900字范文 > 公私合作制 PPP英语短句 例句大全

公私合作制 PPP英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-18 12:30:36


公私合作制 PPP英语短句 例句大全



1.PPP is proved to be an effective approach for solving problemsexisting in country s public utilities, by many countries in the world.“公私合作制”(PPP)是经全球各国验证为有效解决公用事业种种弊端的投建、经营方式。


1.A Tentative Analysis on the Role and Accountability of Government in Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs);公私合作制(PPPs)中的政府角色与职能分析

2.A Study on the Construction of PPP s Organizational Structure in Our State s Municipal Utility Area;论我国市政公用事业部门公私合作制组织结构的构建

3.Practicability of the Public-private Partnership:an Analysis Based on Urban Track Traffic公私合作制(PPP)可行性:以城市轨道交通为例的分析

4.The Innovation Incentives of Public-Private Partnership under Incomplete Contracts:Analysis on Innovation Conditions of Social Welfare Based on Public Services Supply不完全合同框架下公私合作制的创新激励——基于公共服务供给的社会福利创新条件分析

5.Establishment of Public-private Game Frame and Cooperation Mechanism for PPP Model;PPP模式公私博弈框架和合作机制构建

6.Construction of Public-Private Partnership of Urban Public Transport Service in China我国城市公交服务公私合作机制的构建

7.Public-Private Partnerships for the Urban Environment公私合作保护城市环境

8.State private Coexistemce and Mixture--the Distinguishing Feature of the system of sotialist Qwnership;公私并存、公私融合:社会主义所有制的特点

9.Feasibility and effectiveness of a public-private mix project for improved TB control in Delhi, India印度德里地区公私合作项目促进结核病控制的可行性和有效性

10.Study on Construction of Public-private Partnerships in Municipal Solid Waste Renovation in China;我国城市生活垃圾整治中公私合作机制的构建研究

11.A Study on Fare Regulations for Metro Public-Private Partnership Practice;公私合作模式下的城市轨道交通票价管制政策研究

12.A Study of PPP of Urban Sewage Disposal;城市污水处理公私合作(PPP)模式研究

13.Applying Research of Public Private Partnerships in Our Country;公私合作融资模式在我国的应用研究

14.New Idea of Railway Investment--PPP Project Financing;铁路投资新理念——公私合作项目融资

15.The Analysis on Management Model of Joint Public-Private School;关于“公、私合作型学校”治理模式的分析

16.The development of China′s agricultural insurance from a private and public cooperation perspective公私合作视角下中国农业保险的发展

17.Until 1999 it was a private partnership.直到1999年它都是一家私人合伙制公司。

18.The cooperation include the closer collaboration between owner and government bodies.公私合作包括建设单位与政府部门的紧密合作。


public-private partnership公私合作制

1.Being as a mechanism of public services supply different from the traditional modes,thepublic-private partnership makes a PPP combination responsible for the construction and operation of infrastructure projects.公私合作制作为一种有别于传统模式的公共服务供给机制,将基础设施项目的建设和运营同时交由一个公私合作制联合体负责。

3)public-private cooperation mechanism公私合作机制

1.According to the analysis of the four game equilibrium between public and private, it discusses the mechanism problems and forms the frame ofpublic-private cooperation mechanism.首先对PPP项目合同关系和项目干系人进行了分析,针对政府公共部门和私营企业两个关键干系人构建了双方的博弈框架,通过对公私双方四个方面博弈均衡的分析,探讨了各自相对应的机制问题,形成了公私合作机制框架,最后提出构建公私合作机制的有关建议。

4)Public-private partnerships system公私合作伙伴制

5)Public-Private Partnerships公共私营合作制

1.Study onPublic-Private Partnerships and Its Application;公共私营合作制借鉴应用研究

6)public-private partnership公私合作

1.They point out that we should expand the scope of public service through the change of related institutions, establish the basic principles reasonably, develop a newpublic-private partnership public service model, reconstruct the procedure of public service and maturize the related public law for public service, thus to achieve the balance between.现代公法应当顺应公共服务社会化、市场化和法治化的趋势 ,通过制度变革合理拓展公共服务范围 ,科学确立公共服务原则 ,建构公私合作的公共服务模式 ,重塑公共服务程序 ,完善公共服务配套公法制度 ,推动公共服务供求关系实现平衡。


