900字范文 > 中央政府非税收入 Central authorities non-tax revenue英语短句 例句大全

中央政府非税收入 Central authorities non-tax revenue英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-28 23:09:18


中央政府非税收入 Central authorities non-tax revenue英语短句 例句大全

中央政府非税收入,Central authorities non-tax revenue

1)Central authorities non-tax revenue中央政府非税收入

1.TheCentral authorities non-tax revenue enters is the government finance income important component, strengthens theCentral authorities non-tax revenue to enter the management is the government non-tax revenue enters the management the important content.中央政府非税收入是政府财政收入的重要组成部分,加强中央政府非税收入管理是政府非税收入管理的重要内容。

2)central government non-tax revenue中央非税收入

3)Explanation on the Government"s Non-tax Income浅释政府非税收入

4)government income burden rate政府收入税负率

1.This article proposes the concept of macro tax burden and discusses three different indicators of tax burden,which are tax income burden rate,fiscal income burden rate andgovernment income burden rate respectively,and at last compares the tax burden of our country with that of the world averagely.本文从宏观税负的概念出发,引入了税收收入税负率、财政收入税负率和政府收入税负率三种不同的税负衡量指标,并比较了三种不同衡量指标下我国税负率与国际平均税负率的高低。

5)The central fiscal revenue中央财政收入


1.The Relationship Between Salt Tax and Finance of Beijing Guomin Central Government;北京国民政府中央财政收入中的盐税

2.All the financial revenues of the Macao Special Administrative Region shall be managed and controlled by the Region itself and shall not be handed over to the Central People"s Government.澳门特别行政区财政收入全部由澳门特别行政区自行支配,不上缴中央人民政府。

3.The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall use its financial revenues exclusively for its own purposes, and they shall not be handed over to the Central People"s Government.香港特别行政区的财政收入全部用于自身需要,不上缴中央人民政府。

4.The Pattern of Financial Revenues and Expenditures of the Central and the Local during the Period of Nanjing Government;论南京政府时期的中央与地方财政收支结构

5.the Public R -国库收入, 财政收入

6.Farmers paid taxes to the central government, and provided most of its income.农民向中央政府纳税,税款是中央政府的主要收入来源。

7.The central treasury will incorporate the national natural science funds into the budget thereof.中央财政将国家自然科学基金的经费列入预算。


9.We will gradually increase central and local financial input in population and family planning programs. The increase of that input should be bigger than the increase of financial revenues.逐步提高中央和地方财政对人口与计划生育经费的投入水平,增加幅度高于财政收入的增长幅度。

10.The Expansion of Informal Fiscal Revenue and Consequences in Fiscal Decentralization;财政分权中非正式财政收入的膨胀及后果

11."government receipts, revenues"政府收入,政府财政收入,岁入

12.Problems Existing in the Structure of Local Fiscal Revenues--And Concurrently Talks about the Structure Problems of the Urban Fiscal Revenues in Datong City;地方财政收入结构中存在的问题——兼论大同市财政收入结构问题

13.The British governmental department charged with the collection and management of the national revenue.财政部英国政府中收集并管理国家收入的部门

14.A Test of Causality Relationship Between China Financial Revenue and GDP;中国财政收入与GDP的因果关系检验

15.On the Deviation of Financial Resources and Fiscal Revenue in Economic Development经济发展中财源与财政收入背离问题研究

16.On the Financial Investment in Public Education during the Period of Rapid Economic Growth-A Comparison of the Financial Investment in Education by the Japanese and the Chinese Central Governments;经济高速增长期公共教育财政投入研究——以中日两国中央教育财政投入的比较为核心

17.The central government has also increased its fund input and support of other forms through all kinds of special financial transfer payment as well as financial transfer payment under the preferential policy for ethnic minorities.中央政府还通过各种专项财政转移支付、民族优惠政策财政转移支付,加大资金的投入和支持。

18.The Reconstruction of China s Income Distribution Institution from the View of Fiscal Policy;财政政策视野中的中国收入分配制度重构


central government non-tax revenue中央非税收入

3)Explanation on the Government"s Non-tax Income浅释政府非税收入

4)government income burden rate政府收入税负率

1.This article proposes the concept of macro tax burden and discusses three different indicators of tax burden,which are tax income burden rate,fiscal income burden rate andgovernment income burden rate respectively,and at last compares the tax burden of our country with that of the world averagely.本文从宏观税负的概念出发,引入了税收收入税负率、财政收入税负率和政府收入税负率三种不同的税负衡量指标,并比较了三种不同衡量指标下我国税负率与国际平均税负率的高低。

5)The central fiscal revenue中央财政收入

6)central government中央政府

1.Oncentral government and local government s relation from real estate price growing;从房价上涨看中央政府与地方政府的博弈

2.Based on Principle-agent:Action Analysis of Central Government Decision-Making on Countryside;基于委托—代理视角:中央政府农村决策行为分析

3.Thecentral government and social education: a perspective of the science education;中央政府与社会教育:理学教育的视角


中央1.四方之中。 2.中间。 3.古指国君。 4.今指国家政权或政治团体的最高领导机构。 5.古代以五方配五行,中央表土,土色黄,故又以中央代表黄色。
