion on the Deviation of Tax Source and Income in the Minority Areas;论民族地区税源与税收收入的背离问题

18.In general, local governments have received most of their tax revenues from property taxes, while state governments traditionally have depended on sales and excise taxes.一般说来,地方政府的收入主要来自财产税,州政府大多依靠营业税和消费税。


Local-tax Income地方税收入

1.Fiscal Decentralization,Transfer payments andLocal-tax Income:An analysis with Inter-provincial Panel Data from 1985 to 财政分权、转移支付与地方税收入——基于1985-省级面板数据分析

3)non-tax revenue非税收入

1.The Management of Non-tax Revenue: Problems and Countermeasures;我国政府非税收入管理中存在的问题及完善对策

2.One of the important reforms is to classify the non-budget revenue intonon-tax revenue,and managed by state budget.在收入分类中一项重要的改革就是将预算外收入列归非税收入纳入预算管理。

3.This paper aims at exerting the general theory ofnon-tax revenue under the conditions of normal well-developed market economy to penetrate into the existing problems and causes of China’snon-tax revenue in current economy .非税收入无序膨胀、总量规模过大,管理失范、失控、混乱已成为当前经济社会一大突出问题。

4)non-tax income非税收入

1.The extra-budgetary funds that belong tonon-tax income used to go to the governments and public institutions to be dealt with of their own accord,which produces lots of problems.预算外资金属于非税收入,过去归政府及事业单位自收自支,存在很多问题。

2.This paper reviews the evolution of the concept of government’snon-tax income, analyzes the concept and scope of the government’snon-tax income, and discusses the corresponding variations caused by the government’snon-tax income.回顾了政府非税收入概念的沿革,分析了政府非税收入的概念和范围,论述了政府非税收入概念引发的相关变化。

5)non-revenue receipts非税收收入

6)local tax地方税收

1.Through analyzing the present situation of the private economy,this paper probes into some factors restraining the development of the private economy,and studies on the boosting function of thelocal tax in promoting the development of the private economy.通过剖析民营经济的现状,探寻制约民营经济发展的若干因素,并就地方税收在促进民营经济发展中的助推作用进行初步研究。

2.Because of the efficiency loss in the game between local government and central government and the improper difference between nominal tax burden and actual tax burden,the principal part oflocal taxes produces different influence on regional economy.由于地方政府与中央政府博弈造成的效率损失,名义税负与实际税负的错位使得地方税收的主体税种对地方经济的影响各异。

3.The paper makes a positive analysis of the relation oflocal tax income and regional economic growth.本文在实证分析的基础上,得出地方税收收入与区域经济增长存在正相关关系,且从区域角度看,其效应从东部到西部依次减弱。


