900字范文 > 非税收入管理 non-tax revenue management英语短句 例句大全

非税收入管理 non-tax revenue management英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-08 10:58:50


非税收入管理 non-tax revenue management英语短句 例句大全

非税收入管理,non-tax revenue management

1)non-tax revenue management非税收入管理


1.Thinking on Strengthening and Regulating the Government s Non-tax Income;加强和规范政府非税收入管理的思考

2.The Problem and Countermeasure of Government′s Non-revenue Receipt Management;试论目前政府非税收入管理存在的问题及对策

3.Constructing the New Management System of Non-Tax Law Income in Scope of Public Finance构建公共财政下的政府非税收入管理新体系

4.Reforming of Non-Tax Income Management Under Public Finance公共财政框架下政府非税收入管理改革的思考

5.The Study of the Management System for None-tax Income in Conceming Our Public Finance System of the Goverment;关于我国公共财政体制中政府非税收入管理制度的探讨

6.The Management of Non-tax Revenue: Problems and Countermeasures;我国政府非税收入管理中存在的问题及完善对策

7.Strengthening Tax Management,Optimizing the Structure of Local Tax Revenue;加强税收管理 优化地方税收收入结构

8.Study of Fund Management Mode Reform on Non-tax Revenue in China;我国政府非税收入资金管理模式改革研究

9.Research on the Status quo and norm of Chinese Government Non-tax Revenue;我国政府非税收入现状及其规范管理问题研究

10.The Improvement of the Non-tax Revenue Budget Management in China;完善我国政府非税收入预算管理的思考

11.Gradual Retreat of "Extra-budgetary Funds" and Standard Management of "the Government s Non-tax Income";“预算外资金”淡出与“政府非税收入”的规范管理

12.Reflection on the Definition and Management of Non-tax Income in Colleges关于高校非税收入的界定和管理的思考

13.The Research of Integrating the Tax Service to the Revenue Administrator System;将纳税服务融入税收管理员制度研究

14.Strengthening Land Monitoring and Managing to Increase Government Non-tax Income;加强土地经营监管 增加政府非税收入

15.source jurisdiction收入来源税收管辖权

16.Constructing the Collection Mechanism of the Revenue Beyond Taxation at the New Age;如何构建适应新形势的非税收入征管机制

17.non-income base for tax discrimination纳税差别的非收入基准

18.Foreign Taxation Bureau涉外税收管理局(外税局)


Exploration of the non-tax revenues management非税收入管理探索

3)non-tax revenue非税收入

1.The Management of Non-tax Revenue: Problems and Countermeasures;我国政府非税收入管理中存在的问题及完善对策

2.One of the important reforms is to classify the non-budget revenue intonon-tax revenue,and managed by state budget.在收入分类中一项重要的改革就是将预算外收入列归非税收入纳入预算管理。

3.This paper aims at exerting the general theory ofnon-tax revenue under the conditions of normal well-developed market economy to penetrate into the existing problems and causes of China’snon-tax revenue in current economy .非税收入无序膨胀、总量规模过大,管理失范、失控、混乱已成为当前经济社会一大突出问题。

4)non-tax income非税收入

1.The extra-budgetary funds that belong tonon-tax income used to go to the governments and public institutions to be dealt with of their own accord,which produces lots of problems.预算外资金属于非税收入,过去归政府及事业单位自收自支,存在很多问题。

2.This paper reviews the evolution of the concept of government’snon-tax income, analyzes the concept and scope of the government’snon-tax income, and discusses the corresponding variations caused by the government’snon-tax income.回顾了政府非税收入概念的沿革,分析了政府非税收入的概念和范围,论述了政府非税收入概念引发的相关变化。

5)non-revenue receipts非税收收入

6)non-revenue receipt非税项收入


